EngGeoMB Career Opportunities Site
Did you know that the Association offers a job posting service?
Employers can find more information via our
Looking for a job? There are currently jobs posted such as Control Systems Specialist,
Project Manager, as well as engineering jobs in various disciplines.
For a complete listing, see our
Career Opportunities webpage.
Spring Member Engagement Session The Council of
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba invites all practitioners to an online
engagement session to be held
Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00
p.m. This session will be held on Zoom, with limited spaces to attend
in-person. If you wish to attend, please register online before
May 15,
2022. To request your attendence be in-person, please email Gemma at
For more information please visit the
18th Annual Making Links Engineering Classic - Last Chance!
Only one tee time remaining!
This is the final call to register for Making Links! The 18th Annual Making
Links Engineering Classic will take place at Quarry Oaks on
June 16,
2022! Hosted by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, this event supports the
Price Faculty of Engineering. To register your team, visit the
Links event page for more information and online registration.
Co-Working Sessions for Interns Who Are Women and
Gender-Diverse -
June 9, 2022
As part of the
Association's strategic commitment to achieve Council policy End 5:
Practitioners Reflect the Diversity of the Public, Engineers Geoscientists
Manitoba is launching support co-working sessions for women and gender-diverse
interns. For more information, please visit the
2022 Turtle Island Indigenous Science Conference -
June 14, 2022
the University of Manitoba's Faculty of Science as they explore the Indigenous
scientific legacy and the value of the application of two-eyed seeing to modern
science today. Interactive workshops and sessions will explore scientific
knowledge embedded in Indigenous languages, traditional medicine and health,
Indigenous engagement with the land and the environment, and novel STEM
education approaches that include the Indigenous ways of knowing. For more
information please visit the