Experience counts!

CSSE 2015 Annual General Meeting

Join the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers for their 2015 Board Meeting, AGM, and Awards Dinner in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

When: Friday, May 29, 2015
Where: Winnipeg Manitoba – Where the New West Begins
At the Manitoba Club, 194 Broadway
Note: Dress code in effect - Jacket and smart casual dress. No denim, shorts, T-shirts, sneakers, or sandals.
Program: (At the Manitoba Club)
9:00 am Board of Directors Meeting
12:00 pm Lunch (delegates, fellows and partners)
2:00 pm Annual General Meeting
(All CSSE members welcome)
5:00 pm Pre-Gala reception
6:00 pm Dinner, Fellowships, Recognition of the Winnipeg Aqueduct


Delegates and Fellowship recipients are to register online. Payments must be by credit card.

Register Online Now!

Hotel Accommodations:

A block of rooms has been arranged at the Fairmont Winnipeg hotel (adjacent to the well-known Portage and Main), and is available for the nights of May 28th, 29th, and 30th for $189 per night plus taxes. Delegates should reference the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers when making reservations. Reservations are to be made by calling 204-985-6240 or the Global Reservations Centre at 1-800-441-1414.

Getting Around:

While the Fairmont is within easy walking distance of the Manitoba Club (800 meters), shuttle transportation will be also available.

Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR):

Visitors to Winnipeg would be missing out if they don't experience the CMHR. It is an easy walk from the Fairmont Hotel. See their website for information and tours. The Manitoba group recommends the "Discover the Building" tour option.

While you are in Manitoba you might also consider: