Ethio-Eritrean Members Chapter

The Ethio-Eritrean Members Chapter of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is a non-profit organization, consisting of professionals and interns with Ethio-Eritrean heritage registered with the Association.

Technologists/technicians and students in the engineering-related fields are also welcome to join the Chapter. Chapter membership is free once registered with the Ethio-Eritrean Members Chapter.


  1. To assist the Association in matters of engineering and geoscience as authorized by Council.
  2. To promote, undertake or engage in programs, functions or activities that will contribute to the professional growth and career development of its members.
  3. To encourage and facilitate the study, discussion and exchange of ideas and information among its members on all questions of interest as engineers and geoscientists and as citizens.
  4. To establish a registry of Ethio-Eritrean heritage professional engineers (P.Eng.), professional geoscientists (P.Geo.) and interns (EIT or GIT) within Manitoba.
  5. To assist, support, and provide mentorship for members to become registered professional engineers and geoscientists with the Association.
  6. To support the educational aspirations of future members by granting financial support for academic endeavours.
  7. To undertake and/or engage in community-based projects, and/or collaborate with community-based service oriented groups, or entities in their projects, programs and activities.
  8. To provide a forum for members to formally recognize the voluntary contributions of its members to the Association and as citizens in the community.

Chapter Membership

The Chapter has three membership categories:

  1. Full Member
    A full member is any individual who has Ethio-Eritrean heritage and is a registered member of the Association, including Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.), Engineering Intern (EIT) or Geoscience Intern (GIT).
  2. Student Member
    A student member is any individual who has Ethio-Eritrean heritage and is either pursuing a bachelor's degree in engineering or geoscience in Manitoba, or has completed a bachelor's degree in engineering or geoscience in Manitoba or any other province, territory, or any other country and is in the process of completing the academic requirements to become registered in Manitoba. Student members do not have voting privileges.
  3. Associate/Lay Member
    An associate/lay member is any individual who has Ethio-Eritrean heritage and wishes to be a member of the Chapter, but is not registered with the Association. Associate members do not have voting privileges.

Any member (regardless of ethnicity and location) can join the Chapter for mutual support and networking.

If you are interested in affiliating with the Chapter, kindly send an e-mail to the Chapter chair, Wondimu Tadesse, at wtadesse@tempeff.com


During the 2009 Christmas holidays, a few water resources engineering professionals met at a local Winnipeg restaurant to discuss how to foster networking and forge friendship amongst Ethiopian and Eritrean origin water resources engineering professionals and their families. Started with six (6) water resources engineering professionals with a bi-annual gathering, the group had become popular in no time and received numerous requests from other engineering disciplines to be more inclusive.

On March 5, 2016, over thirty (30) engineering professionals with Ethiopian and Eritrean origin held a get-together with the intent to create a formal and more inclusive association. At the social gathering, an ad hoc committee was formed with a mandate to prepare a framework for discussion at a general meeting to be held on August 27, 2016. The framework set forth a couple of directions: to establish a formal association, which led to the formation of Ethio-Eritrean Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba (EEEGM); and to work towards to ultimately become a chapter of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. Subsequently, the Ethio-Eritrean Members Chapter Constitution and By-law was submitted to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba on March 8, 2019 for approval, and the application was approved by the Council on March 14, 2019, creating the establishment of Ethio-Eritrean Members Chapter of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

Chapter Events

Search the Events calendar.

Contact Information

Ethio-Eritrean Members Chapter chair, Wondimu Tadesse.