Disciplinary Hearings and Notices

Upcoming Hearings

Citations published by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba contain unproven allegations against a practitioner that will be considered at a discipline hearing. The purpose of the discipline hearing is to determine the validity of the allegations.

Hearings are open to the public. Anyone interested in attending should contact Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba in advance to confirm the time and location of the hearing. Please contact the Director of Professional Standards.

Hearing Type and DatesDetails
Discipline Committee

June 16-27, 2025

Joint Charge - J.W. Arthur, P.Eng.

Joint charge: 21.13, 22.01, 22.16, 22.21 and 23.02

Discipline Hearing commenced September 24, 2024

Discipline Committee


File 21.05 - Y. Shan

Discipline Hearing commenced November 27, 2024

Published Decisions

Discipline decisions are published here in accordance with section 50 of the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

Practitioners whose license has been suspended, cancelled, or who have resigned their registration are not permitted to practise professional engineering or geoscience, or use the titles professional engineer (P.Eng.), professional geoscientist (P.Geo.), or specified scope of practice licensee (Eng.L, Geo.L).

Details of the circumstances relevant to the finding of unskilled practice of professional engineering or professional geoscience, or the finding of professional misconduct, are available by clicking on the individual's name or the title of the discipline document.

Effective DatePractitioner
January 13, 2025File 23.12 - K.P. Kapusniak Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal
September 18, 2024File 23.10 - D.G. Bell Notice of Formal Caution
August 22, 2024File 20.19 - P.M. Dorn Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
February 8, 2022File 13.01 - V.J. Thielmann Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
August 29, 2024File 24.04 - Stephen Petrovich Discipline Notice
July 25, 2024File 20.17 - R.A. McDonald Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
January 3, 2024File 20.15 - Mohamed Matar Decision on Penalty
July 6, 2023File 21.11 - Gregory Fortune DC Panel Decision Resolution and Order of Council
July 6, 2023File 21.12 - Mazen Habash DC Panel Decision Resolution and Order of Council
June 8, 2023File 20.15 - Mohamed Matar Reasons for Decision
May 19, 2023Files 14.12 14.14 14.16 - F. Daniel Wolfrom Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
January 25, 2023File 20.06 - F. Daniel Wolfrom Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
December 23, 2022File 19.07 - Jessica Manness Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
September 3, 2022File 22.07 - Leslie Frovich Order and Charge
August 11, 2022File 21.11 - Gregory Fortune Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
August 11, 2022File 21.12 - Mazen Habash Reasons for Decision Discipline Order
April 21, 2022File 20.20 - John Rocke Order and Charge
February 17, 2021File 19.05 - Stephen Petrovich
November 10, 2020File 20.02 - Norman Garcia
July 14, 2020 File 20.03 - John Arthur
June 12, 2019 File 18.07 - Brad Ellis

When practitioners have completed their suspension and/or all conditions from a disciplinary order, or when their registration is no longer subject to practice restriction(s) due to disciplinary actions taken by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, they are moved to the list below.

Date of ReprieveName
December 22, 2021File 18.13 - John Friesen
March 13, 2021 File 17.07 - William Hanuschak
November 30, 2020File 17.08 - Pavel Ast
July 27, 2020 File 15.10 - William Hanuschak
June 29, 2020 File 20.07 - Stephen Petrovich
February 14, 2020File 19.06 - Plagiarism (name withheld)
March 31, 2019 File 16.17 - John Rocke