[Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Logo]

News Notice
May 4, 2023
EngGeoMB Council Meeting
Council invites professional members, interns, students, and any resident of the province of Manitoba to come and observe the May Council meeting on May 11, 2023. To register, please email the Secretary of your intention to attend the meeting. Deadline to register: May 10, 2023, at 12:30 p.m.

CBHCC Seeking Input on Policy Considerations in the National Model Codes
The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is seeking input from stakeholders, experts, code users, and the general public on the wave two draft policy recommendations for developing and implementing greenhouse gas emissions provisions in the National Model Codes before finalizing the policy framework. For more information, please see the news story.

EngGeoMB Communication Survey
At Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, we strive to ensure that the methods we use to provide information are as effective as possible. The Association is seeking stakeholder engagement on the subject of communication methods to better support our practitioners. Click here to complete this short survey before 9:00 a.m. on May 10, 2023, and be entered for a chance to win a $250 gift card of your choice! If you have any questions or comments on this topic, please contact Cella Lao Rousseau, Communications Coordinator, at CRousseau@EngGeoMB.ca.

Volunteer Opportunities
Registration Committee
The Registration Committee is a committee of Council, responsible for conducting the final review of applicants and interns moving forward towards final registration. The committee is currently looking for professional engineers, specifically in the areas of biosystems, civil, electrical, mechanical, and aerospace engineering to participate in monthly meetings to discuss assigned files, issues, and policy development. For more information on this opportunity please see the call for volunteers.

Upcoming Events
Filipino Members Chapter: Fundraising Event for Scholars - May 26, 2023
Each year, the Filipino Members Chapter and the Mario T. Mance, P.Eng. Memorial Scholarship aim to provide financial assistance to help students, newcomers, and interns in achieving their engineering and geoscience career goals. In 2022, the chapter was able to grant 14 scholarships and bursaries in total. This year, the chapter is hosting another fundraising event on May 26, 2023, at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) at 737 Keewatin St. To register for this event and for more information, please see the event listing.

Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) Webinar - May 11, 2023
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a collaborative project delivery method that combines the owner, consultant, contractor, and other key parties under a single multiparty contract. This arrangement aligns their interests so the different parties work cooperatively to achieve agreed-upon project objectives. During this presentation, CCDC authors will explain the IPD methodology and the use of CCDC 30. For more information and to register for this event, please see the event listing.

Climate Action for Business: Training & Experience Sharing Forums
The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce 2023 Climate Action Forum Series is designed to help build awareness and capacity and share experiences among Manitoba's small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) for enhancing resilience to climate change and achieving carbon reductions through their home game (operations and facilities), and away game (products and services offered). For more information and to register for in-person and online sessions, please see the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce event listing.