[Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Logo]
News Notice
January 13, 2022
Awards Nominations are Open!
The Association is seeking nominations for its 2022 Awards. Honours are presented in a variety of categories and recognize outstanding Manitoba engineers and geoscientists, teams, and employers. There are two new award categories for 2022, including the Innovation Award and the Student Achievement Award. Information about the awards and award nomination forms can be found on our website.

Submit an Engineering or Geoscience Trailblazer
Do you know a Manitoban who is blazing a trail in the fields of engineering or geoscience? The Association accepts submissions for the Manitoba Trailblazers feature in The Keystone Professional on an ongoing basis. If you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their innovative work or impact in the industry, please send submissions to LEllis@EngGeoMB.ca. Past examples of the Manitoba Trailblazers features can be found on our website.

Volunteer Opportunities
Nominating Committee - Multiple Positions
The Nominating Committee assists Council in identifying election candidates who meet the criteria for councillors as described in the Governance Policy, in a manner consistent with the Act and By-laws, and takes into consideration the broadest possible diversity of the membership. This committee is looking for four new members: three professional members, one of which needs to be a professional geoscientist, and one intern (engineering or geoscience). Please see the call for volunteers for full details.
Registration Committee - Multiple Positions
The Registration Committee (RC) is currently seeking mid-career practitioners with oversight/management experience and expertise in mining, mechanical/HVAC, geological engineering, or geoscience to join the committee. RC reports to Council and is responsible for conducting the final review for members and interns who are moving forward towards final registration. Meetings are held virtually over the lunch hour. For more information about this position, please see the call for volunteers for full details.
Professional Development Opportunities
Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessment - Featuring the PIEVC Process (A BRACE/MCRT Course) - January 26, 2022
This course, hosted by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, is the seventh Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE)/Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MCRT) course in the nine-course Foundational and Infrastructure path specifically recommended for infrastructure professionals. Focusing on the PIEVC risk assessment process, this course will outline the main steps of conducting a climate change risk/resilience assessment on infrastructure systems. To register for this course, please see the event listing.
Ingenium On-Demand Library - Until January 28, 2022
The deadline is fast approaching to access all of the Ingenium 2021 conference content! Registration for all of the live and exclusively recorded professional development seminar is open until this Friday, January 14, 2022, with the On-Demand Library available until January 28, 2022. Association registrants can access over 15 hours of professional development sessions for the reduced rate of just $100. Register online.

BE-STEMM 2022 - February 2, 2022
The Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN) is hosting their first annual conference for Black Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine/Health (BE-STEMM 2022). This virtual, interdisciplinary conference will highlight established and rising star Black Canadians in STEMM fields through plenary talks and concurrent talks sessions. To learn more about the event details, please see the conference website.
Looking for more online training opportunities? Click here to access a full listing of training delivered online.