Competency Categories
Achievement of each category is measured through a competency rating scale that outlines six different levels of competence (0 to 5). Each category has a required minimum overall average level of competence which is set at level 3 or level 2. The average of an applicant's competency ratings within each category must meet or exceed the required minimum level, with no rating being less than 1 (training level).
Engineering Competencies
The Competency Framework for engineering consists of seven competency categories, which are groupings of competencies or skills. These are:
- Technical Competence
- Communication
- Project and Financial Management
- Team Effectiveness
- Professional Accountability
- Social, Economic, Environmental, and Sustainability
- Personal Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The seven categories represent the essential areas in which professional engineers of all disciplines must demonstrate competence to ensure effective practice and public safety. Each competency category contains a list of the competencies required in that area. Applicants must meet the required average level of competence in each competency category to meet the competency requirements.
The Engineering Competency Assessment (PDF) has 34 key competencies with generic (non-discipline specific) indicators with specific technical indicators.
Geoscience Competencies
The Competency Framework for geoscience consists of four competency categories, which are groupings of competencies or skills. These are:
- Professionalism
- Scientific Method
- Area of Geoscience Practice
- Complementary
The four categories represent the essential areas in which professional geoscientists of all disciplines must demonstrate competence to ensure effective practice and public safety. Each competency category contains a list of the competencies required in that area. Applicants must meet the required average level of competence in each competency category to meet the competency requirements.
The Geoscience Competency Assessment (PDF) has 29 work experiences competencies with generic (non-discipline specific) workplace examples.