MARCH 2023

Meet Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., FEC: Acting CEO, Registrar, and Secretary of EngGeoMB

Grant Koropatnick has stepped down from the Association after 17 years as CEO & Registrar. As of January 7, 2023, Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., MBA, FEC, has assumed the duties of the CEO, Registrar, and Secretary on a temporary basis.

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2022 By-law Proposals

After engagement with membership, through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2022.

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2022 Council Election

In this year's election, there are ten (10) candidates for election to three (3) positions in the professional engineer category. There is no election for the professional geoscientist member to the Council; the one candidate will be declared elected by acclamation. There is no election for the intern position on council this year.

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JUNE 2022

Bilingual Engineering Work Products for Federal Procurement

The federal government recently released Policy Notification (PN)-48R1 to update the obligations for individuals involved in procurement with respect to the Official Languages Act.

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International Women in Engineering Day 2022

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), brought to you by Women's Engineering Society (WES), will celebrate its 9th year today on June 23, 2022.

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New Report Explores the Experiences of Indigenous Engineers

A new report commissioned by Engineers Canada and completed by Big River Analytics about Indigenous inclusion in engineering explores the experiences of Indigenous engineers in three provinces from their formative years, including their upbringing and early education, through to their professional experiences.

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18th Annual Making Links Engineering Classic

On June 16, the 18th annual Making Links Engineering Classic golf day was held at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach.

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Practice Bulletin: Whole Building Energy Modelling Services

This Practice Bulletin/Note applies to architects and engineers who are providing, procuring, contributing, and/or coordinating Building Energy Modelling services on buildings of all types and sizes, regardless of the requirements for professional design and review within Building Codes.

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Enforcement of the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code

The requirements of the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code, including local amendments, will be enforced by the City of Winnipeg starting July 1, 2022, via Winnipeg Electrical By-law Number 72/2022.

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MAY 2022

Engineers Canada Gold Medal Awarded to Digvir S. Jayas

The 2022 Engineers Canada recipients are promoting sustainability, championing equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering, and leading impactful projects and research. This year, Digvir S. Jayas, OC, DSc, P.Eng., was presented Engineers Canada’s the Award’s highest honour - the Gold Medal Award at the Engineers Canada ceremony in Toronto.

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Association Volunteer Recognized By Engineers of Tomorrow

The 2021-2022 academic year marked the pilot of a new partnership between Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and Engineers of Tomorrow, bringing the Engineer-in-Residence (EIR) Program to Manitoba schools.

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By-law Review Committee Seeking Input on Draft By-law Proposal

The By-law Review Committee has developed draft by-law proposals under By-law 16.3 for the 2022 year.

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ProDev Guide Update: Caregiving Activities Added

The ProDev Guide has recently been updated to include information regarding Caregiving Activities. Under the Categories/Activities portion of the ProDev Guide (Page 7), a new block of text has been added under the Participation section.

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APRIL 2022

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is NOW OPEN!

The Job Grant provides funding to employers to help cover the cost of training their new and existing employees to meet business needs, and to provide Manitobans with the skills they need for available jobs.

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EngGeoMB's New Student Achievement Award

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba are proud to announce a new award category for 2022, recognizing undergraduate student members of the Association for their groundbreaking projects or theses.

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MARCH 2022

Role of the Validators in the CBA System

The Association has improved its registration process to provide a more equitable, transparent, consistent, and efficient process for applicants. A virtual information session took place on March 24, 2022. A recording of this session is now available.

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2022 Spaghetti Bridge Competition: A Smashing Success!

With impressive loads and enthusiastic students, the 2022 Spaghetti Bridge Competition marked another successful year for this annual Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba event.

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BRACE Courses Now Available Online

Courses hosted by the Association which explore climate change resilience in infrastructure are now available to watch online, as part of the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) program.

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Online Learning Modules Available

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has developed a series of online learning modules to help practitioners find more accessible ways to fulfil their ProDev requirements.

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National Engineering and Geoscience Month

Though National Engineering and Geoscience Month (NEGM) celebrations this year will continue to be held virtually, the goal remains the same: to spark an interest in the next generation of engineers and geoscientists and to celebrate the role that these professionals play in society.

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Member Engagement Sessions – Future By-law Changes

Council invites all members to participate in open online engagement sessions discussing potential by-law changes for 2022.

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EngGeoMB Introduces New Registration Process

In an effort to make the registration process more equitable, transparent, consistent, and efficient, the Association has improved and streamlined the procedures for applicants seeking professional licensure in Manitoba.

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Online Learning Modules Now Available

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has developed a series of online learning modules to help practitioners find more accessible ways to fulfil their ProDev requirements.

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BRACE - Foundational and Infrastructure Path

Follow the nine-course "Foundational and Infrastructure Path" to prepare your engineering practice for climate change!

The Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MCRT) Project is part of the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) initiative that aims to build capacity and expertise of professionals, the business community in Northern Manitoba, and Indigenous organizations and communities to address the risks associated with climate change.

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Annex D of CSA A23.3 Now Mandatory

Annex D of CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures is now mandatory and will come into full effect when the new National Building Code comes out at the end of the 2021 year.

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Graduate Research Days 2022

Considering further education and applying for graduate research studies in engineering? Graduate Research Days 2022, hosted virtually by the University of Toronto Engineering, is a unique opportunity to engage with staff, faculty, and graduate students to learn more about engineering graduate studies.

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Congratulations to Recipients of 2021 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards

On Friday, November 5, 2021, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual awards ceremony, hosted online. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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Better Together: One Regulator is Good for the Public and Professionals

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba (CTTAM) co-author an article on the benefits of merging regulators between engineers and technologists.

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17th Annual Making Links Engineering Classic

On August 19, the 17th annual Making Links Engineering Classic golf day was held at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach. One hundred and seventy-six golfers joined us on the links for a day of golf, prizes, and an opportunity to network with fellow professionals in support of the Price Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.

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JUNE 2021

2021 By-law Proposals

After engagement with membership through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2021.

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Engineer-in-Residence Program Piloting in Manitoba

To learn more about the Engineer-in-Residence Program, how you can volunteer, and how your local school can take part.

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Continuing Competency Committee Modifies ProDev Reporting Targets for 2021

The Continuing Competency Committee agreed to modify the targets of the ProDev program for the 2021 calendar year.

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EngGeoMB Celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

Monday, June 21, is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This day is a time to celebrate the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada.

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EngGeoMB Offers Condolences to All Survivors of the Residential School System and Families

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is saddened and mourns the loss of the 215 children found in an unmarked grave at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. We offer our sincere condolences during this time of profound grief to all survivors of the residential school system and families affected by this ongoing cultural genocide.

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MAY 2021

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Statement on COVID-19

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association will continue to closely monitor updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities regarding COVID-19.

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By-law Review Committee Seeking Input on Draft By-law Proposals

The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on potential by-law changes for the 2021 year. Members are invited to read the drafts and provide written feedback.

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NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

This is Notice that on November 30, 2020, Pavel F. Ast was issued a reprimand following a conviction on a charge of professional misconduct, in accordance with Section 46(1)(d) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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BRACE Survey Results Now Available

The survey was undertaken as part of an engagement and training/tool needs assessment process. Engineers Geoscientist Manitoba is funded until March 2022 by Manitoba Conservation and Climate’s Climate Resiliency Training Project (under Natural Resources Canada’s BRACE Program) to improve the capacity of Manitoba infrastructure professionals and decision-makers to access and apply knowledge and tools on climate change adaptation in their work.

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APRIL 2021

Competency Based Assessment Pilot

In February 2021, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba began the implementation of the Competency Based Assessment (CBA) pilot which will eventually replace the time-based experience reporting currently completed by interns.

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26th Annual Spaghetti Bridge Event Raises $10,000 for Harvest Manitoba

During Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW) in March each year, volunteers from Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba can usually be found doing outreach work with local students, both through children’s activities and the annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition, which attracted over 1000 participants in 2020.

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NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

This is notice that on March 22, 2021, Ms. Sijie Liu consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

This is notice that on March 13, 2021, Mr. William Hanuschak, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

This is notice that on February 17, 2021, Mr. S.M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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MARCH 2021

Online Engagement for Phase 2 of Perimeter Highway Safety Review

Minister of Manitoba Infrastructure announces an online public engagement for Phase 2 of the Perimeter Safety Review.

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Manitoba Legislation Update - Unpaid Military Leave for Reservists

The Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) wishes to inform you of recent changes to the provisions for Unpaid Leave for Reservists contained in the Manitoba Employment Standards Code.

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National Engineering and Geoscience Month - Winnipeg Free Press Supplement

As part of National Engineering and Geoscience Week Month, the Association partnered with the Winnipeg Free Press to publish a special section celebrating and showcasing Manitoba's outstanding engineers and geoscientists.

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Centennial Videos Series

As we approach the end of our Centennial year, join us in the celebration as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba.

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Call for Member By-law Proposals

In accordance with By-law 16.2 Member By-law Proposals, Council is seeking requests for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments.

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Geoscientists Canada Celebrates 25 Yrs of Service to the Regulated Practice of Geoscience in Canada

Geoscientists Canada is pleased to announce the organization is celebrating 25 years of service to public protection and the practice of professional geoscience.

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Lake Winnipeg Basin Program - Call for Letters of Intent (2021/2022)

Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking Letters of Intent for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program.

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BRACE Program - Climate Resiliency Capacity Building for Manitoba Decision Makers is Coming Soon!

Do you want to learn more about how to incorporate Climate Resiliency into Infrastructure design?! Well look no further, the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program is coming soon!

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NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

This is notice that on November 10, 2020, Mr. N.A. Garcia, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance of a reprimand on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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2020 Updates from the Department of Equity and Representation

To achieve Strategic Ends 5.1 and 5.2, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is working to understand, track, and effectively address the reasons for the significant underrepresentation of Indigenous people and women in our professions. Lear about the progress made by the Department of Equity and Representation in 2020 towards achieving the ends.

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Practice Note - Safeguarding Intellectual Property

The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members related to safeguarding intellectual property.

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Request for Proposals – Governance Review

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has released a request for proposals (RFP) seeking a qualified consultant to design and conduct a review of all aspects of the Association’s governance.

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Looking Back Through Our Century: November 1921

Join the Association throughout 2020 as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba. Follow us as we share interesting facts and tidbits about engineering and geoscience milestones, projects, people, and the Association from the last 100 years.

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City of Winnipeg Launches Digital Development Permit Services

The City of Winnipeg has launched digital development permit services. Applications will now be reviewed and issued electronically.

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Geoscience Practice Guidelines Catalogue

Geoscientists Canada Professional Practice Committee has recently completed its work on the Geoscience Practice Guidelines Catalogue. The documents noted in the catalogue link directly to the source material, in most cases the provincial or territorial regulator.

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Continuing Competency Committee Modifies ProDev Reporting Targets for 2020

Continuing Competency Committee agreed to modify the targets of the ProDev program for the 2020 calendar year.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Statement on COVID-19

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association will continue to closely monitor updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities regarding COVID-19.

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JULY 2020

Habitat for Humanity Build Days

As the Association celebrates 100 years in Manitoba, the Centennial Outreach Task Group invited practitioners to join us in giving back to our community through two Build Days with Habitat for Humanity.

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Habitat for Humanity Build Days

As the Association celebrates 100 years in Manitoba, the Centennial Outreach Task Group invited practitioners to join us in giving back to our community through two Build Days with Habitat for Humanity.

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Looking Back Through Our Century: July 1993

Join the Association throughout 2020 as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba. Follow us as we share interesting facts and tidbits about engineering and geoscience milestones, projects, people, and the Association from the last 100 years.

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NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

This is notice that on June 29, 2020 Mr. S.M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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JUNE 2020

Looking Back Through Our Century: June 1998

Join the Association throughout 2020 as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba. Follow us as we share interesting facts and tidbits about engineering and geoscience milestones, projects, people, and the Association from the last 100 years.

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Sons & Daughters Bursary Applications Bursary Draw

The Association is now accepting applications for the Sons & Daughters Bursary. The bursary is open to sons and daughters of Association members in good standing, who are enrolled in 1st year engineering or geoscience studies at any Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) recognized university or college.

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Anniversary of Reclaiming Power & Place: National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women & Girls

Please take the time on this important anniversary to read the Calls for Justice and the related research in the report and commit to integrating these into your professional practice and workplace culture. Commit to listening, learning, and supporting Indigenous people, who are the experts on their own future.

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MAY 2020

Province Launches Online Tool to Help Match Employers and Students for Jobs

The Manitoba government has launched Student Jobs MB, a new online tool dedicated to matching students looking for job opportunities to employers with workforce needs throughout the province.

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By-law Review Committee Seeking Input on Draft By-law Proposal

The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft proposal related to categories of membership.

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By-law Review Committee Seeks Input on Member Proposed By-law

The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the by-law proposal made by members under By-law 16.2.

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APRIL 2020

Frequently Asked Questions - COVID-19

To help support our practitioners during this time, we have provided answers to common questions we’ve received related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Help us promote the Girl Power campaign!

Help us share this initiative by directing the high school students in your life to our Girl Power campaign website to solve an equation for a free t-shirt.

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MARCH 2020

Happy 100th Birthday Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba!

We're celebrating 100 years in 2020! Highlighting a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba!

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Fighting Hunger by Putting Engineering Skills to the Test

The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of National Engineering Month, which takes place across Canada throughout March each year. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Statement on COVID-19

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association has been closely monitoring updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities in regard to COVID-19.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Public Awareness Campaign - My Story

In late February, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba launched the My Story campaign. This campaign was designed to connect with members and other Manitobans with engaging and real stories about engineers, by engineers. Shot in 2019, several local engineers volunteered their time and told their personal stories on video which were then edited down to 2-3 minute vignettes.

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National Engineering and Geoscience Month

Help inspire the next generation of engineers and geoscientists by helping highlight the role that engineers and geoscientists play in society and the diversity of voices, experiences, and interests that compose the engineering and geoscience professions.

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Plan 2050: Winnipeg Metropolitan Regional Growth Management and Development Plan Seeks Input

The Winnipeg Metropolitan Regional (WMR) is comprised of eighteen municipalities centered around Manitoba’s capital – The City of Winnipeg. The WMR is committed to build better communities, increasing the competitive advantage, and ensuring resources are used in the best way possible.

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Girl Power Campaign

In recognition of International Women’s Day 2020, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is launching its Girl Power campaign to students in grade 9 and up throughout the province.

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Call for Member By-law Proposals

In accordance with By-law 16.2 Member By-law Proposals, Council is seeking requests for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments

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Substainability Industry Town Hall held at the University of Manitoba

Sustainability Industry Town Hall was held at the University of Manitoba. The event was organized by University of Manitoba Efficient and Renewable Hub (UMEARTH) University of Manitoba Engineering Society (UMES).

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2020 Public Review of National Model Codes

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) invites you to take part in the winter 2020 public review from January 13 to March 13, 2020.

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New Practice Note - Solar Panel Installations

The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members who have been tasked with reviewing the structural design of installing solar panels on buildings.

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New Practice Note - Site Photographs and Privacy

The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members who conduct inspections on private property.

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Third Annual Curling Funspiel

January 22, 2020, marked the third Curling Funspiel in the Association’s Sport Committee’s current revival of an old tradition. There were 16 teams gathered at St. Vital Curling Club, in search of a fun afternoon, prizes, and their name on the trophy.

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Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program Panel Discussion

The Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program is in it’s 5th year. The 2019-2020 year has over 165 engineering and geoscience professionals, interns, and students participating in four events that include presentations and networking activities.

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Update from the Manitoba 2030 Coalition

Learn more about how several Coalition employers have expanded or created internal initiatives to address gendered barriers to recruitment, retention, and equity in the profession.

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Gender Equity in the Workplace

Wondering how your workplace can ensure it is using best practices to achieve gender equity?

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National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

On December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we remember and continue to mourn the 14 women - engineering students - who were murdered at the École Polytechnique de Montréal on December 6, 1989. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the tragic taking of their lives and all that they would have contributed to their communities and to the world.

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Join the Association in 2020 to Celebrate 100 Years!

The Centennial Task Group was formed to plan ways to recognize and celebrate this important milestone for our profession. The main objective is to highlight how 100 years of engineering and geoscience regulation has made life work better in Manitoba.

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News from the Department of Equity and Representation

As we approach the end of our two year Engineering Changes Lives special project, we are pleased to share that the Department of Equity and Representation will be officially operational in January 2020.

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Manitoba Government Taking Initiatives to Amend the Limitation of Actions Legislation

The Second Session of the 42nd Manitoba Legislature sat on Tuesday, November 19, with the reading of the Speech from the Throne by The Honourable Mr. Chief Justice Richard J.F. Chartier, Administrator of the Province of Manitoba. The Speech outlined the government’s main priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

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Congratulations to Recipients of the 2019 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards

On Friday, October 18, 2019, eight awards were presented at the Association’s Awards Gala Dinner, which took place at the RBC Convention Centre. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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2019 Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada

At the Association’s Recognition Wine and Cheese, held Wednesday, October 16, 2019, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to present certificates to the 2019 Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.

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2019 Council Election And By-law Change Results

The 2019 Council Election and By-law change results are now available.

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Notice to Practitioners - Fee Increase

At our Annual General Business Meeting, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba unveiled its plans to join our colleagues across Canada in a national campaign to get more school age girls and women interested our profession. Our elected Council is taking responsibility for bringing our profession up to date and with that has developed our long-term 30 by 30 campaign that will be funded with an increase in members' fees and intern fees starting in 2020.

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Congratulations to the 2019 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Award Nominees and Recipients

Join us on Friday, October 18 at the 2019 Ingenium Awards Gala Dinner where we will recognize the achievements of exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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Student Renewals Now Open

Student renewals are now open for undergraduate students attending the University of Manitoba or Brandon University for the 2019-2020 year.

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Chapters Join to Host 3rd Annual Summer Picnic

Food, Fun, and Games at the I2Face Summer Picnic provided an opportunity for our members to network with other chapter members, both professionally and culturally.

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City of Winnipeg Implements Interim Changes to Commercial Building & Plumbing/Mechanical Inspections

The City of Winnipeg’s Planning Property and Development Department has implemented interim changes for plumbing/mechanical inspections of commercial buildings.

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Heritage Committee Needs Your Help with Photos

The Heritage Committee needs your help! They are working hard to finalize their book to celebrate the centennial of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba in 2020 and believe there are gold mines of photos out there waiting to be discovered and mined.

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JUNE 2019

By-law Review Committee Seeks Input on Draft By-laws

The By-law Review Committee is seeking feedback from members regarding the draft version of the proposed by-law changes for 2019.

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MAY 2019

Environmental Scan Provides Insights

Environmental scan provides insights as to why diversity and gender parity in engineering are important and includes a review of findings and recommendations to address the barriers faced by girls and women from early childhood and all along the engineering pipeline.

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APRIL 2019

Abstracts Sought for Association's Annual Conference

The Association is seeking abstracts for presentations at this year's annual conference, Ingenium, taking place on October 15 and 15, 2020. Abstracts should be submitted by April 26, 2019.

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MARCH 2019

Engaging Members with Future Act Amendments

Two years ago, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba commenced a comprehensive By-law review and updating process for the purpose of renewing the By-laws. In so doing, an opportunity to update The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act through the Manitoba Government was identified, allowing for both strengthening of the provisions of the Act with respect to such items as internal reviews and discipline, and modernizing the Act’s registration processes.

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Spaghetti Bridge Competition Smashes Bridges and Fights Hunger

Over a four-day period, more than 800 students competed, building 476 trusses which were tested to breaking point during this year's Spaghetti Bridge Competition.

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Certificate of Authorization Renewal Time

Companies that hold a Certificate of Authorization to provide engineering or geoscience services in Manitoba must renew annually. The certificate year is from May 1 to April 30, each year.

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New Student Chapter at University of Manitoba for LGBTQ2S+ Engineering Students

University of Manitoba's EngiQueers eager to create visibility, space, and a community for LGBTQ2S+ engineering students.

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PEGW - Winnipeg Free Press Supplement Opportunity

As part of Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW), the Winnipeg Free Press will publish a special section celebrating and showcasing Manitoba's outstanding engineers and geoscientists.

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Association Selected as Finalist for Spirit of Winnipeg Award

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce has revealed the finalists for the 10th annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is proud to announce that they have been selected as one of three finalists for the Wellness and Workplace Culture Award.

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Engaging Members with Future By-law and Act Amendments

On January 28, 2019, Council hosted a member engagement session to discuss upcoming changes to the By-laws and the Act. A further session is planned for February 15.

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Dear 2030: Students of Manitoba Ask The Profession To Be Ready

In the spring of 2018, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba launched a marketing campaign to middle and high school students of Manitoba, which saw them send petitions with thousands of signatures to some of the province's largest employers of engineers asking them what they will do to ensure that 30% of newly licensed engineers will be women by 2030, 30 by 30.

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Changes to the Eligibility Definition of Manulife's Insurance Products

Manulife would like to notify practitioners that the eligibility requirements for several of its programs and services have now changed, so that membership in a participating association is only required at the time of application.

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Share Your Story

Are you a professional engineer, professional geoscientist, or intern? Why did you decide to become a P.Eng. or P.Geo.? If you’re interested in telling your story, we want to hear from you!

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Congratulations to Recipients of 2018 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards

On Friday, October 19, 2018, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual Awards Gala Dinner, which took place at the Fort Garry Hotel. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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Council Election Results for 2018

The results of the 2018 Council Elections and by-law proposals and petitions vote.

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Notice to Members - Election Details Amendment

Notice to members regarding a change to the 2018 Council Election information.

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2017-18 CIPWIE Mentorship Program Report

The Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE) has released its review of the 2017/18 Mentorship Program, including results and feedback obtained, and recommendations for future program improvements.

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JULY 2018

Notice to Practitioners - Disciplinary Hearings

The purpose of this notice is to remind members how the disciplinary process works. The process is detailed in Part 10 (Sections 29 to 55) of the Act and By-law 15 of the Association’s by-laws.

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Notice to Practitioners - Annual General Meeting

See this Notice to Practitioners for information about the 2018 Annual General Meeting, as well as nominations for election to Council, which should be received by September 6, 2018.

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Geoscience and Canada – Understanding our Earth: The vital role of Canada’s geoscientists

Geoscientists Canada is pleased to announce the release of “Geoscience and Canada – Understanding our Earth: The vital role of Canada’s geoscientists”. This informative booklet highlights the rich geoscience resources of Canada and the vital contributions of geoscientists to Canadian society.

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JUNE 2018

The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service

The Association reminds all private, small municipalities, and non-profit organizations that they must comply with The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, which is now law in Manitoba, by November 1, 2018.

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Canadian Archives of Women in STEM Launches

On June 18, 2018, the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists – Education and Research Institute (INWES–ERI) and Library and Archives Canada launched the Canadian Archives of Women in STEM at the University of Ottawa.

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By-law Review Committee Seeks Member Input

The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft wording of the new By-law 4.2.6: Finance Committee.

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INWED 2018: Celebrating the Achievements of Women in Engineering

Saturday, June 23, 2018, is International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to women in this exciting industry.

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MAY 2018

Local Transportation Engineer Honoured with National Award

Winnipeg transportation engineer, Jeannette Montufar, P.Eng., was presented with Engineers Canada's Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession at a ceremony in Saskatoon on Thursday, May 24.

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Association Holds Fourth Annual MLA Reception

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba held its fourth annual MLA Reception providing a platform for Association members to build positive relationships with government officials, and discuss matters relating to the engineering and geoscientific professions.

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By-law Review Committee Seeks Member Input

The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft wording of the proposed changes to By-law 13 and By-law 15.

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“Engineering Changes Lives” - Doubling the Number of Women Entering Engineering by 2030

Over 100 government officials, engineers, and educators were in attendance for a panel discussion exploring the culprits that steer girls away from STEM and nudge women out of the engineering profession, which took place on Monday, April 30, 2018.

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APRIL 2018

Association Seeks Input on Centennial Celebrations

Give us your thoughts on projects and activities to mark our upcoming 100 year anniversary and you could win a $100 Best Buy gift card!

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MARCH 2018

Abstracts Sought for Association's Annual Conference

The Association is seeking abstracts for presentations at this year's annual conference, Ingenium, taking place on October 18, 2018. Abstracts should be submitted by April 27, 2018.

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Spaghetti Bridge Competition Smashes Bridges and Records

2018 marked a record year for the annual Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Spaghetti Bridge Competition, with 904 students building 453 trusses which were tested to breaking point during the event, which partnered with Winnipeg Harvest.

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Grand Opening of Expanded Association Office

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba officially marked the opening of their expanded office with a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by an open house.

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Support Services List Now Available Online

Are you experiencing job loss or some other event that has created stress in your life? The Association now has a comprehensive list of Support Services listed on its website, as a reference to help you through stressful events affecting yourself,your worklife, and your personal life.

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Canadian Blood Services Seeks Engineering Firms For Project Donate

Canadian Blood Services is asking engineering firms to roll up their sleeves to save a life by participating in Project Donate this March.

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Association Expands Office Space

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has expanded its office space at 870 Pembina Highway, to include more private workspaces and four additional meeting rooms. Everyone is welcome to visit the newly-expanded office during the Open House on February 23.

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Feedback Sought for Return to Active Practice Guideline

The Association is seeking feedback on the newly developed Return to Active Practice Guideline.

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"Engineering Changes Lives" Celebration Huge Success

A celebration to launch the “Engineering Changes Lives” initiative, which aims to achieve the goal that 30% of newly licensed engineers in Manitoba are women by the year 2030, attracted over 120 attendees.

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Member Survey Results

Probe Research conducted a survey of the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba membership, May 2017.

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City of Winnipeg Launches Online Occupancy Permit Search Tool

The Planning Property and Development Department has launched an online occupancy permit search tool. This feature enables members of the general public to search properties by civic address in order to obtain information related to issued occupancy permits.

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2016-17 CIPWIE Mentorship Program Report

The Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE) has released its 2016-17 CIPWIE Mentorship Program Report.

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JULY 2017

Professional engineer announced as Canada's next Governor General

Quebec professional engineer, astronaut, pilot, and scholar, Ms. Julie Payette, OC, CQ, has been announced as Canada's next Governor General.

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JUNE 2017

175th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Canada

Canada’s oldest scientific agency, the Geological Survey of Canada, is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year. In recognition, a social media initiative is underway to highlight geoscience and the history of the Geological Survey of Canada.

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Canadian Indigenous Self-Declaration

In order to achieve an increasing Indigenous membership, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba asks you to self-declare if you are of Indigenous ancestry.

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MAY 2017

New Domain - EngGeoMB.ca

The Association is in the process of migrating to a new Internet domain.

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APRIL 2017

Access to Engineering Education in Manitoba

A report titled "Access to Engineering Education in the Province of Manitoba", produced by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba's Engineering Education Task Group, is now available on the Association website.

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MARCH 2017

Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Approach: Guidance for Application

The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) has posted Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Approach: Guidance for Application.

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Association Launches New Diversity Employer Award

The Association is proud to announce a new award for the 2017 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, the Diversity Employer Award.

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Specified Scope of Practice License

The Association is implementing a new category of licensure called 'Specified Scope of Practice License'.

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ENGAP students win Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards

The Faculty of Engineering’s Access Program (ENGAP) is thrilled to announce that Kyle Monkman, a 23 year old Metis engineering student has won the Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Award (MAYAA) for the Senior Academic category, and Emma Gillespie, a 17 year old Metis engineering student from Selkirk has won the MAYAA for the Junior Academic category.

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New regulatory resources available online through Engineers Canada

Engineers Canada has added a case law catalogue and a guidelines catalogue to its website, making reference material easily available and searchable to engineering regulators, policy-makers, and stakeholders.

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Winnipeg engineer develops cheaper prosthetic for kids

A Winnipeg engineer has found a cheaper way to give youth amputees a hand-specifically, a controllable prosthetic that can open and close.

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Did you know? - By-Laws Re-write Project

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is almost 100 years-old. It began in 1920 and some of the by-laws date back to the beginning. The current by-law booklet has been likened to a "renovated house" – many additions have been put on over the years and now the old homestead is in such poor shape that it needs a "total makeover."

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Two new guidelines approved by Engineers Canada Qualifications Board

The Engineers Canada Qualifications Board has approved two new guidelines: the Guideline on Returning to Active Practice, and the Guideline on Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship for Professional Engineers.

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The President’s new email address

As part of Council’s continuing commitment to be accessible, open and transparent, a President’s email address (president@apegm.mb.ca) is now available.

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Four Tips for Would-Be Astronauts

Thinking of applying to be Canada’s next astronaut? There are a number of excellent candidates, but if you want an edge, who better to tell you how to shine like a supernova than the first Canadian to ever walk in space - Commander Chris Hadfield spoke with CBC The Early Edition’s Rick Cluff on what it takes.

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Did you know? - What happens in a Council Meeting?

Did you know that the members of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba annually elect individuals to govern the professions on your behalf?

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JULY 2016

Engineers Canada launches EngScape, online portal for engineering jobs

Engineers Canada has launched EngScape, an interactive online portal that addresses the labour market needs of the engineering profession in Canada.

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The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec continues its transition toward better governance

The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) acknowledges the ministerial decision, issued not long after its new Board of Directors took office, to place the organization under temporary administration.

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Engineering student recognized for service in Manitoba Legislative House

University of Manitoba engineering student Eric Schillberg was recognized by the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba on Tuesday, June 28, for his contribution to the House as assistant in the message room, page, and gallery attendant.

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JUNE 2016

Forty-three new Fellows inducted into the Canadian Academy of Engineering

President Douglas Ruth inducted 43 new Fellows into the Canadian Academy of Engineering on June 27, 2016.

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Hendrik Falck, P.Geo. President of Geoscientists Canada for 2016-2017

On June 4, 2016, at the 43rd Meeting of the Board of Directors of Geoscientists Canada in Calgary, Alberta, Hendrik Falck, P.Geo, FGC, took office as President 2016-2017, after serving a year as its President-Elect.

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UMSATS placed 2nd in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge

The U of M Space Applications and Technology Society (UMSATS) represented the University of Manitoba in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge at the David Florida Labs (Canadian Space Agency) and placed 2nd overall this year with their UMSATS T-SAT3.

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Gold Medal Student Award goes to André Marchildon

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba student member André Marchildon wins the Gold Medal Student Award at the Engineers Canada Awards Gala.

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Engineers Canada welcomes new president and Board directors

At its Annual General Meeting last week in Charlottetown, PE, Engineers Canada welcomed Chris D. Roney, FEC, P.Eng., BDS, UE, as its president for the 2016-2017 term.

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MAY 2016

City of Winnipeg Bulletin - Requirements for Portable Classrooms

The City of Winnipeg has posted a new Information Bulletin on its website regarding the requirements for permits and design considerations for new and relocated portable classrooms.

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Natural Resources Canada: Canada’s Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate

Natural Resources Canada’s latest science assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation is now available on-line.

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Engineers Canada Launches New Website to Celebrate National Engineering Month

March is National Engineering Month!

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New Health and Dental Insurance Program Launched for Retired Engineers

Engineers Canada and Manulife have launched a new retiree health and dental insurance program, with three choices of coverage levels.

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New Canadian Building Codes have 400 changes

Engineers should prepare for 400 changes coming this spring in the 2015 versions of Canada’s National Building Code, National Fire Code, National Plumbing Code and National Energy Code for Buildings. All buildings will have to be designed for earthquake considerations, and cooling towers are now included in National Energy Code.

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Association Launches New Award In Honour of Judith Weiszmann

The Association is proud to announce a new award for the 2016 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, named after Judith Weiszmann, the first female engineer to be registered in the Province of Manitoba.

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Managing Transitions: Joint Resource Guide Published

A new joint guide which outlines best practices for managing parental leave in engineering and geoscience professions, has been published by Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.

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National 30 by 30 progress report and Resource Guide now available

Engineers Canada has released a snapshot of national progress toward 30 by 30 as well as a guide that can assist regulators and other engineering stakeholders in their work towards the goal.

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Five Engineers Among The Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada

Five professional engineers were included among this year’s winners of the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada Awards.

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Act Amendment Update - Law Passed

Bill 21, The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act, received Royal Assent on Thursday, November 5, 2015 and is now officially law.

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Association Member Joins Cabinet

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba congratulates professional member MaryAnn Mihychuk on her appointment to the federal Liberal cabinet.

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Revised 2015 Accessibility Design Standards Now Available

The revised 2015 Accessibility Design Standards for City of Winnipeg built environments is now available on the Planning Property and Development website.

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APEGM Changes Its Name

Big News! The Association has officially changed its working name from The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba, commonly shortened to the acronym APEGM, to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, effective this September, 2015.

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Consultation - Manitoba's New Groundwater and Water Well Act

Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship is seeking our Association's input into new regulations to support its new Groundwater and Water Well Act. The new Act received Royal Assent in June 2012 and will replace the existing Ground Water and Water Well Act that is over 50 years old.

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JULY 2015

Construction Canada: Designing Buildings for Climate Change

In response to the perceived risk of climate change on building design, the Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee, (PIEVC), established by Engineers Canada, has been directing the completion of climate change vulnerability assessments on buildings, transportation, storm/waste water treatment/collection and water resource systems.

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JUNE 2015

Engineers Canada Releases Labour Market Report

Engineers Canada has released their report 'Engineering Labour Market in Canada: Projections to 2025', forecasting more than 100,000 engineering job openings in Canada between now and 2025.

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MAY 2015

Association Past President Digvir Jayas Appointed Engineers Canada President

University of Manitoba Vice-President (Research and International) and Association Past President Dr. Digvir Jayas, FCAE, FEIC, FEC, P.Eng., is appointed President of Engineers Canada for the 2015-2016 term.

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Honouring Canada's Exceptional Engineers

Presenting the recipients of the 2015 Engineers Canada Awards, which highlight engineering excellence, as well as the contributions of Canadian engineers to their profession, their community and to the safety and well-being of Canadians.

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Engineers Canada Supports Council of Canadian Academies’ STEM Report

Council of Canadian Academies releases report 'Some Assembly Required: STEM Skills and Canada's Economic Productivity'.

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APRIL 2015

Federal Government Releases Report on Employment Challenges of New Canadians

The Panel on Employment Challenges of New Canadians’ report has been released, highlighting innovative approaches and challenges related to licensing, hiring, and integration of immigrants.

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MARCH 2015

Professional Engineer Hired As Winnipeg's New CAO

Doug McNeil, P.Eng., is officially the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the City of Winnipeg.

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Manitoban Member Named Engineering Ambassador Award Recipient

Dr. Digvir Jayas, P.Eng., FEC, has been named this year's recipient of the Engineering Ambassador Award in the Partners in Research (PIR) National Awards.

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Young Engineer Hopefuls Use Their Noodles

2015 proved to be another successful year for the Association's Spaghetti Bridge Truss Strength Competition, with $14,602.52 donated to Winnipeg Harvest.

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New Benefits For Members

Engineers Canada has partnered with UPS to offer a broad range of services for the transportation of packages and freight for engineering professionals.

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Elliot Lake Inquiry Final Report

The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) have issued a news release regarding recommendations they put forward to strengthen regulation of the engineering profession in Ontario, that have been endorsed in the final report of the Commissioner of the Elliot Lake Inquiry.

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ProDev Reporting Guide

All practicing members of the association should have received hard copies of the new APEGM ProDev Guide in the mail. This guide should make it easier to understand the parameters of the APEGM Professional Development Reporting Program.

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Adoption of National Energy Code in Manitoba

New regulations for energy efficiency in the construction of large buildings will come into effect on December 1, 2014 with the adoption of the National Energy Code for Buildings 2011 (NECB) as the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB).

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MARCH 2023

Grant Koropatnick has stepped down from the Association after 17 years as CEO & Registrar. As of January 7, 2023, Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., MBA, FEC, has assumed the duties of the CEO, Registrar, and Secretary on a temporary basis.

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After engagement with membership, through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2022.

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In this year's election, there are ten (10) candidates for election to three (3) positions in the professional engineer category. There is no election for the professional geoscientist member to the Council; the one candidate will be declared elected by acclamation. There is no election for the intern position on council this year.

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JUNE 2022

The federal government recently released Policy Notification (PN)-48R1 to update the obligations for individuals involved in procurement with respect to the Official Languages Act.

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International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), brought to you by Women's Engineering Society (WES), will celebrate its 9th year today on June 23, 2022.

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A new report commissioned by Engineers Canada and completed by Big River Analytics about Indigenous inclusion in engineering explores the experiences of Indigenous engineers in three provinces from their formative years, including their upbringing and early education, through to their professional experiences.

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On June 16, the 18th annual Making Links Engineering Classic golf day was held at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach.

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This Practice Bulletin/Note applies to architects and engineers who are providing, procuring, contributing, and/or coordinating Building Energy Modelling services on buildings of all types and sizes, regardless of the requirements for professional design and review within Building Codes.

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The requirements of the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code, including local amendments, will be enforced by the City of Winnipeg starting July 1, 2022, via Winnipeg Electrical By-law Number 72/2022.

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MAY 2022

The 2022 Engineers Canada recipients are promoting sustainability, championing equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering, and leading impactful projects and research. This year, Digvir S. Jayas, OC, DSc, P.Eng., was presented Engineers Canada’s the Award’s highest honour - the Gold Medal Award at the Engineers Canada ceremony in Toronto.

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The 2021-2022 academic year marked the pilot of a new partnership between Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and Engineers of Tomorrow, bringing the Engineer-in-Residence (EIR) Program to Manitoba schools.

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The By-law Review Committee has developed draft by-law proposals under By-law 16.3 for the 2022 year.

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The ProDev Guide has recently been updated to include information regarding Caregiving Activities. Under the Categories/Activities portion of the ProDev Guide (Page 7), a new block of text has been added under the Participation section.

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APRIL 2022

The Job Grant provides funding to employers to help cover the cost of training their new and existing employees to meet business needs, and to provide Manitobans with the skills they need for available jobs.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba are proud to announce a new award category for 2022, recognizing undergraduate student members of the Association for their groundbreaking projects or theses.

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MARCH 2022

The Association has improved its registration process to provide a more equitable, transparent, consistent, and efficient process for applicants. A virtual information session took place on March 24, 2022. A recording of this session is now available.

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With impressive loads and enthusiastic students, the 2022 Spaghetti Bridge Competition marked another successful year for this annual Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba event.

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Courses hosted by the Association which explore climate change resilience in infrastructure are now available to watch online, as part of the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) program.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has developed a series of online learning modules to help practitioners find more accessible ways to fulfil their ProDev requirements.

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Though National Engineering and Geoscience Month (NEGM) celebrations this year will continue to be held virtually, the goal remains the same: to spark an interest in the next generation of engineers and geoscientists and to celebrate the role that these professionals play in society.

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Council invites all members to participate in open online engagement sessions discussing potential by-law changes for 2022.

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In an effort to make the registration process more equitable, transparent, consistent, and efficient, the Association has improved and streamlined the procedures for applicants seeking professional licensure in Manitoba.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has developed a series of online learning modules to help practitioners find more accessible ways to fulfil their ProDev requirements.

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Follow the nine-course "Foundational and Infrastructure Path" to prepare your engineering practice for climate change!

The Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MCRT) Project is part of the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) initiative that aims to build capacity and expertise of professionals, the business community in Northern Manitoba, and Indigenous organizations and communities to address the risks associated with climate change.

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Annex D of CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures is now mandatory and will come into full effect when the new National Building Code comes out at the end of the 2021 year.

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Considering further education and applying for graduate research studies in engineering? Graduate Research Days 2022, hosted virtually by the University of Toronto Engineering, is a unique opportunity to engage with staff, faculty, and graduate students to learn more about engineering graduate studies.

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On Friday, November 5, 2021, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual awards ceremony, hosted online. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba (CTTAM) co-author an article on the benefits of merging regulators between engineers and technologists.

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On August 19, the 17th annual Making Links Engineering Classic golf day was held at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach. One hundred and seventy-six golfers joined us on the links for a day of golf, prizes, and an opportunity to network with fellow professionals in support of the Price Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.

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JUNE 2021

After engagement with membership through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2021.

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To learn more about the Engineer-in-Residence Program, how you can volunteer, and how your local school can take part.

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The Continuing Competency Committee agreed to modify the targets of the ProDev program for the 2021 calendar year.

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Monday, June 21, is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This day is a time to celebrate the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is saddened and mourns the loss of the 215 children found in an unmarked grave at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. We offer our sincere condolences during this time of profound grief to all survivors of the residential school system and families affected by this ongoing cultural genocide.

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MAY 2021

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association will continue to closely monitor updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities regarding COVID-19.

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The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on potential by-law changes for the 2021 year. Members are invited to read the drafts and provide written feedback.

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This is Notice that on November 30, 2020, Pavel F. Ast was issued a reprimand following a conviction on a charge of professional misconduct, in accordance with Section 46(1)(d) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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The survey was undertaken as part of an engagement and training/tool needs assessment process. Engineers Geoscientist Manitoba is funded until March 2022 by Manitoba Conservation and Climate’s Climate Resiliency Training Project (under Natural Resources Canada’s BRACE Program) to improve the capacity of Manitoba infrastructure professionals and decision-makers to access and apply knowledge and tools on climate change adaptation in their work.

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APRIL 2021

In February 2021, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba began the implementation of the Competency Based Assessment (CBA) pilot which will eventually replace the time-based experience reporting currently completed by interns.

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During Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW) in March each year, volunteers from Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba can usually be found doing outreach work with local students, both through children’s activities and the annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition, which attracted over 1000 participants in 2020.

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This is notice that on March 22, 2021, Ms. Sijie Liu consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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This is notice that on March 13, 2021, Mr. William Hanuschak, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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This is notice that on February 17, 2021, Mr. S.M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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MARCH 2021

Minister of Manitoba Infrastructure announces an online public engagement for Phase 2 of the Perimeter Safety Review.

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The Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) wishes to inform you of recent changes to the provisions for Unpaid Leave for Reservists contained in the Manitoba Employment Standards Code.

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As part of National Engineering and Geoscience Week Month, the Association partnered with the Winnipeg Free Press to publish a special section celebrating and showcasing Manitoba's outstanding engineers and geoscientists.

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As we approach the end of our Centennial year, join us in the celebration as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba.

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In accordance with By-law 16.2 Member By-law Proposals, Council is seeking requests for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments.

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Geoscientists Canada is pleased to announce the organization is celebrating 25 years of service to public protection and the practice of professional geoscience.

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Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking Letters of Intent for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program.

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Do you want to learn more about how to incorporate Climate Resiliency into Infrastructure design?! Well look no further, the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program is coming soon!

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This is notice that on November 10, 2020, Mr. N.A. Garcia, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance of a reprimand on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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To achieve Strategic Ends 5.1 and 5.2, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is working to understand, track, and effectively address the reasons for the significant underrepresentation of Indigenous people and women in our professions. Lear about the progress made by the Department of Equity and Representation in 2020 towards achieving the ends.

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The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members related to safeguarding intellectual property.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has released a request for proposals (RFP) seeking a qualified consultant to design and conduct a review of all aspects of the Association’s governance.

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Join the Association throughout 2020 as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba. Follow us as we share interesting facts and tidbits about engineering and geoscience milestones, projects, people, and the Association from the last 100 years.

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The City of Winnipeg has launched digital development permit services. Applications will now be reviewed and issued electronically.

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Geoscientists Canada Professional Practice Committee has recently completed its work on the Geoscience Practice Guidelines Catalogue. The documents noted in the catalogue link directly to the source material, in most cases the provincial or territorial regulator.

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Continuing Competency Committee agreed to modify the targets of the ProDev program for the 2020 calendar year.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association will continue to closely monitor updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities regarding COVID-19.

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JULY 2020

As the Association celebrates 100 years in Manitoba, the Centennial Outreach Task Group invited practitioners to join us in giving back to our community through two Build Days with Habitat for Humanity.

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As the Association celebrates 100 years in Manitoba, the Centennial Outreach Task Group invited practitioners to join us in giving back to our community through two Build Days with Habitat for Humanity.

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Join the Association throughout 2020 as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba. Follow us as we share interesting facts and tidbits about engineering and geoscience milestones, projects, people, and the Association from the last 100 years.

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This is notice that on June 29, 2020 Mr. S.M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

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JUNE 2020

Join the Association throughout 2020 as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba. Follow us as we share interesting facts and tidbits about engineering and geoscience milestones, projects, people, and the Association from the last 100 years.

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The Association is now accepting applications for the Sons & Daughters Bursary. The bursary is open to sons and daughters of Association members in good standing, who are enrolled in 1st year engineering or geoscience studies at any Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) recognized university or college.

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Please take the time on this important anniversary to read the Calls for Justice and the related research in the report and commit to integrating these into your professional practice and workplace culture. Commit to listening, learning, and supporting Indigenous people, who are the experts on their own future.

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MAY 2020

The Manitoba government has launched Student Jobs MB, a new online tool dedicated to matching students looking for job opportunities to employers with workforce needs throughout the province.

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The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft proposal related to categories of membership.

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The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the by-law proposal made by members under By-law 16.2.

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APRIL 2020

To help support our practitioners during this time, we have provided answers to common questions we’ve received related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Help us share this initiative by directing the high school students in your life to our Girl Power campaign website to solve an equation for a free t-shirt.

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MARCH 2020

We're celebrating 100 years in 2020! Highlighting a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba!

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The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of National Engineering Month, which takes place across Canada throughout March each year. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association has been closely monitoring updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities in regard to COVID-19.

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In late February, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba launched the My Story campaign. This campaign was designed to connect with members and other Manitobans with engaging and real stories about engineers, by engineers. Shot in 2019, several local engineers volunteered their time and told their personal stories on video which were then edited down to 2-3 minute vignettes.

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Help inspire the next generation of engineers and geoscientists by helping highlight the role that engineers and geoscientists play in society and the diversity of voices, experiences, and interests that compose the engineering and geoscience professions.

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The Winnipeg Metropolitan Regional (WMR) is comprised of eighteen municipalities centered around Manitoba’s capital – The City of Winnipeg. The WMR is committed to build better communities, increasing the competitive advantage, and ensuring resources are used in the best way possible.

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In recognition of International Women’s Day 2020, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is launching its Girl Power campaign to students in grade 9 and up throughout the province.

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In accordance with By-law 16.2 Member By-law Proposals, Council is seeking requests for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments

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Sustainability Industry Town Hall was held at the University of Manitoba. The event was organized by University of Manitoba Efficient and Renewable Hub (UMEARTH) University of Manitoba Engineering Society (UMES).

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The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) invites you to take part in the winter 2020 public review from January 13 to March 13, 2020.

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The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members who have been tasked with reviewing the structural design of installing solar panels on buildings.

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The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members who conduct inspections on private property.

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January 22, 2020, marked the third Curling Funspiel in the Association’s Sport Committee’s current revival of an old tradition. There were 16 teams gathered at St. Vital Curling Club, in search of a fun afternoon, prizes, and their name on the trophy.

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The Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program is in it’s 5th year. The 2019-2020 year has over 165 engineering and geoscience professionals, interns, and students participating in four events that include presentations and networking activities.

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Learn more about how several Coalition employers have expanded or created internal initiatives to address gendered barriers to recruitment, retention, and equity in the profession.

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Wondering how your workplace can ensure it is using best practices to achieve gender equity?

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On December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we remember and continue to mourn the 14 women - engineering students - who were murdered at the École Polytechnique de Montréal on December 6, 1989. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the tragic taking of their lives and all that they would have contributed to their communities and to the world.

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The Centennial Task Group was formed to plan ways to recognize and celebrate this important milestone for our profession. The main objective is to highlight how 100 years of engineering and geoscience regulation has made life work better in Manitoba.

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As we approach the end of our two year Engineering Changes Lives special project, we are pleased to share that the Department of Equity and Representation will be officially operational in January 2020.

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The Second Session of the 42nd Manitoba Legislature sat on Tuesday, November 19, with the reading of the Speech from the Throne by The Honourable Mr. Chief Justice Richard J.F. Chartier, Administrator of the Province of Manitoba. The Speech outlined the government’s main priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

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On Friday, October 18, 2019, eight awards were presented at the Association’s Awards Gala Dinner, which took place at the RBC Convention Centre. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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At the Association’s Recognition Wine and Cheese, held Wednesday, October 16, 2019, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to present certificates to the 2019 Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.

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The 2019 Council Election and By-law change results are now available.

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At our Annual General Business Meeting, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba unveiled its plans to join our colleagues across Canada in a national campaign to get more school age girls and women interested our profession. Our elected Council is taking responsibility for bringing our profession up to date and with that has developed our long-term 30 by 30 campaign that will be funded with an increase in members' fees and intern fees starting in 2020.

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Join us on Friday, October 18 at the 2019 Ingenium Awards Gala Dinner where we will recognize the achievements of exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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Student renewals are now open for undergraduate students attending the University of Manitoba or Brandon University for the 2019-2020 year.

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Food, Fun, and Games at the I2Face Summer Picnic provided an opportunity for our members to network with other chapter members, both professionally and culturally.

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The City of Winnipeg’s Planning Property and Development Department has implemented interim changes for plumbing/mechanical inspections of commercial buildings.

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The Heritage Committee needs your help! They are working hard to finalize their book to celebrate the centennial of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba in 2020 and believe there are gold mines of photos out there waiting to be discovered and mined.

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JUNE 2019

The By-law Review Committee is seeking feedback from members regarding the draft version of the proposed by-law changes for 2019.

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MAY 2019

Environmental scan provides insights as to why diversity and gender parity in engineering are important and includes a review of findings and recommendations to address the barriers faced by girls and women from early childhood and all along the engineering pipeline.

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APRIL 2019

The Association is seeking abstracts for presentations at this year's annual conference, Ingenium, taking place on October 15 and 15, 2020. Abstracts should be submitted by April 26, 2019.

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MARCH 2019

Two years ago, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba commenced a comprehensive By-law review and updating process for the purpose of renewing the By-laws. In so doing, an opportunity to update The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act through the Manitoba Government was identified, allowing for both strengthening of the provisions of the Act with respect to such items as internal reviews and discipline, and modernizing the Act’s registration processes.

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Over a four-day period, more than 800 students competed, building 476 trusses which were tested to breaking point during this year's Spaghetti Bridge Competition.

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Companies that hold a Certificate of Authorization to provide engineering or geoscience services in Manitoba must renew annually. The certificate year is from May 1 to April 30, each year.

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University of Manitoba's EngiQueers eager to create visibility, space, and a community for LGBTQ2S+ engineering students.

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As part of Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW), the Winnipeg Free Press will publish a special section celebrating and showcasing Manitoba's outstanding engineers and geoscientists.

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The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce has revealed the finalists for the 10th annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is proud to announce that they have been selected as one of three finalists for the Wellness and Workplace Culture Award.

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On January 28, 2019, Council hosted a member engagement session to discuss upcoming changes to the By-laws and the Act. A further session is planned for February 15.

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In the spring of 2018, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba launched a marketing campaign to middle and high school students of Manitoba, which saw them send petitions with thousands of signatures to some of the province's largest employers of engineers asking them what they will do to ensure that 30% of newly licensed engineers will be women by 2030, 30 by 30.

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Manulife would like to notify practitioners that the eligibility requirements for several of its programs and services have now changed, so that membership in a participating association is only required at the time of application.

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Are you a professional engineer, professional geoscientist, or intern? Why did you decide to become a P.Eng. or P.Geo.? If you’re interested in telling your story, we want to hear from you!

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On Friday, October 19, 2018, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual Awards Gala Dinner, which took place at the Fort Garry Hotel. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

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The results of the 2018 Council Elections and by-law proposals and petitions vote.

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Notice to members regarding a change to the 2018 Council Election information.

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The Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE) has released its review of the 2017/18 Mentorship Program, including results and feedback obtained, and recommendations for future program improvements.

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JULY 2018

The purpose of this notice is to remind members how the disciplinary process works. The process is detailed in Part 10 (Sections 29 to 55) of the Act and By-law 15 of the Association’s by-laws.

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See this Notice to Practitioners for information about the 2018 Annual General Meeting, as well as nominations for election to Council, which should be received by September 6, 2018.

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Geoscientists Canada is pleased to announce the release of “Geoscience and Canada – Understanding our Earth: The vital role of Canada’s geoscientists”. This informative booklet highlights the rich geoscience resources of Canada and the vital contributions of geoscientists to Canadian society.

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JUNE 2018

The Association reminds all private, small municipalities, and non-profit organizations that they must comply with The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, which is now law in Manitoba, by November 1, 2018.

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On June 18, 2018, the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists – Education and Research Institute (INWES–ERI) and Library and Archives Canada launched the Canadian Archives of Women in STEM at the University of Ottawa.

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The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft wording of the new By-law 4.2.6: Finance Committee.

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Saturday, June 23, 2018, is International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to women in this exciting industry.

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MAY 2018

Winnipeg transportation engineer, Jeannette Montufar, P.Eng., was presented with Engineers Canada's Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession at a ceremony in Saskatoon on Thursday, May 24.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba held its fourth annual MLA Reception providing a platform for Association members to build positive relationships with government officials, and discuss matters relating to the engineering and geoscientific professions.

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The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft wording of the proposed changes to By-law 13 and By-law 15.

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Over 100 government officials, engineers, and educators were in attendance for a panel discussion exploring the culprits that steer girls away from STEM and nudge women out of the engineering profession, which took place on Monday, April 30, 2018.

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APRIL 2018

Give us your thoughts on projects and activities to mark our upcoming 100 year anniversary and you could win a $100 Best Buy gift card!

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MARCH 2018

The Association is seeking abstracts for presentations at this year's annual conference, Ingenium, taking place on October 18, 2018. Abstracts should be submitted by April 27, 2018.

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2018 marked a record year for the annual Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Spaghetti Bridge Competition, with 904 students building 453 trusses which were tested to breaking point during the event, which partnered with Winnipeg Harvest.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba officially marked the opening of their expanded office with a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by an open house.

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Are you experiencing job loss or some other event that has created stress in your life? The Association now has a comprehensive list of Support Services listed on its website, as a reference to help you through stressful events affecting yourself,your worklife, and your personal life.

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Canadian Blood Services is asking engineering firms to roll up their sleeves to save a life by participating in Project Donate this March.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has expanded its office space at 870 Pembina Highway, to include more private workspaces and four additional meeting rooms. Everyone is welcome to visit the newly-expanded office during the Open House on February 23.

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The Association is seeking feedback on the newly developed Return to Active Practice Guideline.

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A celebration to launch the “Engineering Changes Lives” initiative, which aims to achieve the goal that 30% of newly licensed engineers in Manitoba are women by the year 2030, attracted over 120 attendees.

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Probe Research conducted a survey of the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba membership, May 2017.

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The Planning Property and Development Department has launched an online occupancy permit search tool. This feature enables members of the general public to search properties by civic address in order to obtain information related to issued occupancy permits.

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The Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE) has released its 2016-17 CIPWIE Mentorship Program Report.

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JULY 2017

Quebec professional engineer, astronaut, pilot, and scholar, Ms. Julie Payette, OC, CQ, has been announced as Canada's next Governor General.

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JUNE 2017

Canada’s oldest scientific agency, the Geological Survey of Canada, is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year. In recognition, a social media initiative is underway to highlight geoscience and the history of the Geological Survey of Canada.

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In order to achieve an increasing Indigenous membership, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba asks you to self-declare if you are of Indigenous ancestry.

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MAY 2017

The Association is in the process of migrating to a new Internet domain.

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APRIL 2017

A report titled "Access to Engineering Education in the Province of Manitoba", produced by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba's Engineering Education Task Group, is now available on the Association website.

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MARCH 2017

The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) has posted Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Approach: Guidance for Application.

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The Association is proud to announce a new award for the 2017 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, the Diversity Employer Award.

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The Association is implementing a new category of licensure called 'Specified Scope of Practice License'.

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The Faculty of Engineering’s Access Program (ENGAP) is thrilled to announce that Kyle Monkman, a 23 year old Metis engineering student has won the Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Award (MAYAA) for the Senior Academic category, and Emma Gillespie, a 17 year old Metis engineering student from Selkirk has won the MAYAA for the Junior Academic category.

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Engineers Canada has added a case law catalogue and a guidelines catalogue to its website, making reference material easily available and searchable to engineering regulators, policy-makers, and stakeholders.

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A Winnipeg engineer has found a cheaper way to give youth amputees a hand-specifically, a controllable prosthetic that can open and close.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is almost 100 years-old. It began in 1920 and some of the by-laws date back to the beginning. The current by-law booklet has been likened to a "renovated house" – many additions have been put on over the years and now the old homestead is in such poor shape that it needs a "total makeover."

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The Engineers Canada Qualifications Board has approved two new guidelines: the Guideline on Returning to Active Practice, and the Guideline on Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship for Professional Engineers.

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As part of Council’s continuing commitment to be accessible, open and transparent, a President’s email address (president@apegm.mb.ca) is now available.

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Thinking of applying to be Canada’s next astronaut? There are a number of excellent candidates, but if you want an edge, who better to tell you how to shine like a supernova than the first Canadian to ever walk in space - Commander Chris Hadfield spoke with CBC The Early Edition’s Rick Cluff on what it takes.

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Did you know that the members of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba annually elect individuals to govern the professions on your behalf?

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JULY 2016

Engineers Canada has launched EngScape, an interactive online portal that addresses the labour market needs of the engineering profession in Canada.

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The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) acknowledges the ministerial decision, issued not long after its new Board of Directors took office, to place the organization under temporary administration.

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University of Manitoba engineering student Eric Schillberg was recognized by the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba on Tuesday, June 28, for his contribution to the House as assistant in the message room, page, and gallery attendant.

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JUNE 2016

President Douglas Ruth inducted 43 new Fellows into the Canadian Academy of Engineering on June 27, 2016.

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On June 4, 2016, at the 43rd Meeting of the Board of Directors of Geoscientists Canada in Calgary, Alberta, Hendrik Falck, P.Geo, FGC, took office as President 2016-2017, after serving a year as its President-Elect.

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The U of M Space Applications and Technology Society (UMSATS) represented the University of Manitoba in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge at the David Florida Labs (Canadian Space Agency) and placed 2nd overall this year with their UMSATS T-SAT3.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba student member André Marchildon wins the Gold Medal Student Award at the Engineers Canada Awards Gala.

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At its Annual General Meeting last week in Charlottetown, PE, Engineers Canada welcomed Chris D. Roney, FEC, P.Eng., BDS, UE, as its president for the 2016-2017 term.

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MAY 2016

The City of Winnipeg has posted a new Information Bulletin on its website regarding the requirements for permits and design considerations for new and relocated portable classrooms.

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Natural Resources Canada’s latest science assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation is now available on-line.

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March is National Engineering Month!

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Engineers Canada and Manulife have launched a new retiree health and dental insurance program, with three choices of coverage levels.

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Engineers should prepare for 400 changes coming this spring in the 2015 versions of Canada’s National Building Code, National Fire Code, National Plumbing Code and National Energy Code for Buildings. All buildings will have to be designed for earthquake considerations, and cooling towers are now included in National Energy Code.

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The Association is proud to announce a new award for the 2016 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, named after Judith Weiszmann, the first female engineer to be registered in the Province of Manitoba.

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A new joint guide which outlines best practices for managing parental leave in engineering and geoscience professions, has been published by Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.

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Engineers Canada has released a snapshot of national progress toward 30 by 30 as well as a guide that can assist regulators and other engineering stakeholders in their work towards the goal.

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Five professional engineers were included among this year’s winners of the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada Awards.

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Bill 21, The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act, received Royal Assent on Thursday, November 5, 2015 and is now officially law.

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Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba congratulates professional member MaryAnn Mihychuk on her appointment to the federal Liberal cabinet.

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The revised 2015 Accessibility Design Standards for City of Winnipeg built environments is now available on the Planning Property and Development website.

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Big News! The Association has officially changed its working name from The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba, commonly shortened to the acronym APEGM, to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, effective this September, 2015.

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Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship is seeking our Association's input into new regulations to support its new Groundwater and Water Well Act. The new Act received Royal Assent in June 2012 and will replace the existing Ground Water and Water Well Act that is over 50 years old.

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JULY 2015

In response to the perceived risk of climate change on building design, the Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee, (PIEVC), established by Engineers Canada, has been directing the completion of climate change vulnerability assessments on buildings, transportation, storm/waste water treatment/collection and water resource systems.

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JUNE 2015

Engineers Canada has released their report 'Engineering Labour Market in Canada: Projections to 2025', forecasting more than 100,000 engineering job openings in Canada between now and 2025.

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MAY 2015

University of Manitoba Vice-President (Research and International) and Association Past President Dr. Digvir Jayas, FCAE, FEIC, FEC, P.Eng., is appointed President of Engineers Canada for the 2015-2016 term.

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Presenting the recipients of the 2015 Engineers Canada Awards, which highlight engineering excellence, as well as the contributions of Canadian engineers to their profession, their community and to the safety and well-being of Canadians.

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Council of Canadian Academies releases report 'Some Assembly Required: STEM Skills and Canada's Economic Productivity'.

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APRIL 2015

The Panel on Employment Challenges of New Canadians’ report has been released, highlighting innovative approaches and challenges related to licensing, hiring, and integration of immigrants.

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MARCH 2015

Doug McNeil, P.Eng., is officially the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the City of Winnipeg.

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Dr. Digvir Jayas, P.Eng., FEC, has been named this year's recipient of the Engineering Ambassador Award in the Partners in Research (PIR) National Awards.

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2015 proved to be another successful year for the Association's Spaghetti Bridge Truss Strength Competition, with $14,602.52 donated to Winnipeg Harvest.

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Engineers Canada has partnered with UPS to offer a broad range of services for the transportation of packages and freight for engineering professionals.

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The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) have issued a news release regarding recommendations they put forward to strengthen regulation of the engineering profession in Ontario, that have been endorsed in the final report of the Commissioner of the Elliot Lake Inquiry.

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All practicing members of the association should have received hard copies of the new APEGM ProDev Guide in the mail. This guide should make it easier to understand the parameters of the APEGM Professional Development Reporting Program.

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New regulations for energy efficiency in the construction of large buildings will come into effect on December 1, 2014 with the adoption of the National Energy Code for Buildings 2011 (NECB) as the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB).

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MAR 01, 2023

Meet Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., FEC: Acting CEO, Registrar, and Secretary of EngGeoMB

Grant Koropatnick has stepped down from the Association after 17 years as CEO & Registrar. As of January 7, 2023, Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., MBA, FEC, has assumed the duties of the CEO, Registrar, and Secretary on a temporary basis.

[Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., FEC] Meet Michael Gregoire, P.Eng., FEC: Acting CEO, Registrar, and Secretary of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba

Where are you from? Tell us a bit about your background.
I was born and raised in Winnipeg. A lot of my classmates (both from high school and university) moved away over the years, so there was a significant pull to move away at various times. Family was a big reason for staying here, along with the fact that Manitoba has a lot to offer.

Where did you pursue your education?
I attended the University of Manitoba for all three of my degrees (Architecture undergrad, Engineering undergrad, MBA). It is such a great school, and, for my most recent degree, the ability to attend classes in-person was a major factor.

How did you originally get involved with the Association? When? What was your original role? How have you seen it change over the years?
As an intern, there was a requirement at the time to acquire ‘voluntary service’ hours. The Safety Committee was looking for someone to take minutes, so I signed up! It was a fantastic foray into the workings of the Association and gave me an opportunity to meet some great engineers and geoscientists. In 2008, the Association was looking to hire a “Professional Standards Officer” and I answered the call. I’ve been with the Association since then, in a role that has grown and evolved over the 15 years.

What are some highlights in your career?
The first time a structure that you’ve designed is built is an unforgettable experience. In my case, it was a support structure for an ag-industrial application, so it lacked in the aesthetics department, but it will always remain firmly in my memory bank. Another highlight was the development and implementation of the ProDev Program. It’s rewarding to see the realization of a project developed with input from so many great people. The challenges along the way make it that much more rewarding.

How do you feel about your new role as CEO, Registrar, and Secretary and what are your goals?
At present, I am acting in the role on a temporary basis for an undefined period. As such, the goal is to make sure the Association continues to operate on the current path until Council’s governance review is complete and a permanent CEO is identified. I am excited to fulfill these duties and have the opportunity to take on the responsibilities associated with the role.

How do you manage to find that balance between work life and professional life?
It’s key to be able to have the ability to switch certain modes on and off. Because the demands for a CEO/Registrar can effectively be never-ending, it’s a necessity to be able to stop thinking about work duties. For example, when spending time with the kids, having the ability to keep work issues out of my head is paramount. Having said that, there’s a need to be able to be flexible and dip into time on either side of that balance equation, when necessary. Finally, having an outlet for stress is very important. For me, that usually involves spending 30 minutes going for a run.

When you’re not at work, where can you be found?
Most likely, it’s either playing or coaching soccer. As a goalkeeper, I am still in high demand, despite my … years of experience. As much as I love playing the game, I get equal satisfaction from coaching my daughter’s soccer team.

SEP 08, 2022

2022 By-law Proposals

After engagement with membership, through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2022.

Council is proposing five changes to the by-laws under By-laws 16.2 and 16.3. No petitions were submitted by members under By-law 16.5.

Voting on the by-law proposals will occur between September 22 and October 7.

The by-law proposals are:

  • NEW – Self Reporting in Another Jurisdiction
  • By-laws 4.7, 16.6.10, and – Counting of Votes and Scrutineers
  • By-law 8.2 – Appeals
  • By-law – Cautions
  • By-law 4.4.3 – Voting
The wording for each proposal, and accompanying information, can be found below.
Please contact Danielle Unett, Standards Coordinator, if you have any questions.

SEP 08, 2022

2022 Council Election

In this year's election, there are ten (10) candidates for election to three (3) positions in the professional engineer category.

There is no election for the professional geoscientist member to the Council; the one candidate will be declared elected by acclamation.

There is no election for the intern position on council this year.

Only registered members are eligible to vote for the professional engineers positions.

Engineer Candidates (Nominated by Council)
  • Tristen Gitzel, P.Eng., FEC
  • Kevin Kowalyk, P.Eng.
  • Katherine Meese, P.Eng.
  • Dan Nenadov, P.Eng.
  • John Sawatzky, P.Eng.
  • Efrem Teklemariam, P.Eng., FEC
  • Lisa Thomson, P.Eng.
Engineer Candidate (Nominated by Members)
  • David Amorim, P.Eng.
  • David Dy, P.Eng.
  • Alan Pollard, P.Eng.(SM), FEC
Geoscientist Candidate (Nominated by Council - declared elected by acclamation)
  • Jessica Adelman, P.Geo.
The Council election and by-law vote will take place through the online profile beginning Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. and ending Friday, October 7, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon).

The results will be announced at the 2022 Annual General Business Meeting on Thursday, October 13, 2022.

JUN 29, 2022

Bilingual Engineering Work Products for Federal Procurement

The federal government recently released Policy Notification (PN)-48R1 (link below) to update the obligations for individuals involved in procurement with respect to the Official Languages Act (link below).

Effective May 13, 2022, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) may require submissions of engineering work products in both official languages—French and English—each being of equal quality and published at the same time.

This change to contracting professional services may place a professional engineer who knows only one of the two official languages in the position of being asked to stamp work they are unable to verify. The challenges with precise translation of technical work means the translator may need engineering competence and will need to collaborate with the responsible professional engineer.

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s Investigation Committee has considered this matter and determined the following with respect to translation of professional engineering or professional geoscientific documents:
  • The primary design or work to be relied upon shall be identified and sealed by an engineer.
  • The translation of that work shall be performed or verified by an engineer and stamped with the indication that it is sealed for the translation only.
  • Documents that have been translated but not reviewed by an engineer shall:
    - not have a seal on them,
    - be clearly marked that:
    o they have been translated from the original language and have not yet been reviewed by an engineer, and
    o should not be relied upon.
Please send an email to TPSGC.PASPSPublications-APSPSPublications.PWGSC@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca with “Official Languages” in the subject line, to provide comments or feedback on these changes, of if you have more detailed questions for PWGSC.

The notice sent out by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) on May 16, 2022, is provided below:

This notice is to inform you that Public Services and Procurement Canada has released an updated policy notification that contains requirements in respect of the Official Languages Act (OLA). The policy notification PN-48R1 (link below) came into force on May 13, 2022.

The federal government has the legal obligation to serve and communicate with the public in both official languages, pursuant to the OLA and all regulations thereunder including the Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations (link below).

This updated policy notification includes new and updated provisions to ensure that all procurement notices and related tender documents posted on the Government’s Electronic Tendering Service (GETS) are in both official languages. Tender documents include performance specifications, blueprints, architectural drawings, reports, graphics or other technical documentation that is included as part of a tender package.

While in the Atlantic Region, PSPC has been posting most procurement tenders in both official languages, this did not always include technical documentation such as those documents noted above. PSPC typically puts in place contracts with architectural and engineering consulting firms for the development of these types of technical documents. As PSPC moves towards implementation of the revised policy, the department will gradually be including in their contracts, standing offers and/or call-ups with architectural and engineering consulting firms a requirement to produce – in a timely manner when requested – the aforementioned tender documents in both official languages.

This notice is intended for awareness and to help prepare the architectural and engineering supplier community for this bilingual requirement that will soon begin to appear in PSPC Atlantic Region’s architectural and engineering tenders. For questions about this PN, including official languages requirements for posting notices and related tender documents, please send an email TPSGC.PASPSPublications-APSPSPublications.PWGSC@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca with “Official Languages” in the subject line.

JUN 23, 2022

International Women in Engineering Day 2022

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), brought to you by Women's Engineering Society (WES), will celebrate its 9th year today on June 23, 2022.

INWED gives women engineers around the world a profile when they are still hugely under-represented in their professions. As the only platform of its kind, it plays a vital role in encouraging more young women and girls to take up engineering careers.

For local INWED events, please visit the links below. Happy International Women in Engineering Day!

JUN 20, 2022

New Report Explores the Experiences of Indigenous Engineers

A new report commissioned by Engineers Canada and completed by Big River Analytics about Indigenous inclusion in engineering explores the experiences of Indigenous engineers in three provinces from their formative years, including their upbringing and early education, through to their professional experiences.

The report’s authors undertook a survey of the membership of three engineering regulators who volunteered to participate in this pilot research project: Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Engineers and Geoscientists BC, and the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS).

Among its findings at the professional level, the report suggests the existence of a pay gap. Controlling for a number of demographic factors, the survey results found that the average salary of Indigenous engineers is seven per cent lower than non-Indigenous engineers. This pay gap was even greater for engineers who are not cisgender men. The report also compared the current distribution of Indigenous and non-Indigenous engineers in senior and managerial roles, and found that non-Indigenous engineers are more frequently represented in positions of higher responsibility.

The survey also inquired about Indigenous engineers’ experience in their post-secondary education, and found that the most commonly identified challenges facing Indigenous engineers during their studies were financial challenges and loneliness/isolation, and that monetary support, tutoring, and academic support would have been most helpful. Notably, the report found that every Indigenous engineer who participated in an Indigenous engineering access program when they were a student found that it had a profound and positive impact on their journey to becoming an engineer.

The survey further asked respondents about their formative years leading up to post-secondary education. Indigenous engineers identified discrimination as the biggest challenge to pursuing math and science in high school, and that STEM outreach programs would have made it easier for them to pursue engineering. Often, Indigenous engineers identified that having a positive role model, such as a family member, mentor, or teacher who encouraged them to pursue engineering, was instrumental in their journey.

Based on the findings and analysis of the survey results, the report provides considerations for how to best support Indigenous inclusion in the engineering profession, improve supports, and reduce barriers to Indigenous engineers in their formative years and post-secondary education. Among its recommendations, the report recommends further research into the barriers to licensure, employment, and education; training, including efforts to facilitate cultural learning and anti-Indigenous racism training; ensuring that mentorship and networking opportunities for Indigenous engineers are widely available and accessible; and programming that offers financial, tutoring, and other supports to Indigenous students, as well as Indigenous access to engineering programs.

This report and project was guided by the advice of Engineers Canada’s Indigenous Advisory Committee, and builds on a 2020 report commissioned by Engineers Canada and completed by Big River Analytics that analyzed secondary data to get a better understanding of the representation of Indigenous engineers in the workforce.

Read the complete report on Indigenous inclusion in engineering on Engineers Canada’s website by clicking the link below.

JUN 17, 2022

18th Annual Making Links Engineering Classic

On June 16, the 18th annual Making Links Engineering Classic golf day was held at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach.

Over 200 golfers joined us on the links for a day of golf, prizes, and an opportunity to network with fellow professionals. Thank you to all of our generous sponsors and everyone who came out to make this event possible!

Event and Gift Sponsor:
Canada Life

Golf Cart Sponsors:
City Mix

Meal Sponsors:
ADS CANADA - Advance Drainage Systems

Registration Sponsor:
Sigfusson Northern Ltd.

Food Truck Sponsors:
AGI Westfield
MacDon Industries Ltd.

Tee Flag Sponsors:
Dillon Consulting

Hole and Competition Sponsors:
Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.
David Aplin
Friends of Engineering
FWS Group
Hatch Ltd.
Inland Pipe
KGS Group
L.V. Control Manufacturing Ltd.
MLT Aikins LLP
PCL Construction Canada Inc.
Proforma TouchStone
Sison Blackburn Consulting
Standard Insurance Brokers
The Personal Insurance Company
Wanless Geo-Point Solutions Inc
WD Industrial Group

JUN 15, 2022

Practice Bulletin: Whole Building Energy Modelling Services

This Practice Bulletin has been jointly approved and published by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and the Manitoba Association of Architects. The Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings legally came into force in December 2014 and the two regulatory bodies have now set out minimum qualifications and professional practice for those who wish to provide services on projects which are located in Manitoba that involve whole Building Energy Modelling.

This Practice Bulletin applies to architects and engineers who are providing, procuring, contributing, and/or coordinating Building Energy Modelling services on buildings of all types and sizes, regardless of the requirements for professional design and review within Building Codes. It covers minimum qualifications, professional practice, and compliance for projects that involve whole Building Energy Modelling.

Building Energy Modelling services must be provided by a Qualified Modeller. Qualified Modellers who provide modelling services must be either:
1. an architect or engineer, or 2. be under the direct supervision of an architect or engineer acting as an Energy Modelling Supervisor (EMS).

Building Energy Modelling and analysis is a multidisciplinary field that requires specific education, training and experience associated with architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems. Architects and engineers shall undertake and accept responsibility for professional assignments only when qualified by training or experience. Architects and engineers are required to adhere to their respective Codes of Ethics, which do not apply to Qualified Modellers who are not architects or engineers. However, if an architect or engineer acting as an EMS is relying on the work of a Qualified Modeller, reasonable steps must be taken by the EMS to familiarize the Qualified Modeller with the relevant ethical standards of the two professions.

Appropriate qualifications for modellers and their supervisors include core competencies such as theoretical and technical knowledge, building industry knowledge and experience, as well as professional development. To produce a representative model, these competencies must be effectively translated into practice. Both the Qualified Modeller and the EMS must understand the factors that may affect a model.

The core competencies of both the Qualified Modeller and the EMS includes:
  • Education (Theoretical and Technical Knowledge)
  • - Materials knowledge
    - Building physics
    - Building systems
    - Building modelling software
  • Building Industry, Code and Standards
  • - Building code
    - Construction practices
  • Experience
  • - Application of building science principles and building systems
  • Professional Development
  • - Maintaining current knowledge in their area of practice
Although the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is responsible for enforcing the requirements of the Building Code and any additional energy requirements, a professional’s responsibility is the same regardless of the level of enforcement by the AHJ. If the Qualified Modeller is an architect or engineer, they must seal all Energy Modelling Reports. If the Qualified Modeller is not an architect or engineer an EMS must directly supervise and seal all Energy Modelling Reports. In the case of subcontracting, Qualified Modellers are to inform the EMS of all subcontracts and their scope. Subcontractors must be Qualified Modellers and are to be directly supervised by the EMS.

Building Energy Modelling Services must be provided by a Qualified Modeller who has the appropriate knowledge and experience. Qualified Modellers must be an engineer or architect, or directly supervised by an engineer or architect acting as the Energy Modelling Supervisor. All Energy Modelling Reports must be sealed by the Qualified Modeller, or by the Energy Modelling Supervisor.

To download the PDF of the Bulletin, click the link below.

JUN 01, 2022

Enforcement of the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code

The requirements of the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code, including local amendments, will be enforced by the City of Winnipeg starting July 1, 2022, via Winnipeg Electrical By-law Number 72/2022.

All building and electrical permits with no related building permit, with an application in-date of July 1, 2022, or after, will be subject to the requirements of the 2022 Electrical By-law.

For in-person or emailed permit applications to still be subject to the 2018 Code, they must be received by Permits Office staff prior to 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 30, 2022. Permit applications made via the Permits Online system will be automatically dated the day of application submittal.

A copy of the By-law complete with the 2022 Technical Interpretations (TIs) is available under the Fees and Related By-laws heading on our Electrical Info Centre in a link that can be accessed below.

Important changes to note:
  • Documents for solar photovoltaic installations for single detached dwellings less than 10 kW will no longer need to be submitted under the seal of an engineer. (Administrative change, Rule 2-000) Permit applicants are asked to refer to our new Solar Installations Information Bulletin to ensure permit applications are complete and experience no unnecessary delay in permit issuance. The Information Bulletin will be posted soon to winnipeg.ca/ppd/InfoCentre/InformationBulletins.stm.

  • Changes to requirements for sump pump receptacles and circuits below grade in designated flood hazard zones (Rules 26-652 and 26-712)

  • Device outlet boxes and pot lights will no longer be acceptable for installation in return air ducts and plenums (Deleted T.I. 12-010 A/12-3000)

  • Receptacle requirements for driveways have been extended to parking pads and other similar locations where there is provision for parking. (Rules 26-656 and 26-724)

  • Requirements for disconnect switches for machine room less (MRL) elevators are better defined. (Rule 38-051)

  • A more comprehensive Table 19 with a more manageable layout.
In lieu of in-person seminars, the “2022 Electrical Code, PowerPoint presentation” will be posted to the Information Bulletins webpage at the link below by end of day Monday, June 6, 2022. Changes to the Code and TIs are highlighted, along with helpful industry reminders.

Customers will have the opportunity to submit questions via email. Responses to select questions submitted before August 1, 2022 will be added as additional slides to the presentation and made public, so you are invited to check back periodically to view the Q & As. Names will not be made public. Please ensure questions remain relevant and respectful.

MAY 31, 2022

Engineers Canada Gold Medal Awarded to Digvir S. Jayas

The Engineers Canada Awards recognizes and celebrates the achievements of engineers and engineering students who are advancing the engineering profession and improving the lives of Canadians and others around the world.

The 2022 Engineers Canada recipients are promoting sustainability, championing equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering, and leading impactful projects and research. Through engineering education, academic research, community involvement, recipients are igniting change for a better world.

This year, Digvir S. Jayas, OC, DSc, P.Eng., was presented Engineers Canada’s the Award’s highest honour - the Gold Medal Award at the Engineers Canada ceremony in Toronto.

Digvir is recognized around the world for his contributions to science and engineering. His work to find better ways to dry and store grain has made a huge difference in the lives of countless farmers and others who rely on high quality, unspoiled grains to both earn a living, and eat healthy, nutritious food.

His research has had a measurable and long lasting impact on local and global food security by reducing losses of grains, oilseeds, and pulses between harvesting and their final use by consumers.

Digvir has won numerous awards for his work and dedication to his community. In 2018, he was made an officer of the order of Canada for "advancements to agricultural practices worldwide, and for promotion of academic and scientific research in Canada."

Congratulations to Digvir on the Gold Medal Award!

For more information about the Engineers Canada Awards, please visit the website below.

MAY 26, 2022

Association Volunteer Recognized By Engineers of Tomorrow

The 2021-2022 academic year marked the pilot of a new partnership between Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and Engineers of Tomorrow, bringing the Engineer-in-Residence (EIR) Program to Manitoba schools. 28 Manitoba-based volunteers joined the program and were paired with a class to provide monthly visits where they engage students in hands-on engineering activities related to the curriculum. After a successful pilot year, the wrap up event took place virtually on Wednesday, May 25, and Association volunteer Trevor Lytwyn, P.Eng., was recognized with the 2022 Community Builder EIR Award by Engineers of Tomorrow.

The Community Builder Award recognizes a volunteer who demonstrates outstanding skill in creating connection and embraces the program principle of ‘meet them where they are’. Trevor was honoured with this award as, although this was his first year in the Engineer-in-Residence program, he has been dedicated to bringing engineers into schools for many years with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and has been a key advisory figure in the Association’s transition to this new program. Through his years of experience, he has created his own directory of resources to enhance his time with students, including creative and engaging activities for a variety of age groups. He adapts the content he teaches to what the students are learning, keeping up-to-date with the curriculum so that he can be the best possible resource for the teacher and ensure high quality classroom experiences.

Congratulations to Trevor and thank you for being a passionate volunteer for this Association program!

To find out more about Engineers of Tomorrow’s Engineer-in-Residence Program, visit the website below.

MAY 18, 2022

By-law Review Committee Seeking Input on Draft By-law Proposal

The By-law Review Committee has developed draft by-law proposals under By-law 16.3 for the 2022 year.

Many of the by-law changes proposed this year deal with administrative issues that Council and Council committees have encountered during application of the by-laws.

After engagement with members, through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, Council developed the principles for these draft proposals. These principles were then sent to legal counsel for drafting.

The drafts of the potential by-law changes can be found below. The By-law Review Committee is seeking further member input on these drafts, as per By-law 16.4.4. Please forward any comments to Danielle Unett, staff support for the By-law Review Committee, at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca by June 1, 2022.

After feedback is received, the By-law Review Committee and legal counsel will make any necessary changes to the proposals before final review for approval by Council at their June meeting.

Thank you for taking the time to improve your profession.

MAY 05, 2022

ProDev Guide Update: Caregiving Activities Added

The ProDev Guide has recently been updated to include information regarding Caregiving Activities.

Under the Categories/Activities portion of the ProDev Guide (Page 7), a new block of text has been added under the Participation section. This information is in regard to the new Caregiving Activities, and they include:
    • Acting on behalf of a person within the medical, education, financial or other system

    • Providing physical care for a person including transportation to go shopping, meal preparation, housework and/or assistance with outdoor work

    • Providing personal or medical care for a person including help with taking a bath, getting dressed, using the toilet, changing dressings or taking medications

    • Managing a person's care or finances; or

    • The active engagement in the care and upbringing of a child under 18 years of age

For more information, please click the link below to download the full ProDev Guide.

APR 27, 2022

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is NOW OPEN!

Through Labour Market Development Transfer Agreements, the federal government transfers funds to all of the provinces and territories to help them deliver programs to develop their labour force. The Job Grant is a Manitoba program that is funded under one of these Transfer Agreements.

The Job Grant provides funding to employers to help cover the cost of training their new and existing employees to meet business needs, and to provide Manitobans with the skills they need for available jobs. Training must be delivered by an external third party. Employers decide which of their employees need training, the training they need, who will deliver the training, and when it will occur.

For more information, please visit the Government of Manitoba website.

APR 08, 2022

EngGeoMB's New Student Achievement Award

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba are proud to announce a new award category for 2022, intended to recognize an undergraduate engineering or geoscience student or group of students who have shown excellence in, and/or major contributions to, the concept/design of a groundbreaking engineering or geoscience project/thesis.

Nominations will be considered for their innovation, impact, complexity, and feasibility and the winner will receive a $1000 cash prize along with the 2022 Student Achievement Award, to be presented at the EngGeoMB Awards Event in October 2022.

To be eligible for this award, nominees must be:
• undergraduate students
• registered with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba as student members

Students may self-nominate or be nominated for this award by someone such as a member of their faculty. Nominators are encouraged to submit additional information to support the nomination. Full award criteria and nomination forms can be accessed through the links below.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 6, 2022.

MAR 30, 2022

Role of the Validators in the CBA System

The Association has improved its registration process to provide a more equitable, transparent, consistent, and efficient process for applicants. Validators play a key role in competency-based assessments and would benefit from learning the updated process in the steps towards professional registration.

Validators are responsible for:
  • Confirming the work experience information of which they have professional knowledge
  • Providing competence level ratings
  • Providing overall feedback on applicants' readiness for professional registration
A virtual information session took place on March 24, 2022, which allowed supervisors and managers who anticipated validating applicants' work to learn more about the validator role and ask any questions they had of the Association’s Admissions Team.

If you have any questions that aren’t addressed in the recording or the links above, please do reach out to the relevant member of our Admissions Department:

Claudia Shymko – International Registration Program Coordinator - CShymko@EngGeoMB.ca

Chantelle Cabral – Domestic Registration Program Coordinator - CCabral@EngGeoMB.ca

Diana Vander Aa – Student & Volunteer Coordinator (for questions related to applying to become an assessor) - Volunteer@EngGeoMB.ca

MAR 30, 2022

2022 Spaghetti Bridge Competition: A Smashing Success!

With impressive loads and enthusiastic students, the 2022 Spaghetti Bridge Competition marked another successful year for this annual Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba event.

While streaming live on March 23, Association volunteers broke 143 trusses that were designed by 286 Manitoba students ranging from grade 3 to grade 12. The strongest bridge this year was built was made by a group of grade 7 students from Bruce Middle School holding an impressive weight of 172.6 kg.

“Every year we are blown away by the dedication and craftsmanship Manitoba students and teachers dedicate to putting into their bridges. To build something out of spaghetti and glue that also allows for creativity, functionality, and strength in design is quite remarkable,” said Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba CEO & Registrar. “This year, the total load held by all the bridges combined was an astounding 4,895.9 kg!”

This competition has been held annually since 1995, and each year Engineers Geoscientists of Manitoba partners with Harvest Manitoba to put on the event. This year, the Association was able to donate $10,000 to Harvest Manitoba.
Thank you to the organizers and participants in this year’s Spaghetti Bridge event. This event helps to raise funds and awareness for the work of Harvest Manitoba and allows us to continue to support hungry Manitobans throughout our province, “ said Vince Barletta, President & CEO of Harvest Manitoba “I want to thank Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba for all their work.”

The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of National Engineering Month, which occurs across Canada in March of each year. Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW) also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages.

MAR 16, 2022

BRACE Courses Now Available Online

Three 90-minute courses which explore climate change resilience in infrastructure are now available to view online, having been hosted by the Association as part of the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) program.

The BRACE program’s main goal is to address one of the critical barriers, currently limiting action to reduce climate change impacts in Canada, which is knowledge and tools and the appropriate capacity to apply them effectively.

The Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MCRT) Project funded by the BRACE program looks to build the capacity and expertise of professionals (including engineers and planners), Northern Businesses and Indigenous organizations and communities to address risks associated with a changing climate in areas such as land use, water management and infrastructure. The project aims to develop training offerings to help build capacity to integrate adaptation into planning, community engagement and decision making.

The following infrastructure courses, hosted by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba in February and March 2022, are now available to watch on the Association's YouTube channel:

Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessment featuring the PIEVC Process
Designing or building infrastructure to last? Using Manitoba-themed example projects and case studies, this course will provide PIEVC tools to conduct climate risk assessment on infrastructure systems.

An Introduction to Climate Change Through Codes, Standards, and Regulations
We now know that a stable, reliable climate system is no longer something that can be counted on. Learn how codes, standards, and regulations are changing to ensure that our new infrastructure is best prepared for climate changes now and in the future.

Nature-Based Infrastructure Solutions to Enhance Resilience
Natural infrastructure is becoming a mainstream option for enhancing the resilience of built infrastructure and communities. This course will provide a basic understanding using sustainable/natural infrastructure/innovative solutions to build resilience to climate change. A diverse range of nature-based solutions, implementation considerations, and their co-benefits will be presented.

Course handouts and other resources are available on the MCRT website until March 31, 2022, when they will be moved to Climate West's website.

MAR 01, 2022

Online Learning Modules Available

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has launched a online learning resource for all practitioners. This proactive approach to professional regulation will involve e-learning modules available directly through our secure website. With the new system, members will be able to learn and review concepts of professionalism, including standards and guidelines, from any device at their own pace.

Introduction to Professionalism
The introductory module takes a look at professionalism at the highest level. Users will gain a better understanding of the initial registration requirements, and continuous professional practice responsibilities. These concepts will help practitioners to answer the fundamental question, “How do I avoid being found guilty of professional misconduct?”.

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics module assists members in understanding this foundational piece of our legislation. When the Code of Ethics was updated in 2018, it was simplified from its previous form. However, it still maintains most of the underlying principles. Now, the content is further reviewed and supported with real-world cases so that an engineer or geoscientist may have a better grasp of the complex professional scenarios to avoid stepping over the line.

Good Character
Good character is a requirement of engineers and geoscientists in Manitoba and of every regulator across Canada. Character is defined as the combination of qualities which distinguishes one individual from another. This module explains why character is important within the engineering and geoscientific professions, in the best interest of the public, what types of behaviours are considered good or bad character, and how Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba assesses the character of applicants and practitioners.

Using ProDev
ProDev is Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s continuing professional development program. ProDev provides a tool for members to plan and assess their on-going development as a professional. It also establishes a standard for the professions, to improve the public’s trust. This module will describe the program requirements including submitting and interpreting professional activity data, distinguishing between activity categories, and identifying how to proceed with abatements and declaring exemptions.

The primary benefit of the e-learning modules is that they convey information in a way that works for a variety of learning styles. They also offer an online resource for members seeking Formal Training options, as the modules all include verification of knowledge retention. To make it even easier for members, when one of these modules is completed through the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba website, the ProDev system will automatically recognize it.

To get started with e-learning, use the Online Profile link below to access the modules via the Quick Links tab.

FEB 23, 2022

National Engineering and Geoscience Month

The month of March is National Engineering and Geoscience Month. Help inspire the next generation of engineers and geoscientists by helping highlight the role that engineers and geoscientists play in society and the diversity of voices, experiences, and interests that compose the engineering and geoscience professions.

We hope that you will join us along with Engineers Canada, the engineering and geoscience regulators across Canada, and the engineering profession in taking part in these activities.

Why Engineering? How to Become Involved in the Industry | March 16, 2022
As part of the Association’s strategic priority E-5.1: Increasing Indigenous membership, to ensure that practitioners in the professions reflect the diversity of the public, we are partnering with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs for an online discussion with the Association’s Indigenous Professionals Initiative Coordinator, Nicole Everett, and Randy Herrmann, P.Eng., Director, Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) at the University of Manitoba.

Spaghetti Bridge Breaking | March 23, 2022
The Association will continue to host our Spaghetti Bridge Building Competition virtually to support educators who enjoy incorporating the building of their spaghetti trusses into their STEM curriculum. If you’ve always been curious about this event, you’ll be able to tune in online on Wednesday, March 23, to watch as our professional engineers break the students’ spaghetti bridges! The strongest truss in each eligible class wins a prize and a donation is made to Harvest Manitoba based on the strength of the bridges: the stronger they are, the more we donate.

Chart Your Course (K to Grade 6)
The Chart Your Course tool can be used to learn more about how children’s interests might lead to a career as an engineer or geoscientist. Using an online checklist, students are encouraged to check all the options that best describe their interests. Chart Your Course will then prepare a list of engineering disciplines that fit these interests most.

Engineering Design Challenge (Grades 6 to 8)
Designed to spark an interest in STEM while supporting remote learning, these design challenges have been created with a "build it" theme running throughout. These challenges provide participants with an opportunity to create and innovate as they work on projects that often have real-world significance or context. All of the design challenges use simple materials you can find at home. Participants who complete the challenges throughout the month of March will be entered into a draw for prizes.

Future City Experience (Grades 6 to 8)
Design and build a futuristic city on the Moon and describe how the city uses two Moon resources to keep its residents safe and healthy. Educators and students are supported with a virtual STEM mentor, access to live virtual Q&A's with an engineer, and will have an opportunity to present their design to a panel of engineers who will provide them with feedback! Space is limited! To register and learn more, visit the Future City website.

Discover the Engineer in You - Online Game (Grades 9 to 12)
Participants can take one (or many!) of the quizzes to discover what engineering disciplines may interest them the most. Each quiz features trivia and engineering problem-based questions. After completing the quiz, participants will be provided with all the answers to the questions they explored and will receive an invitation to a digital "Day in the Life" where they will have the opportunity to meet engineering students currently pursuing engineering studies at a university in Canada. Participants will be entered into a draw for prizes.

More information about these activities is available on the Explore Engineering website, linked below.

Follow Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter for more info. Tag us on your NEGM social media posts with the following hashtags #NEGM2022, #EngGeoMB, and #TheresAPlaceForYou so we can see how you're participating.

JAN 19, 2022

Member Engagement Sessions – Future By-law Changes

Council invites all members to participate in open online engagement sessions discussing potential by-law changes for 2022.

Through review of the by-laws by Council and committees, some potential by-law changes have been identified including:
  • Raising the amount for deposits on appeal of disciplinary decisions

  • Requiring that members notify the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba when they’ve been disciplined in another jurisdiction

  • Updating language around counting of votes to reflect actual practice

  • Setting a tariff for disciplinary hearing costs
Engagement sessions will be held on Thursday, January 27, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Tuesday, February 1, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Feedback or questions can be emailed to Danielle Unett at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca. Online registration closes the day prior to both events taking place. If you miss online registration, please contact Danielle for the event link.

You can find Manitoba’s current legislation on our website.

JAN 14, 2022

EngGeoMB Introduces New Registration Process

In an effort to make the registration process more equitable, transparent, consistent, and efficient, the Association has improved the procedures for applicants seeking professional licensure in Manitoba.

Transitioning to Competency-Based Assessment System
The primary change to the Association’s registration process is that we have adopted a Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) System that will replace the Pre-Registration Program. Many other engineering and geoscience regulators have shifted to a CBA process that allows a broader range of applicants to clearly identify how they meet the required competency categories for professional engineering or geoscience registration. Below is a flow chart that shows how CBA has changed the registration process.

CBA Process Flowchart

Applicants who have not completed a four-year degree prior to applying with the Association will still be required to complete a Confirmatory Program.

January Event - New Registration Process at EngGeoMB
To learn more about how the registration process is changing, please join the Association's Admissions team on Tuesday, January 25 as they unveil the new steps of the registration process and discuss the roles of Applicants, Validators, and Assessors in more detail. This session is designed for applicants who are in or will be going through the registration process.

March Event - Role of Validators in the CBA System
Validators play a key role in the CBA System and would benefit from learning the updated process in the steps towards the registration process. Please join the Association's Admissions team for their event on Thursday, March 24 as they discuss additional details relevant to validators. This session is for supervisors or managers who are in or anticipate the process of validating applicants' work and would like to learn more about their roles in the new CBA system.

Both sessions will be recorded for registrants who are interested in the subject matter but are unable to attend at the scheduled time. For more information on the CBA program, including the Guide to Competency-Based Assessment, please consult the CBA webpage.

DEC 08, 2021

Online Learning Modules Now Available

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has launched the first phase of a new online learning resource for all practitioners. This proactive approach to professional regulation will involve the introduction of e-learning modules available directly through our secure website. With the new system, members will be able to learn and review concepts of professionalism, including standards and guidelines, from any device at their own pace.
The first phase includes two modules:
  • Introduction to Professionalism

  • Code of Ethics
Introduction to Professionalism
The introductory module takes a look at professionalism at the highest level. Users will gain a better understanding of the initial registration requirements, and continuous professional practice responsibilities. These concepts will help practitioners to answer the fundamental question, “How do I avoid being found guilty of professional misconduct?”.

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics module assists members in understanding this foundational piece of our legislation. When the Code of Ethics was updated in 2018, it was simplified from its previous form. However, it still maintains most of the underlying principles. Now, the content is further reviewed and supported with real-world cases so that an engineer or geoscientist may have a better grasp of the complex professional scenarios to avoid stepping over the line.

In addition to the first phase described above, work has already started on the second phase of development for e-learning modules. The next three modules aim to provide a new way to digest the information found in existing guidelines. The chosen guidelines are:
  • Good Character

  • Authentication of Professional Documents

  • Conflicts of Interest

  • ProDev
The primary benefit of the e-learning modules is that they convey information in a way that works for a variety of learning styles. They also offer an online resource for members seeking Formal Training options, as the modules all include verification of knowledge retention. To make it even easier for members, when one of these modules is completed through the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba website, the ProDev system will automatically recognize it.

To get started with e-learning, use the Online Profile link below to access the modules via the Quick Links tab.

DEC 02, 2021

BRACE - Foundational and Infrastructure Path

Follow the nine-course "Foundational and Infrastructure Path" to prepare your engineering practice for climate change!

The Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MCRT) Project is part of the building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) initiative of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The Project aims to build the capacity and expertise of professionals (including engineers and planners), the business community in Northern Manitoba, and Indigenous organizations and communities to address the risks associated with climate change.

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba's BRACE/MCRT Project Team has worked with the other sectors to create a suite of training courses that enhance climate knowledge and help integrate climate risk and opportunities into decision-making and planning within the infrastructure sector in Manitoba. Although the entire MCRT course suite is made up of 18 courses and is open to anyone interested in participating, there is a recommended: "Foundational and Infrastructure Path" of courses specifically recommended for infrastructure professionals, as indicated below.

Members can claim credit for any courses, seminars, or training they attend towards their Professional Development Program requirement. Each hour of attendance equals one professional development hour.

  • Climate Change 101: (held on Thursday, November 4, 2021) – recording available

  • Indigenous Knowledges and Two-eyed Seeing: (held on November 10, 2021) – recording available

  • Climate Change Risk Assessment Core Principles: (held on November 28, 2021) – recording available

  • Manitoba's Changing Climate: December 2, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. – recording will be available after the course is held

  • Climate Change and Indigenous Communities: December 8, 2021 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

  • Communicating Climate Change: January 18, 2022 - 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

  • Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessment Featuring the PIEVC Process: January 26, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 pm

  • An Introduction to Climate Change Through Codes, Standards, and Regulations: February 9, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

  • Nature-based Infrastructure Solutions to Enhance Resilience: February 23, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 pm
In addition to the nine courses, a catch-up/question and answer Climate Change Primer Session will be held on January 19, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. To register for this session, please follow the link below to the online registration page.

DEC 01, 2021

Annex D of CSA A23.3 Now Mandatory

Annex D of CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures is now mandatory and will come into full effect when the new National Building Code comes out at the end of this year.

The Canadian Standards Association made a significant change to the standard A23.3:19 as it relates to the installation and inspection of anchors (fasteners) installed in hardened concrete (generally described as post-construction installed anchors). Annex D: Anchorage, is now a mandatory part of the standard.

The change in requirements which this announcement seeks to address is that in previous version(s) of the standard, Annex D was written in “mandatory language” but was labeled “Informative”. In the 2019 version of A 23.3, Annex D is now labeled “Normative”, which means it has become a mandatory part of the standard. It is anticipated that the CSA S6 anchoring provisions will adopt similar installation and inspection requirements during the current cycle of code development.

Requirements specific to sections D 10.1 to D 10.2.4 of Annex D have been summarized below:
  • D 10.1 REQUIRES that anchors be installed by “qualified personnel”

  • D 10.2.1 states that the level of inspection required varies by anchor category type, both mechanical and
    adhesive anchor installation may require inspection.

  • D 10.2.2 refers to adhesive anchors and anticipates the possible requirement for “proof loading” and the
    requirements for either periodic “special inspection” or continuous “special inspection”.

  • D10.2.3 addresses the installation of “horizontally or upwardly inclined” adhesive anchors and mandates
    that the installation be performed by personnel certified under an applicable certification program;
    ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installer certification program is referenced.

  • D 10.2.4 mandates that adhesive anchors “installed horizontally or upward inclined, etc.” be continuously
    inspected during installation by an inspector specially approved for that purpose”*.
While it has always been professionally prudent to ensure that proper installation of anchors is accomplished to assure design parameters are met, in Canada, designers and specifiers using CSA A23.3:19 are now required to comply with CSA A23.3 Annex D in regard to the installation, inspection, and reporting of inspection results, where applicable, of post-construction installed anchors. This requirement will be further mandated upon the upcoming publication of the 2020 National Building Code of Canada later this year and subsequent provincial adoption.

Members and practitioners should take this into consideration when updating specifications for work that incorporates this element of the construction process.

NOV 30, 2021

Graduate Research Days 2022

Considering further education and applying for graduate research studies in engineering? Graduate Research Days 2022 (GRD2022), hosted virtually by the University of Toronto Engineering, is a unique opportunity to engage with staff, faculty, and graduate students to learn more about engineering graduate studies.

Join the University of Toronto Engineering on Thursday, February 24, and Friday, February 25, 2022, for a unique opportunity to experience virtually what the University of Toronto Engineering can offer graduate students.

Top applicants to the University of Toronto Engineering will be invited to attend this virtual event, with a limited number of spots are available.

If you are interested in attending GRD2022, find out more at the link below.

NOV 08, 2021

Congratulations to Recipients of 2021 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards

On Friday, November 5, 2021, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual awards ceremony, hosted online. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

Full citations for all the award winners can now be found online at www.EngGeoMB.ca/AwardRecipients.html

2021 Award Winners

Team Achievement Award
The Team Achievement Award recognizes engineering or geoscience excellence in, and major contributions to, the concept, design and implementation of an engineering or geoscience project in Manitoba.
- Presented to Dillon Consulting - Southwest Rapid Transitway – Stage 2 and Pembina Highway Underpass Project

Innovation Award
The Innovation Award is intended to recognize engineers or geoscientists who have shown innovation though the advent of new technologies or novel applications of engineering/geoscience ingenuity though application of a concept or project.
- Presented to Precision ADM - AIR N95 Reusable Respirator

Leadership Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievement or influence towards major engineering or geoscientific works and developments undertaken for society's long-term benefit and/or quality of life. The individual is usually in an upper management, executive, or governance role.
- Presented to Dr. Digvir Jayas, P.Eng., FEC, FGC(Hon)

Intern Award
The Intern Award bestows distinction on those training to be engineers or geoscientists, specifically those demonstrating exceptional work achievement in their early EIT/GIT years who enhance society’s knowledge of our professions.
- Presented to Cormac Foster, EIT

Early Achievement Award
The Early Achievement Award bestows distinction on outstanding engineers and geoscientists and recognizes exceptional achievements in the early years of their careers.
- Presented to Jacqueline MacLennan, P.Eng.

Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award
The Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award recognizes a woman who through engineering and career achievements has demonstrated the qualities that enabled Judith Weiszmann to be an outstanding engineer, role model, and influencer of the profession for the advancement and support of women in engineering.
- Presented to Maria Neufeld, P.Eng.

Outstanding Service Award
The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding service rendered to, or on behalf of, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, by a member of the Association.
- Presented to Dr. Jay Doering, P.Eng., FEC

Technical Excellence Award
The Technical Excellence Award recognizes outstanding achievement, including the direct advancement of the engineering or geoscience professions, by an individual member during his or her career.
- Presented to Dr. Ahmed Ghazy, P.Eng.

In addition to the 2021 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, one Honorary Life Membership was bestowed on Hilmi Turanli, P.Eng., FEC. The granting of Honorary Life Membership (By-law Clause 7.1.4) recognizes many years of meritorious service rendered to the Association or the profession.

The Awards Committee thanks all nominators for the exceptional nominations received for the 2021 awards and the Association congratulates all those who received awards and recognitions this year.

SEP 08, 2021

Better Together: One Regulator is Good for the Public and Professionals

On September 1, 2021, CEO & Registrar of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, and Robert Okabe, CET, FEC (Hon), CEO & Registrar of Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba (CTTAM) co-authored an article on the benefits of merging engineering and technologist regulators.

"Better Together: One Regulator is Good for the Public and Professionals" was distributed to our respective engineering and technology Associations across Canada in an effort to share Manitoba's positive story and the opportunities that merging regulators presents. One oversight body checking competency, standards, and ethics is a strong unified model, and each organization has the capacity to learn from the other in a symbiotic relationship.

Click the link below to read the article in its entirety.

AUG 20, 2021

17th Annual Making Links Engineering Classic

On August 19, the 17th annual Making Links Engineering Classic golf day was held at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach. One hundred and seventy-six golfers joined us on the links for a day of golf, prizes, and an opportunity to network with fellow professionals.

This year, we raised over $18,000 in support of the Price Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba. As always, the event would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. Congratulations to the winning team from WD Industrial Group!

JUN 28, 2021

2021 By-law Proposals

After engagement with membership through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2021.

Council is proposing eight changes to the By-laws under By-law 16.3. No proposals were submitted by members under By-law 16.4.

Voting on the by-law proposals will occur in October.

The by-law proposals are:

  • By-law 6.5: Public Interest Review Committee

  • By-law 4 and 16: Length of Voting Periods

  • By-law 13 and 16: By-law Proposals and Member Engagement

  • By-law 15.22: Communications and the Registrar

  • By-law 15.3.5: Directions and Practice Notes

  • By-law 15.3.6: Formal Caution Becomes a Charge

  • By-law 15.6 Appeals of Discipline Decisions

  • By-law 15.7.6: Records and Confidentiality and Release of Information

    The wording for each proposal, and accompanying information, can be found below.

    Please contact Danielle Unett, Standards Coordinator, if you have any questions.
  • JUN 23, 2021

    Engineer-in-Residence Program Piloting in Manitoba

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will be partnering with Engineers of Tomorrow to pilot their Engineer-in-Residence (EIR) program here in Manitoba for the 2021-22 school year. Engineer-in-Residence is an innovative, volunteer-based program dedicated to inspiring young people in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Engineers are matched with classrooms across the province to support the STEM curriculum through experiential learning. The program will be offered free of charge to Manitoba schools.

    Do you know a school or K-12 educator who would like to be involved?
    Encourage them to visit the Engineer-in-Residence Program website (www.eir.ca) for more details. A local engineer (with a valid Vulnerable Sectors Police Check) will be assigned to volunteer in their classroom to come in once a month to lead the class through experiential learning, real-world examples, and hands-on engaging engineering activities! Schools can register to request an EIR for the upcoming school year via the link below. Registrations close on July 31, 2021.

    Would you like to volunteer to become an Engineer-in-Residence?
    The program is now accepting applications through the link below until July 31, 2021. Professional engineers, engineering interns, and students who are committed to raising awareness of engineering through working with local students are encouraged to apply. Selected applicants will be fully trained as an Engineer-in-Residence and will be paired with a K-12 classroom, visiting them (either in-person or virtually) on weekdays throughout the school year to support the STEM curriculum with personal insights and stories. Time commitment is around an hour a month (September - June) and a valid Vulnerable Sectors Police Check will be required.

    If you have any questions about the Engineer-in-Residence program pilot here in Manitoba, please contact Gemma via the link below.

    JUN 23, 2021

    Continuing Competency Committee Modifies ProDev Reporting Targets for 2021

    The Continuing Competency Committee agreed to modify the targets of the ProDev program for the 2021 calendar year.

    These reductions are being made in recognition of the continuing impact that COVID health measures have had on the accessibility of professional development activities. For all practitioners, the target number of categories in 2021 will be two (2) instead of the standard three (3) categories.

    In addition, the overall target number of hours for all practitioners will be reduced to 225* for any reporting period that includes the 2021 calendar year.

    These reductions will be applied automatically to all member profiles in the coming weeks.

    The Continuing Competency Committee also wishes to remind practitioners that they can submit applications for abatement for reasons of unemployment, as is always the case.

    For more information on ProDev Reporting Program, see the link below.

    *This news story initially reported that ProDev hours were being reduced to 215 rather than 225. This correction was updated on June 29, 2021.

    JUN 17, 2021

    EngGeoMB Celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

    [National Indigenous Peoples Day web banner]

    Monday, June 21, is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This day is a time to celebrate the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. We encourage all practitioners to take individual actions to listen and learn. A list of resources in the links below have been prepared to help you commemorate the day.

    JUN 02, 2021

    EngGeoMB Offers Condolences to All Survivors of the Residential School System and Families

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is saddened and mourns the loss of the 215 children found in an unmarked grave at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. We offer our sincere condolences during this time of profound grief to all survivors of the residential school system and all families affected by this genocide.

    We encourage non-Indigenous members to continue learning more about Indigenous children who were forcibly taken from their families, identify and correct unaccountable language around residential schools and colonial Canada, take individual actions to listen and learn more, and support the Association to make Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba as safe a place as possible for Indigenous practitioners, volunteers, and staff.

    The Association office and the majority of its practitioners are located on Treaty 1 territory and the original lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Inuit, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis nation. Many generations have arrived in our province and contributed to its development, but we must not forget that this land, Indigenous land, has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples since time immemorial. First Peoples have called this area home for generations and have cared for the land and developed unique ways and methods of design to survive in our province’s harshest of conditions – the province’s original engineers and geoscientists.

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, through the adoption of End E-5.1, is working toward proper representation of Indigenous practitioners in our professions, leading to designs and solutions that best serve and benefit all communities and further eradicate inequalities in critical infrastructure and technologies.

    We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, and we renew our commitments to act on the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit (MMIWG) Calls for Justice.

    In June, as we commemorate National Indigenous History Month to recognize the history, heritage, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada, take time to review and reflect on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action.

    MAY 20, 2021

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Statement on COVID-19

    Further to our messaging since March 2020, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has been attentive to the state of the pandemic and is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association continues to closely monitor updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities regarding COVID-19.

    As of May 20, the Association office at 870 Pembina Hwy is open to visitors during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Guests are limited to the reception area and are required to wear a mask. We also ask that guests use hand sanitizer upon entry to the Association office. Consequently, out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our staff and volunteers and to augment scheduling certainty, the Association has decided that we will not be hosting any face-to-face meetings before the beginning of 2022.

    Note that most Association staff are still working from home and continue to be available via e-mail and telephone. For general questions, please contact us via e-mail Info@EngGeoMB.ca or call (204) 474-2736.

    Stay up to date on COVID-19 related news by visiting the Province of Manitoba website. Additional resources related to your well-being can also be found in the Support Services section of our website. Information on the Economic Response Plan announced by the Government of Canada to help stabilize the economy and help Canadians affected by the impacts of this challenging period can be found below.

    MAY 19, 2021

    By-law Review Committee Seeking Input on Draft By-law Proposals

    The By-law Review Committee has developed draft by-law proposals under By-law 16.3 for the 2021 year. No proposals were submitted by members under By-law 16.2.

    Many of the by-law changes proposed this year deal with administrative issues that Council and Council committees have encountered during the application of the By-laws.

    After engagement with practitioners, through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, Council came up with principles for the by-law changes. These principles were then sent to legal counsel for drafting.

    The drafts of the potential by-law changes can be found below. The By-law Review Committee is seeking further member input on these drafts. Please forward any comments to Danielle Unett, staff support for the By-law Review Committee, via the e-mail below by May 31, 2021.

    After feedback is received, the By-law Review Committee and legal counsel will make any necessary changes to the proposals before final approval by Council at their June meeting.

    Practitioners are also invited to attend an online engagement session at noon on Thursday, May 27, 2021, to discuss these changes. Register via the link below by May 26, 2021. Contact Danielle Unett after registration has closed.

    Thank you for taking the time to improve your profession.

    MAY 19, 2021

    NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

    This is Notice that on November 30, 2020, Pavel F. Ast was issued a reprimand following a conviction on a charge of professional misconduct, in accordance with Section 46(1)(d) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

    The conviction arises out of Mr. Ast’s failure to comply with the Association’s Continuing Professional Development program for multiple reporting periods, in contravention of Section 11.3 of the Association’s By-laws, and failure to return his stamp and seal following the suspension of his registration in contravention of Sub-Section 26(2) of the Act.

    The Association’s Investigation Committee was unsuccessful at resolving this matter with Mr. Ast by way of penalty proposal.

    In addition to the reprimand, Mr. Ast was required to pay a fine in the sum of $500 and costs in the sum of $2,250.

    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    MAY 05, 2021

    BRACE Survey Results Now Available

    The BRACE Project Team extends their appreciation to the 1,001 practitioners in Manitoba who responded to the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity Expertise (BRACE) program online survey conducted between March 23 and April 15, 2021.

    The survey was undertaken as part of an engagement and training/tool needs assessment process. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is funded until March 2022 by Manitoba Conservation and Climate’s Climate Resiliency Training Project (under Natural Resources Canada’s BRACE Program) to improve the capacity of Manitoba infrastructure professionals and decision-makers to access and apply knowledge and tools on climate change adaptation in their work.

    The survey benchmarked practitioners’ understanding of and views on the impact of climate change on infrastructure design.

    Practitioners were queried as to the types and formats of potential climate change-related training that would be most useful to them. Many additional comments were received that provide context and recommendations for additional factors to consider in developing the BRACE curriculum.

    Who Responded?
    • 60% of the survey respondents make day-to-day engineering decisions affecting building, energy, water, or transportation infrastructure, with another 6% working in resource extraction or processing.
    Learning Priorities
    • 78% of respondents indicated that they needed more information about how a changing climate will affect these decisions. Although all listed training topics were of interest, the highest priorities were for training in:

      • Lessons learned through Manitoba case studies

      • Climate change codes and standards in planning and design

      • Sustainable infrastructure, transportation, water management, buildings
    Some respondents noted that customers and employers are generally not interested in anything that creates additional costs, so respondents would benefit from additional tools to better communicate or convince others of the benefits of adaptation planning. Others recommended working on updating codes and standards as investors are reluctant to build above code requirements.

    Learning Preferences
    • 60% preferred to learn about climate change through online continuing education, while 50% preferred published best practices. 40-42% preferred conferences, webinars, and online resources.
    Familiarity with Climate Change Impacts on Infrastructure and Mitigation Techniques
    • 30% or less of respondents were very familiar with the nine different listed effects that climate change can have on infrastructure, although 42 – 54% had some familiarity.

    • Less than 20% indicated that they were very familiar with the nine different listed techniques to mitigate climate change impacts, although a further 14 - 50% indicated that they had some familiarity.
    What Happens Next

    The BRACE Project Team will utilize the survey responses in the coming months to further define training and tool development priorities.

    Look for courses and tools to be piloted in the summer and a full offering beginning this fall!

    APR 21, 2021

    Competency Based Assessment Pilot

    In February 2021, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba began the implementation of the Competency Based Assessment (CBA) pilot which will eventually replace the time-based experience reporting currently completed by interns. The pilot was offered to a select number of potential test applicants who have been interns with the Association for several years.

    CBA is an assessment tool, originally developed by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, that is now being implemented by many engineering/geoscience regulators across Canada. CBA promises a more transparent, consistent, and effective way of measuring a candidate's readiness for licensure.

    Some of the features of CBA are:
    • Based on competencies and will involve one extensive report, rather than four 12-month reports.

    • A structured, more templated format.

    • Interns are still required to have 48 months of experience, overall, however less reliance on exact time-based accrual of the experience.

    • Validators will replace the role of supervisors and references. A minimum of four validators will be required per intern.

    • Professional development and volunteer service will be incorporated into the CBA process and will be described rather than listed and approved as it is now.
    For more information on Competency Based Assessment, watch the short video overview via the link below.

    To facilitate the CBA pilot, assessors are needed! See the call for volunteers below or contact the Volunteer Coordinator.

    APR 16, 2021

    26th Annual Spaghetti Bridge Event Raises $10,000 for Harvest Manitoba

    During Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW) in March each year, volunteers from Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba can usually be found doing outreach work with local students, both through children’s activities and the annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition, which attracted over 1000 participants in 2020. With the pandemic restricting in-person events this year, the Association made the difficult decision to cancel what would have been its 26th annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition this March.

    Upon receiving the news, several teachers reached out to the Association looking for an alternative for what has become an exciting part of their curriculum. No stranger to virtual events, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba pivoted to an online school-friendly format and four professional engineers volunteered their time to test trusses made from spaghetti and white glue by students ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 8.

    In previous years, EngGeoMB staff and volunteers would spend a week hosting bridge breaking events at schools and Kildonan Place where hundreds of trusses would be challenged to hold the strongest load. This year, 192 trusses from 11 different schools were delivered to the office one week before the event so they could undergo their own quarantine period and participants were invited to watch the live event online on March 26.

    To add competition to this year’s event, teams from each of the 18 classes participating were vying to win the prize for being the best in their class. For the second year in a row, the overall top spot was awarded to a team from Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School. Special congratulations go out to the Grade 4 team whose truss bore 140.7 kg of weight before breaking!

    Students are not the only ones who benefit from the competition. The Association has donated thousands of dollars to Harvest Manitoba, previously Winnipeg Harvest, to offset the loss of edible spaghetti – a total of $207,353 between 2010 and 2020. Because of Harvest Manitoba’s buying power with other suppliers, this financial donation translates to tens of thousands of pounds of food feeding hundreds of families in Manitoba over the last decade. “We are so pleased to be the charity of choice for the annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition,” said Keren Taylor-Hughes, CEO of Harvest Manitoba. “This year’s fundraising event raised the equivalent of 3,817 lbs of food, which the Harvest Community Food Network will provide to thousands of students just like these to build a bridge to a healthier future.”

    “We were glad to be able to offer this opportunity to students and teachers again this year despite current restrictions,” said Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s CEO & Registrar. “Students used simple building materials, their imagination, and applied their classroom learning to build trusses that held a total load of 4,476.6 kg. This translates into a donation to Harvest Manitoba of $10,000 from EngGeoMB which will provide 2,985 spaghetti meals. We’ve had such a great response from our first virtual event that we’re looking at adding a virtual event in 2022 while hopefully returning to in-person events at schools.”

    The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of National Engineering Month, which takes place across Canada throughout March each year. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and geoscience to young people of all ages.

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is a public organization charged with the governance and regulation of the practice of professional engineering and professional geoscience in Manitoba.

    [Spaghetti Bridge]
    Socially distanced setup. Normally held in school, this year’s event was held virtually at the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba office.

    [Spaghetti Bridge]
    Nhi Le, P.Eng. and Ronnie Sugden, P.Eng. testing the load of trusses made of spaghetti and white glue.

    [Spaghetti Bridge]
    Ronnie Sugden, P.Eng. gives feedback to students on their design via Zoom.

    [Spaghetti Bridge]
    Don Spangelo, P.Eng., FEC has volunteered with the Spaghetti Bridge event since its inception in 1995.

    APR 14, 2021

    NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

    This is notice that on March 22, 2021, Ms. Sijie Liu consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

    Ms. Liu, while registered as a professional engineer in the Province of Manitoba, knowingly attempted to obtain an illegal chemical weapon; a crime which she pled guilty to in U.S District Court. These actions by Ms. Liu are detrimental to the public interest and are conduct unbecoming a professional engineer, in violation of s.46(1)(a) and 46(1)(b) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

    Having received Ms. Liu’s consent, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s Investigation Committee has registered a conviction and imposed the following penalties:
    • a reprimand;
    • Ms. Liu’s Certificate of Registration be cancelled;
    • no application for reinstatement be considered for five years; and
    • the decision be published, with names.
    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    APR 13, 2021

    NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

    This is notice that on March 13, 2021, Mr. William Hanuschak, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

    William Hanuschak, P.Eng., while registered as a professional engineer in the Province of Manitoba, failed to cooperate with an investigation being carried out by the Investigation Committee of the Association in that he:
    1. failed to provide relevant information about his involvement in a building construction project at 1143 St. Anne’s Road (the “project”) pursuant to a request that he do so by letter from the Association dated June 14, 2017;
    2. failed to provide specific documentation from his project file as requested by letter from the Association dated August 29, 2018;
    3. failed to provide specific information about the project as requested by letter from the Association dated August 29, 2018;
    4. failed to provide specific documentation from his project file as requested by letter from the Association dated September 24, 2020;
    5. failed to provide specific documentation from his project file as requested by letter from the Association dated September 28, 2020;
    6. failed to provide specific information about the project as requested by letter from the Association dated September 28, 2020;
    which failures are contrary to his professional obligations pursuant to subsection 33(1) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act (the “Act”) and which failures constitute professional misconduct.

    Having received Mr. Hanuschak’s consent, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s Investigation Committee has registered a conviction and imposed the following penalties:
    1. a reprimand;
    2. payment to the Association of the sum of $6,700.00 as a contribution to the costs of the investigation and prosecution; and
    3. the full text or a summary of this conviction and order will be published by the Association in print and electronic publications including on the Association’s website.
    Grant Koropatnick, PEng, FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    APR 07, 2021

    NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

    This is notice that on February 17, 2021, Mr. Stephen M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

    The conviction arises out of Mr. Petrovich’s involvement in the process of issuing the design and geotechnical report for a retaining wall system at a private residence in Winnipeg.
    Specifically, by issuing design documents sealed between July 8, 2016, and June 22, 2018, for a retaining wall system on helical piles, Mr. Petrovich:
    1. issued a design for an active slope based on a report from over three years prior, without performing a site review to assess, identify and update the changes to site conditions;
    2. issued and sealed a design and corresponding report titled “Geotechnical Assessment & Recommendations” for a retaining wall system and upper bank regarding without having conducted or engaged a third party to conduct a geotechnical assessment of the proposed design on the active slope;
    3. submitted drawings to the City of Winnipeg showing insufficient and incorrect detail to support the proposed work; and
    4. proposed a design which fell below the minimum recommended factor of safety for a design which could impact the stability of the slope and the residence situated above.
    Having received Mr. Petrovich’s consent, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s Investigation Committee has registered a conviction and imposed the following penalties:
    1. a reprimand;
    2. his licence be limited such that he is restricted from practicing geotechnical engineering until he satisfies the Investigation Committee as to his competence in geotechnical engineering by undergoing supervised practice by someone approved by the Investigation Committee. A review of the work will be conducted by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba after 12 months of geotechnical work has been submitted.
    3. the matter be published by the Association.
    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    MAR 23, 2021

    Online Engagement for Phase 2 of Perimeter Highway Safety Review

    On March 22, the Honourable Ron R. Schuler, Minister of Manitoba Infrastructure, announced that the Manitoba government is launching an online public engagement for Phase 2 of the Perimeter Safety Review. The review proposes closing all non-signalled median openings and stop sign-controlled access points limiting the North Perimeter Highway to intersections that are signalled appropriately or have interchanges.

    As stakeholders of the Manitoba government, practitioners are encouraged to provide comments and feedback through the Engage Manitoba website via the link below before it closes on April 10.

    Your feedback is extremely valuable to ensure that the public interest is better served and protected.

    For more information on the South Perimeter Highway Safety Plan, visit the Manitoba Infrastructure website below.

    MAR 17, 2021

    Manitoba Legislation Update - Unpaid Military Leave for Reservists

    The Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) wishes to inform you of recent changes to the provisions for Unpaid Leave for Reservists contained in the Manitoba Employment Standards Code. A summary of the key provisions under the Code is contained in the CFLC Bulletin below.

    The Reserve is a component of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) that supports the different elements of the Regular Force – Navy, Army, Air Force, and specialty branches, such as legal and medical. Reservists are part-time members of the CAF who train regularly to maintain their military skills and deploy on CAF operations at home and abroad.

    Most recently reservists have deployed domestically on OP LASER, the CAF’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and OP VECTOR, the CAF’s support for distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Manitoba reservists have also deployed on many other CAF Operations, including recently in locations such as Latvia and Iraq.

    The CFLC thanks all Manitoba organizations who employ or enroll reservists and encourages them to have appropriate human resource policies to enable reservists to train on a regular basis and to ensure they are supported both when deployed and when returning to their regular studies or jobs.

    While the Employment Standards Code lays out minimum requirements to support reservists with unpaid leave and return to work policies, many organizations go further and provide additional supports to their employees. CFLC encourages organizations to have a formal Military Leave Policy (see the document on Best Practices below) that outlines their support for the Reserves and ensures that managers and human resources personnel have appropriate guidance with respect to supporting employees who are also reservists.

    Please feel welcome to contact any member of the CFLC should you have any questions with respect to the Reserves or Military Leave policies. Contact information is included in the CFLC Bulletin.

    MAR 01, 2021

    National Engineering and Geoscience Month - Winnipeg Free Press Supplement

    March is National Engineering and Geoscience Month, Canada's largest celebration of engineering and geoscience!

    As part of National Engineering and Geoscience Week Month, the Association partnered with the Winnipeg Free Press to publish a special section celebrating and showcasing Manitoba's outstanding engineers and geoscientists.

    Click on the link below to read the following articles:
    • The Girl Power Campaign: She Used to Be a Girl Like Me
    • Girl Power - Inspire Girls to Change the World as Engineers and Geoscientists
    • 30 By 30 Initiative
    • Engineering Matters - An interview with Dean Marcia Friesen, P.Eng., FEC.
    • Change Can Be Good: National Engineering and Geoscience Month Activities Go Online
    • The Day in the Life of an Engineer

    For more information on professional development events and online activities taking place during National Engineering and Geoscience Month see our event calendar via the link below.

    FEB 09, 2021

    Centennial Videos Series

    As we approach the end of our Centennial year, watch these videos to recognize and celebrate this important milestone for our professions as we highlight how 100 years of the life's work and community initiatives of engineers and geoscientists have made life work better in Manitoba.

    We encourage you to share these videos with family and friends to help them understand the important work that you do.

    FEB 08, 2021

    Call for Member By-law Proposals

    In accordance with By-law 16.2 Member By-law Proposals, Council is seeking requests for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments.

    Each proposal submitted in response to this notice:
    1. must be received by the secretary no more than 30 days after the date of such notice;
    2. may include the text of any proposed amendment or new by-law;
    3. shall include a written statement outlining the purpose of such proposed by-law and the reasons why the proposed by-law is required and may include such other information as the proponent considers necessary or desirable; and
    4. shall include the full name, and mailing address of the mover and seconder of such proposed by-law.

    The Secretary is not required to accept any by-law proposal that does not comply with these statements, but shall give notice to the mover and seconder of the proposal of the refusal, and the reasons for such refusal, within 10 days of receiving the proposal.

    Please submit all proposals to the Secretary at GKoropatnick@EngGeoMB.ca by March 10, 2021.

    The current by-laws can be found on the Association website.

    FEB 03, 2021

    Geoscientists Canada Celebrates 25 Yrs of Service to the Regulated Practice of Geoscience in Canada

    Geoscientists Canada is pleased to announce the organization is celebrating 25 years of service to public protection and the practice of professional geoscience.

    Over the course of 2021, watch Geoscientists Canada’s social media posts for more information on the organization, available resources, member regulators, and Canada’s accomplished professional geoscientists.

    Please help us raise awareness about this important development for the profession of geoscience through your organization’s various networks and channels.

    Read Geoscientists Canada's press release below.

    JAN 20, 2021

    Lake Winnipeg Basin Program - Call for Letters of Intent (2021/2022)

    Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) is seeking Letters of Intent for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program (LWBP). They provide funding for targeted, outcome-focused actions that address at least one of the following LWBP priorities:

    1. Nutrient Reduction
    2. Collaborative Governance
    3. Indigenous Engagement

    The Lake Winnipeg Basin Program implements a two-stage application process:

    Stage 1: Letter of Intent: Applicants are asked, using the template included with the Applicant Guide, to submit a Letter of Intent (maximum 2 pages). Letters of Intent will be reviewed by ECCC against the following criteria:

    • The Letter of Intent does not exceed two pages;
    • The project contributes to at least one of the three LWBP priorities;
    • The requested level of federal funding is between 1/3 and 2/3 of the total project value;
    • The start date and end date are clearly stated (must end before March 31, 2022);
    • The project takes place in the Canadian portion of the Lake Winnipeg Basin; and
    • The submission is from an eligible applicant.

    Stage 2: Project Proposal Submission: Once a Letter of Intent is deemed eligible, applicants will be invited to submit a project proposal using the Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS), ECCC’s new online application system.

    Please refer to the Applicant Guide below for further program information including eligibility and the application process.

    If you are interested in funding through the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program, please submit a Letter of Intent no later than 11:59 p.m. (CST), February 5, 2021.

    DEC 16, 2020

    BRACE Program - Climate Resiliency Capacity Building for Manitoba Decision Makers is Coming Soon!

    Do you want to learn more about how to incorporate Climate Resiliency into Infrastructure design?! Well look no further, the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program is coming soon!

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada and the Manitoba Government, is working to achieve the objectives of the BRACE Program. Our project team will help design a comprehensive training course to enable engineers and other infrastructure decision-makers to integrate climate resiliency into their designs and practice.

    The BRACE Program is intended to improve the capacity of practitioners to access and apply knowledge and tools on climate change adaptation in their work.

    Click the link below to read the BRACE article in the Winter issue of The Keystone Professional for more information on the program!

    DEC 09, 2020

    NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

    This is notice that on November 10, 2020, Mr. N.A. Garcia, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance of a reprimand on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act. The conviction arises out of Mr. Garcia’s issuance of a certification letter for the inspection of a private residence and detached garage in rural Manitoba.

    In the course of his involvement in this project Mr. Garcia:
    • Certified the foundation and structural systems were functional and did not pose life and safety hazards, with full knowledge that a structural assessment had not been performed, and with full knowledge that this did not meet the requirements of the RM to have a Structural Engineer review the structures; and
    • Made statements in this letter that fell outside his area of professional practice and competency.
    In addition to the reprimand, Mr. Garcia:
    1. is restricted from practising structural engineering until he satisfies the Association that he is competent do so,
    2. is required to take and pass an ethics course within six months;
    3. is required to write to the RM and the homeowner retracting the Letter of Certification;
    4. must refund in full the fees paid by the homeowner for the inspection and corresponding report; and
    5. must complete an additional 30 Formal Activity Hours and 30 Informal Activity hours.
    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    DEC 09, 2020

    2020 Updates from the Department of Equity and Representation

    To achieve Strategic Ends 5.1 and 5.2, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is working to understand, track, and effectively address the reasons for the significant underrepresentation of Indigenous people and women in our professions. Read below to learn about the progress made by the Department of Equity and Representation in 2020 towards achieving the ends.

    E-5.1 is guided by the work of the Indigenous Professionals Initiative Coordinator, Nicole Everett (a member of the Berens River First Nation, with roots also in the Long Plain First Nation and Swan Lake First Nation). Working closely with the Director of the Department, the Coordinator has focused on the following:
    • Building the membership of the Indigenous Professionals Initiative Committee (IPIC) to include members who can provide guidance in the areas of education, student support, traditional knowledge, along with engineers and geoscientists already working in the industry to guide the direction of End E-5.1; and

    • Determining future priorities by developing an environmental scan and strategic operational/action plan for the Initiative;

    • Maintaining and tracking metrics on the number of Indigenous professionals working in engineering and the geosciences, enrollment rates for secondary pre-requisite requirements for admission to engineering and geosciences programs, the number of students enrolled in post-secondary programs, and graduation rates for the environmental scan to support the Initiative;

    • Developing partnerships and collaboration opportunities to increase Indigenous representation in engineering and the geosciences through engagement with local Indigenous organizations and representatives from community groups;

    • Developing ways to support Indigenous student participation in existing programs such as Engineering Access Program (ENGAP)at the University of Manitoba and the Verna J. Kirkness Education Foundation) designed to encourage and support engineering and geoscience fields of study; and

    • Increasing the Association and industry commitment and understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action (#92), the Calls to Justice (#13.1 to #13.5) for Extractive and Development Industries from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), along with understanding on the history of colonization and marginalization of Indigenous peoples; duty to consult, Indigenous engagement, and reconciliation; and traditional knowledge and its link to engineering and geoscience. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba recognizes that the link between resource extraction projects and violence against Indigenous women is a serious problem that demands attention, and the importance of all resource-extraction and development industries to consider the safety and security of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people (Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual) “at all stages of project planning, assessment, implementation, management, and monitoring”.

    • The Association has retained a Strategic Planning Consultant who will work with the Association in the research, development, and writing of a comprehensive action plan. This could include the development of recommendations, policy change, and/or professional development delivered on behalf of the Association based on the MMIWG Calls for Justice that will be survivor led, family centered, and community directed.

    The Association’s 30 by 30 Strategic End 5.2

    The 30 by 30 Strategic Plan, available on our website, focused on the following tactics for the 2019-2020 year: complete metric baseline, set targets; build out intersectional understanding; develop communications plan; develop/launch bias interrupter campaign; establish an education sub-committee
    • Further data to inform the strategic plan was obtained from Manitoba Education, looking at the 2017 binary gender breakdown of course credits obtained in high school science courses. The data from that year shows grade 11 and 12 high school physics to be the first drop off point for women toward careers in engineering and geoscience with percentages of women falling below 50% (as low as 40%) compared to chemistry which showed the percentage of women above 50% and surpassing 60% for grade 11 chemistry.

    • Additionally, further available binary gender and Indigenous declaration data was collected from the universities. Binary gender and Indigenous declaration data was also sourced from the Engineers Geoscience Manitoba database to expand the understanding of application, enrolment, and attrition rates via the Internationally Educated Assessment Program and Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board graduate pathways by gender.

    • The online portion of the Girl Power campaign was launched at the beginning of March 2020 prior to course selection for the 2020 academic year. The campaign features four women at various stages of their careers, a student, an EIT, a professional geoscientist, and a professional engineer who do work across a broad range of disciplines. The campaign is designed to inspire girls to consider their futures in engineering and geoscience, inform them of the pre-requisites needed and make the link to the importance of their high school curriculum. The campaign allows students of all genders to earn a t-shirt using their problem-solving skills in physics, chemistry, and math questions from the Manitoba grade 9 curriculum to trace a path from where they are to where they could go.

    • Content for webpages and a social media strategy were developed to both inspire and equip teachers, students, parents, practitioners, and employers to recruit, retain, and promote women in engineering and geoscience. www.enggeomb.ca/DismantlingBias.html

    • The 2020-2021 Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program is in its sixth year, with a record 190 participating students, interns, and mentors. The administration of the program is transitioning from being solely volunteer-based from the former Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE), toward a volunteer member-directed and staff-supported program.

    • The Engineering Changes Lives Education sub-committee led by co-chairs Dr. Lilian Pozzer of the U of M Faculty of Education and Jamie Evans, Vice-Principal at École Salisbury Morse Place in the River East Transcona School Division has decided on two foci: 1) to map existing programs and 2) to produce and disseminate content for educators to recognize and interrupt gender and racial bias in STEAM (science, technology, arts, engineering and mathematics) education and curriculum.

    • The Manitoba 2030 Coalition met twice in October 2020 to discuss COVID-19 related challenges and opportunities for achieving gender equity in the professions (i.e., flexible and work from home arrangements and leave transitions).

    • In partnership with the Department of Operations of the Association, the second round of My Story videos were curated and produced to feature Indigenous practitioners, women and non-binary practitioners in the professions. Stay tuned for the launch in January 2021.

    • The Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT) 2020 Conference hosted by the Association pivoted to a successful online speaker series held over the month of November with hundreds of attendees from across the country.
    We’ve made progress in 2020 towards achieving our ends, thank you to our many committee members, stakeholders, and champions. We look forward to pushing forward in 2021.

    DEC 02, 2020

    Practice Note - Safeguarding Intellectual Property

    Concern has been raised to the attention of the Investigation Committee regarding the use of designs or design elements by engineering firms who did not create them. This practice note will outline the concept of copyright and the less-familiar moral rights in engineering design and discuss the importance of establishing contractual terms to address these matters between designers and clients.

    Intellectual property rights are governed in Canada by the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42), which establishes the grounds for ownership and transfer of ownership of copyright. Copyright itself is unique from other elements of intellectual property protected by Canadian law, namely: patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies.1

    Note that some specialized questions of the Copyright Act have not been broadly explored in Canadian law and thus have limited precedent.

    The practice note on safeguarding intellectual property is available via the link below.

    NOV 06, 2020

    Request for Proposals – Governance Review

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has released a request for proposals (RFP) seeking a qualified consultant to design and conduct a review of all aspects of the Association’s governance.

    The request for proposals for a Governance Review Consultant can be viewed via the link below.

    We encourage practitioners to circulate the RFP within their networks to assist in advertising this initiative.

    Proposals are due on Monday, November 30, 2020

    NOV 04, 2020

    Looking Back Through Our Century: November 1921

    The Association adopted its first Code of Ethics of November 1, 1921, which was revised April 6, 1935, and September 23, 1959. It would subsequently be rewritten and adopted on February 28, 1968, and revised on April 13, 1992, May 9, 2000, and October 19, 2018.

    The Code of Ethics ensures that practitioners apply their specialized knowledge and skill at all times in the public interest, with honesty, integrity and honour, and conduct themselves in a spirit of fairness and tolerance when dealing with fellow professionals. As a general guide, the Code of Ethics outlines the spirit of Association member's professionalism. Failure to follow this code may be considered unskilled practice, professional misconduct, or both.

    To learn more about the Code of Ethics and how it’s changed over the years, read “Ethics – The Time Factor” on page 50 of the Centennial Issue of The Keystone Professional.

    OCT 21, 2020

    City of Winnipeg Launches Digital Development Permit Services

    Effective October 13, 2020, the City of Winnipeg has launched digital development permit services. Applications received on or after this date will be reviewed and issued electronically.

    To submit a digital development permit application:
    • Review the digital submission requirements,
    • Email your PDF application and supporting documentation to ppd-permit@winnipeg.ca,
    • If requested, submit additional information via Permits Online,
    • Once approved, you will receive your permit via email along with a link to a ZIP file to download your approved supporting documentation.
    Note: This additional service is for development permits that are applied for independently of building permits. If your development permit is being processed as part of your building permit application, there is no change to service levels as these applications are already reviewed and issued electronically.

    Visit the Digital Permit Applications webpage for more information.

    OCT 02, 2020

    Geoscience Practice Guidelines Catalogue

    Geoscientists Canada Professional Practice Committee has recently completed its work on the Geoscience Practice Guidelines Catalogue. The documents noted in the catalogue link directly to the source material, in most cases the provincial or territorial regulator.

    This resource is designed to support both the professional geoscience practitioner and the Canadian geoscience regulators. The professional geoscience practitioner will be able to utilize the catalogue during their daily practice, which will help the practitioner to ensure they are utilizing best practices and following their regulator’s guidance or standards. Where guidance or standards on a particular topic may not be available from their regulator, the practitioner will be able to review guidance or standards from other Canadian geoscience regulators to facilitate their decisions and professional obligations.

    Regulators will be able to refer to available guidance documents from across Canada to:
    • facilitate creation or updating of their own guidelines or standards,
    • assist with identifying any gaps in professional geoscience guidance, and
    • facilitate a nationally coordinated approach to the production of geoscience guidance documentation.
    Geoscientists Canada will maintain the catalogue and hopes that our members will find this new resource to be a valuable tool in the effective regulation and practice of professional geoscience.

    The searchable catalogue is available on the Geoscientists Canada website via the link below.

    Questions, comments, and revisions pertaining to the catalogue can be addressed to Andrea Waldie, CEO Geoscientists Canada, via the contact information below.

    OCT 02, 2020

    Continuing Competency Committee Modifies ProDev Reporting Targets for 2020

    At its meeting this week, the Continuing Competency Committee agreed to modify the targets of the ProDev program for the 2020 calendar year. These reductions are being made in recognition of the impact that COVID health measures have had on the accessibility of professional development activities.

    For all practitioners, the target number of categories in 2020 will be two (2) instead of the standard three (3) categories. In addition, the overall target number of hours for all practitioners will be reduced to 225 for any reporting period that includes the 2020 calendar year. These reductions will be applied automatically to all member profiles in the coming weeks.

    The Continuing Competency Committee also wishes to remind practitioners that they can submit applications for abatement for reasons of unemployment, as is always the case.

    For more information on ProDev Reporting Program, see the link below.

    SEP 25, 2020

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Statement on COVID-19

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association will continue to closely monitor updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities regarding COVID-19.

    As of September 21, the Association office at 870 Pembina Hwy is open to visitors during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Guests are limited to the reception area and are required to wear a mask. We also ask that guests use hand sanitizer upon entry to the Association office.

    Note that most Association staff are still working from home and continue to be available via e-mail and telephone. For general questions, please contact us via email at Info@EngGeoMB.ca or call (204) 474-2736.

    Stay up to date on COVID-19 related news by visiting the Province of Manitoba website. Additional resources related to your well-being can also be found in the Support Services section of our website. Information on the Economic Response Plan announced by the Government of Canada to help stabilize the economy and help Canadians affected by the impacts of this challenging period can be found below.

    JUL 17, 2020

    Habitat for Humanity Build Days

    As the Association celebrates 100 years in Manitoba, the Centennial Outreach Task Group invited practitioners to join us in giving back to our community through two Build Days with Habitat for Humanity. On July 15 and 16, over 50 volunteers and Association staff rolled up their sleeves to work together on a new condo development site in Amber Trails.

    Habitat homes are truly the homes that love built. They are constructed almost entirely by caring volunteers, with the support of dedicated, skilled Habitat for Humanity Manitoba staff. While all Build Days are crucially important to the success of Habitat’s program, these Build Days were particularly significant as the site on Templeton Ave was the first to reopen in Canada post-lockdown, our volunteers being the first that Habitat welcomed anywhere in the country since March. It takes many caring hands to build a Habitat home, the enthusiasm, positive attitudes, and work ethic of our volunteers kicked this project off successfully. We are truly grateful to the volunteers who gave their time for such a worthy cause.

    See below for the article which appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press.

    [G.K. and J.P. July 16, 2020]CEO & Registrar Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC and President Jitendra Paliwal, P.Eng., FEC

    [July 15, 2020]Day One Volunteers

    [July 16, 2020]Day Two Volunteers

    JUL 17, 2020

    Habitat for Humanity Build Days

    As the Association celebrates 100 years in Manitoba, the Centennial Outreach Task Group invited practitioners to join us in giving back to our community through two Build Days with Habitat for Humanity. On July 15 and 16, over 50 volunteers and Association staff rolled up their sleeves to work together on Habitat's first ever condo development site.

    Habitat homes are truly the homes that love built. They are constructed almost entirely by caring volunteers, with the support of dedicated, skilled Habitat for Humanity Manitoba staff. While all Build Days are crucially important to the success of Habitat’s program, these Build Days were particularly significant as the site on Templeton Ave in Amber Trails was the first to reopen in Canada post-lockdown, our volunteers being the first that Habitat welcomed anywhere in the country since March. It takes many caring hands to build a Habitat home, the enthusiasm, positive attitudes, and work ethic of our volunteers kicked this project off successfully. We are truly grateful to the volunteers who gave their time for such a worthy cause.

    Read more about the initiative in the Winnipeg Free Press article below.

    [G.K. and J.P. July 16, 2020]
    CEO & Registrar Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC and President Jitendra Paliwal, P.Eng., FEC

    [July 15, 2020]Day One Volunteers

    [July 16, 2020]Day Two Volunteers

    JUL 17, 2020

    Looking Back Through Our Century: July 1993

    Over the past 100 years, thousands of volunteers have worked tirelessly on committees and events in our mostly volunteer run association which is the reality of participating in a self-regulated profession. As practitioners, volunteer service is a requirement to be eligible for professional registration however many of our practitioners have always gone above and beyond what is required. In the summer of 1993, many Manitobans became familiar with Habitat for Humanity when former US President Jimmy Carter came to Winnipeg to support the building of 19 homes for low income families to own. Our Association members were among the seven hundred volunteers who picked up hammers and saws for the official launch of the Habitat for Humanity project in Winnipeg. This is just one of the many events where our volunteers have given their time to make life work better in Manitoba. To learn more about the Jimmy Carter Habitat Build and volunteer opportunities for our practitioners, see the links below. [Habitat Build 1993]
    Don Osman, P.Eng(Ret), FEC; Bill McDonald, P.Eng(Ret),FEC; Bob Stokes, P.Eng(Ret), FEC; John Friesen, P.Eng.; and Glenn Morris (deceased) at the Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity Build in 1993.

    JUL 03, 2020

    NOTICE Under the Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act & the Association’s Discipline By-law

    This is notice that on June 29, 2020 Mr. S.M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.

    Mr. Petrovich was the subject of an order, dated April 6, 2020, by The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (Engineers Geoscientists British Columbia), regarding his involvement in the project for a property located in Edgewater, British Columbia. Specifically, Mr. Petrovich:
      1. failed to design screw piles for new deck piles at the property located in Edgewater, British Columbia (the “Property”), in or around April 2016 (the “Piles”), to the reasonable standard expected of a professional engineer, by failing to:

      1. assess on-site soil conditions adequately or at all;
      2. obtain sufficient information about the Property to conduct a proper analysis of factors that might have, and did, affect the Piles;
      3. sufficiently document the design for the Piles;
      4. provide the qualifications for the design to the installer; and
      5. provide a design drawing to the installer.

      2. signed and affixed his seal to a letter dated April 14, 2016 regarding “Screw Pile Inspection/Compliance” for the Property (the “Assurance Letter”), that stated “a detailed inspection was completed by a professional civil engineer for the screw pile installed at [the Property]” on April 7, 2016, when he knew neither he nor a professional civil engineer under his supervision had done a site visit to inspect the Piles on that day or at all, and he knew or ought to have known that the wording of the Assurance Letter was misleading.
      3. failed to conduct a site visit at the Property in a reasonable amount of time after being made aware of issues arising with the Piles by the Property owner in or around June 2017.
      4. failed to make field review notes when making a site visit on or around December 26, 2017.
    Having received Mr. Petrovich’s consent, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s Investigation Committee has registered a conviction and imposed the following penalties:
    • his licence with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will be suspended until July 17, 2020;
    • he will make reasonable arrangements for the orderly transfer of his ongoing professional engineering project files to other professional engineers;
    • the Investigation Committee will review the Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia’s General Practice review and if the outcome of the review is unacceptable, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba reserves the right to conduct their own review;
    • within six months from the acceptance of this penalty proposal, he will provide the Association with written notice that he has completed and passed the Professional Practice Examination;
    • in the event that he fails to comply with any of the terms of this penalty proposal, his membership in the Association will be suspended until every default has been remedied in accordance with the terms of this penalty proposal; and
    • the full text or a summary of this proposed conviction and order will be published by the Association in print and electronic publications including on the Association’s website.
    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    JUN 24, 2020

    Looking Back Through Our Century: June 1998

    Some of our younger practitioners have always had the ability to look up information on the Internet, however many of us can recall a time when we couldn't ask Google. It took 407 hours of effort and 25.6 Mbytes of storage on a hard disc to bring the APEM's Web Site to completion. On June 26, 1998, the Association's first website would be available for general use.

    See below to read the article from the August 1998 Engineering Professional to learn about the process from the volunteer mastermind behind the website.

    JUN 17, 2020

    Sons & Daughters Bursary Applications Bursary Draw

    The Association is now accepting applications for the Sons & Daughters Bursary. The bursary is open to sons and daughters of Association members in good standing, who are enrolled in 1st year engineering or geoscience studies at any Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) recognized university or college.

    Five (5) awards of $1,000 each will be given annually. Bursary recipients will be selected in a random draw immediately following the close of applications.

    Applications are accepted between June 1 and September 1, 2020.

    For further information on this bursary's eligibility criteria, and how to apply, please read the document below.

    JUN 03, 2020

    Anniversary of Reclaiming Power & Place: National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women & Girls

    It has been one year since the release of Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls Report.

    The Final Report is comprised of the truths of more than 2,380 family members, survivors of violence, experts, and Knowledge Keepers shared over two years of cross-country public hearings and evidence gathering. It delivers 231 individual Calls for Justice directed at governments, institutions, social service providers, industries, and all Canadians.

    Section 13 of the Calls for Justice as provided below outlines five calls for the Extractive and Development Industries where many engineers and geoscientists practice. Take the time on this important anniversary to read the Calls for Justice and the related research in the report and integrate them into your professional practice and workplace culture. Commit to listening, learning, and supporting Indigenous people, who are the experts on their own future.

    At Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, we have made a commitment to building a more equitable industry - one that welcomes and supports practitioners from all backgrounds, sexual orientations, cultures, and abilities. Our mission is to create a more inclusive and representative engineering and geoscience workforce, one that represents the diversity of Manitoba.

    To be fully effective as engineers and geoscientists, we need the perspectives of people from many different identities, backgrounds, and cultures to create solutions that work for everyone. Practitioners in the field must reflect the public we serve. When we lack proper representation, we are missing out on many of the experiences and imagination it takes to solve the most pressing problems facing our communities.

    As a practitioner, we need you to be an advocate for change within your organization, and act as an ally to people of different backgrounds and experiences within the field. Your voice is vital in building an industry that attracts new practitioners from many diverse backgrounds and allows current employees to thrive.

    As employers, you are an integral part of effecting change. As industry leaders, you have the power to ensure all employees can thrive within our fields, and to create an inclusive industry that welcomes and supports employees of all backgrounds. Nurturing and fostering an environment of diversity is now more important than ever. We need the perspectives of many types of people to solve problems that face our societies, and to fulfill our role as protectors of the public.

    It is now time for us to take bold action and work toward a more equitable, representative engineering and geoscience community, one that reflects the public we serve.

    We invite you to read more by visiting our Equity and Representation webpages.

    Section 13 - Extractive and Development Industries

    13.1 We call upon all resource-extraction and development industries to consider the safety and security of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people, as well as their equitable benefit from development, at all stages of project planning, assessment, implementation, management, and monitoring.

    13.2 We call upon all governments and bodies mandated to evaluate, approve, and/or monitor development projects to complete gender-based socio-economic impact assessments on all proposed projects as part of their decision making and ongoing monitoring of projects. Project proposals must include provisions and plans to mitigate risks and impacts identified in the impact assessments prior to being approved.

    13.3 We call upon all parties involved in the negotiations of impact-benefit agreements related to resource-extraction and development projects to include provisions that address the impacts of projects on the safety and security of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people. Provisions must also be included to ensure that Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA people equitably benefit from the projects.

    13.4 We call upon the federal, provincial, and territorial governments to fund further inquiries and studies in order to better understand the relationship between resource extraction and other development projects and violence against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people. At a minimum, we support the call of Indigenous women and leaders for a public inquiry into the sexual violence and racism at hydroelectric projects in northern Manitoba.

    13.5 We call upon resource-extraction and development industries and all governments and service providers to anticipate and recognize increased demand on social infrastructure because of development projects and resource extraction, and for mitigation measures to be identified as part of the planning and approval process. Social infrastructure must be expanded and service capacity built to meet the anticipated needs of the host communities in advance of the start of projects. This includes but is not limited to ensuring that policing, social services, and health services are adequately staffed and resourced.

    MAY 28, 2020

    Province Launches Online Tool to Help Match Employers and Students for Jobs

    The Manitoba government has launched Student Jobs MB, a new online tool dedicated to matching students looking for job opportunities to employers with workforce needs throughout the province.

    Student Jobs MB is simple and free to use, allowing students to be matched with and to apply for multiple jobs with the click of a button. The technology is safe and secure, and designed to protect user privacy. Private-sector employers, not-for-profit organizations, and governments are able to post jobs and connect directly with students. This tool expedites the hiring process and will encourage student summer employment.

    Student Jobs MB will be the primary source used by the province to connect students with government employment opportunities offered through the Student Temporary Employment Program, the Conservation Green Team, and Urban/Hometown Green Team partners.

    This new tool will complement the Summer Student Recovery Jobs Program, which was launched on April 24 as a key response to the economic impact of the pandemic. The Summer Student Recovery Jobs Program supports employers in hiring high school and post-secondary students by making $120 million available for an hourly $7 wage subsidy, up to a maximum of $5,000 per student. The program is open to students aged 15 to 29, with an employment period from May 1 to Sept. 4. Employers can be subsidized to hire up to five students.

    More information on student and youth employment opportunities can be found at the links below.

    MAY 05, 2020

    By-law Review Committee Seeking Input on Draft By-law Proposal

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba's Council has been advised by legal counsel that the non-practising status for the "Retired Members" category (established in by-law) is inconsistent with the Act. The inconsistency is as follows:
    • The Act allows Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba to register individuals or companies. The explicit, limited list of registrants is:

      1. members,
      2. specified scope of practice licensees,
      3. interns,
      4. holders of Certificates of Authorization, and
      5. temporary licensees; and

    • The Act defines members as: "a natural person who holds a valid and subsisting certificate of registration, entitling them to practice professional engineering or professional geoscience within the province";


    • The by-laws create categories of members that prevent certain classes from practising (i.e. those in the "Retired Member" category).
      Legal Counsel has therefore advised that Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba eliminate the current "Retired Member" category.
    Legal Counsel has therefore advised that Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba eliminate the current "Retired Member" category.

    Over the past months, the By-law Review Committee in accordance with By-law 16 has engaged with members through various engagement sessions and focus groups, to come up with the principles to follow while making changes to bring the by-laws in line with the Act.
    1. To address the identified inconsistency
    2. To ensure that members who are unemployed (e.g. retired) can pay reduced dues
    3. To recognize long-standing members
    4. To ensure that all practising members comply with professional development reporting
      1. a. While recognizing that long-standing members who are unemployed should have reduced targets

    Following these principles, a draft of the proposed changes was prepared by legal counsel.

    The following version of the proposed by-laws is in draft format and has not been officially approved by Council. As such, the final version for voting may be subject to change. The committee has taken the step of releasing this draft early, prior to full internal vetting, in order to give members as much time as possible to become familiar with the proposed changes and to provide feedback to the committee.

    Members are encouraged to read through the draft proposal found below and offer comments through the Online Members Forum, which can be accessed by logging into your online profile.

    Additional comments may also be sent by email to Danielle Unett, Standards Coordinator, who is acting as staff support, at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca.

    Comments will be accepted between Tuesday, May 5, 2020 and Tuesday, May 19, 2020.

    MAY 05, 2020

    By-law Review Committee Seeks Input on Member Proposed By-law

    In accordance with By-law 16.4.4, Council is seeking input from members on a by-law proposal made by members under By-law 16.2.

    The entirety of the proposal can be found below. Members are encouraged to read through the proposal and offer comments through the Online Members Forum, which can be accessed by logging into your online profile.

    Additional comments may also be sent by email to Danielle Unett, Standards Coordinator, who is acting as staff support, at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca.

    Comments will be accepted between Tuesday, May 5, 2020 and Tuesday, May 19, 2020.

    APR 20, 2020

    Frequently Asked Questions - COVID-19

    To help support our practitioners during this time, we have provided answers to common questions we’ve received related to the COVID-19 pandemic. See below for a list of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba recommends that practitioners stay apprised of daily updates from the Province of Manitoba to stay current on health and safety measures that may impact the practice of professional engineering and geoscience. The information provided is only general advice. As the COVID-19 pandemic is a constantly evolving situation and that each individual situation is different, it is recommended that practitioners consult with health, government, and legal authorities as required.

    Should you have additional questions related to practising during these unprecedented times, please email us via the link below.

    APR 09, 2020

    Help us promote the Girl Power campaign!

    With school being out, students in grade 9 and up may appreciate an extra reminder about where their math, physics and chemistry studies can get them.

    Students can learn about four Manitoba women making a difference in our communities and around the world with their inspiring work.

    The Girl Power campaign is part of the Association’s efforts to increase the number of women in our professions, however, students of all genders can solve a question related to the grade 9 math and science curriculum to receive a free t-shirt. The shirts come with hang tags indicating the high school pre-requisites needed to apply to Manitoba engineering and geoscience programs.

    Help us share this initiative by directing the high school students in your life to our Girl Power campaign website to solve an equation for a free t-shirt.

    Do the students in your life already have a t-shirt? Ask if they’re willing to take a photo of the shirt (with them in it or not!) and post it to their social media with the hashtag #girlpoweristheanswer. No pressure!

    [Girl Power Campaign]

    MAR 27, 2020

    Happy 100th Birthday Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba!

    While we had originally planned to celebrate this special day by hosting you in our office, current events have made that impossible but there's no reason why we can't celebrate together from afar.

    Our CEO & Registrar, Grant Koropatnick, has a special message to share with you.

    Join us in the celebration! Here are some options how you can participate to show your pride in being part of an association that's 100-years old!

    • Check-in to our Virtual Birthday Party on Facebook and share a message, picture, video, or even a meme.
    • Share this video or post your own video, message, picture, or meme on your social media. Be sure to tag us @EngGeoMB on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and use the hashtag #EngGeoMBCentennial2020.
    • E-mail your message, picture or video to DWawryk@EngGeoMB.ca and we'll post it for you.

    Have fun and get creative! Posts with our #EngGeoMBCentennial2020 hashtag will earn an entry into our ongoing contest for two complimentary tickets to our Centennial Recognition Gala. A lucky winner will be drawn on June 30, 2020.

    Planning is still underway for our Centennial Year - stay informed by visiting our Centennial Event Calendar and follow us on social media as we highlight a century of work by engineers and geoscientists - making life work better in Manitoba!

    MAR 25, 2020

    Fighting Hunger by Putting Engineering Skills to the Test

    During the first week of March, over one thousand students from Winnipeg and surrounding areas put their engineering skills to the test in the 25th annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 constructed a bridge truss made only of spaghetti and glue and hoped their entry would hold the most weight. The builders of the strongest truss in each grade level and overall categories won a cash prize. Students didn’t only have to build one of the strongest trusses to win as school groups with 10 or more participants were eligible to receive a pizza party for their class – we all know how much kids like pizza! This year’s top spot was awarded to a grade 5 team from Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School which bore 176.30 kg of weight before breaking!

    Students aren’t the only people who benefit from the competition. Since 2010, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has donated over $207,000 to Winnipeg Harvest, enabling them to distribute over 4 million kilograms of food to families in Manitoba. “We’re thrilled to have so many students and teachers join us to build strong entries in support of Winnipeg Harvest. By applying their ingenuity to make the most from simple building materials of spaghetti and glue, these future engineers constructed trusses which held up a load of 14,036.70 kg! We multiplied this number by $2 and happily gave a donation of $28,073.40.” said Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s CEO & Registrar.

    “We’re overjoyed to be the charity of choice for Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba who have organized the Spaghetti Bridge event for 25 years” says Keren Taylor-Hughes, CEO, Winnipeg Harvest. “The event engages students to build bridges that connect people and communities, demonstrating the huge impact that we can have when we all work together. A big thank you to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and all participants for their continued and significant support. You are Harvest Heroes.”

    This year, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba expanded the competition and brought their annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition into four Winnipeg schools in addition to the final competition held at Kildonan Place. By bringing the competition into schools, volunteer engineers had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of students about how professional engineers provide many trusted and valuable skills and services that make everyone’s lives better.

    Tristen Gitzel, Committee Chair for the event, says the idea for the week’s activities is to showcase elements of engineering that are easy for young Manitobans to grasp. “With doctors, lawyers, and dentists, the general public interacts with them and they understand what they do, but engineering is more behind the scenes of society so we’re trying to make people better understand our profession,” he says.

    The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of National Engineering Month, which takes place across Canada throughout March each year. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages.

    Stay tuned for more information about the history of the Spaghetti Bridge Competition in our upcoming Spring 2020 edition of The Keystone Professional. Check out Tristen Gitzel's article 25 Years and Counting for Spaghetti Engineering on page 40.

    MAR 19, 2020

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Statement on COVID-19

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is committed to the health and well-being of its employees, practitioners, and members of the public whom we serve. The Association has been closely monitoring updates from Manitoba Health and other national and local entities in regard to COVID-19.

    The Association has implemented a "No Visitors" policy at 870 Pembina Hwy. All committee and task group meetings will be held remotely until further notice. Please contact the chair of your committee or task group directly for more information. Staff remain available via email and telephone. For general questions, please contact us via email at Info@EngGeoMB.ca or call (204)-474-2736. All upcoming member-facing events and activities are cancelled or postponed. More information can be found on our event calendar.

    Stay up to date on COVID-19 related news by visiting the Province of Manitoba website. Additional resources related to your well-being can also be found in the Support Services section of our website. Information on the Economic Response Plan announced by Government of Canada to help stabilize the economy and help Canadians affected by the impacts of this challenging period can be found below.

    MAR 11, 2020

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Public Awareness Campaign - My Story

    In late February, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba launched the My Story campaign. This campaign was designed to connect with members and other Manitobans with engaging and real stories about engineers, by engineers. Shot in 2019, several local engineers volunteered their time and told their personal stories on video which were then edited down to 2-3 minute vignettes. These stories highlighted their reasons for becoming an engineer, the obstacles they had to overcome to reach their goals, and the impact their work makes on the world around them.

    As engineers, we all see the difference we make in our community and to those who live here. We have the benefit of understanding how much time, energy and creativity goes into designing a solution that will solve a problem we collectively share. While the general public gets to experience the solutions first hand, they rarely get to see or hear about how these solutions were created, what challenges were faced and vanquished and how many times an idea was attempted before it succeeded. Our stories are stories of exploration and discovery, they are stories of invention, and they are stories of the human capacity for accomplishing great things. These are stories that need to be shared and they are stories that need to be heard.

    The My Story campaign is currently running on the backs of buses, television, radio, and online. Watch the eight member videos as well as a longer compilation video at MyStory.EngGeoMB.ca. The response to the campaign thus far has been overwhelmingly positive and we appreciate all of the feedback we’ve received.

    Share your own stories and add your voice to the campaign, using the hashtag #MyStoryEngGeoMB.

    MAR 04, 2020

    National Engineering and Geoscience Month

    The month of March is National Engineering and Geoscience Month. Help inspire the next generation of engineers and geoscientists by helping highlight the role that engineers and geoscientists play in society and the diversity of voices, experiences, and interests that compose the engineering and geoscience professions.

    Participate in #NEGM2020 on social media and share your engineering and geoscience story:

    Engineers and geoscientists: post a short video or photo explaining why you became an engineer/geoscientist, or what you love most about being an engineer/geoscientist.

    Engineering/geoscience organizations and companies: profile the engineers/geoscientists in your organization, celebrate the role they play, and/or showcase the engineering/geoscience work that they’re doing and its impact on society.

    Engineering/geoscience students: post a short video or photo explaining why you want to be an engineer/geoscientist.

    Educators: Post photos of your classroom STEM activities. Share why your students want to be engineers/geoscientists.

    Everyone: add the National Engineering and Geoscience Month frame to your Facebook profile picture.

    More information about how to participate in National Engineering and Geoscience Month at events or on social media can be found in the National Engineering Month toolkit below.

    MAR 04, 2020

    Plan 2050: Winnipeg Metropolitan Regional Growth Management and Development Plan Seeks Input

    The Winnipeg Metropolitan Regional (WMR) is comprised of eighteen municipalities centered around Manitoba’s capital – The City of Winnipeg. The WMR is committed to build better communities, increasing the competitive advantage, and ensuring resources are used in the best way possible.

    In 2019, the WMR was identified as a strategic partner in the Province of Manitoba’s Economic Growth Action Plan which has mandated WMR to coordinate economic development across the region and develop a strategy to coordinate land use and servicing in the region.

    As a result, the WMR has been working to develop a Regional Growth Management and Servicing Plan to 2050 with the intention of setting a proper foundation for our communities to thrive while increasing our economic competitiveness.

    With the strategic collaboration with Doctor Robert Murry, one of the North American’s leading authorities on public policy, the report for the Benefit of All was released after extensive research and consultation, which identifies key themes that should lead the development of Regional Growth Management and Servicing Plan.

    • Balancing progress with local autonomy
    • Future regional plan much account for urban/rural dynamics
    • A need for flexibility as plans develop
    • Balance the quest for efficiencies with good, quality planning
    • The need to find a pathway to consistent processes and systems
    • The need to de-politicize regional planning processes
    • Municipal and provincial relations
    • Lack of common vision and acceptance by regional collaborators
    • Urban vs. rural dynamics; and
    • Lack of accountability mechanisms

    A series of consultations with member municipalities and stakeholders are being conducted throughout the month of February, 2020. Stakeholders from business, industry, government, and civil society are being asked and provided input to build Winnipeg Metropolitan Regional Growth Management and Development Plan in the following areas:

    • Integration of Land and Infrastructure
    • Strategic Infrastructure
    • Coordinated Service Delivery
    • Stewardship of Natural Land and Water
    • Resource Management
    • Investment in Green Infrastructure
    • Resource Management
    • Investment in Green Infrastructure
    • Competitive Economy
    • Collaborative Governance, and

    Stakeholder Engagement with Various Sectors and Disciplines and the Timelines
    • January- June 2020
    - Research and consult on plan components, policy development
    • Summer 2020
    - Refine content
    • Fall 2020
    - Report on what was heard, develop draft plan
    • January 2021
    - Final Plan
    • 2020+
    - Implementation of plan through conformity, action, and review

    WMR wants to hear from you. Take the survey below to share your input.

    Contact Winnipeg Metropolitan Region if you want to share your feedback, suggestions or questions at the email below.

    MAR 04, 2020

    Girl Power Campaign

    In recognition of International Women’s Day 2020, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is launching its Girl Power campaign to students in grade 9 and up throughout the province.

    Students can solve a question related to the grade 9 math and science curriculum to receive a free t-shirt. The shirts come with hang tags indicating the high school pre-requisites needed to apply to Manitoba engineering and geoscience programs.

    A first in-person pop-up was held on Wednesday, March 4 at Bruce Middle School in conjunction with the 2020 Spaghetti Bridge Competition. Students from Gimli High School were the first students to receive the t-shirts.

    Help us share this initiative by directing the high school students in your life to the Girl Power campaign website to solve an equation for a free t-shirt.

    FEB 10, 2020

    Call for Member By-law Proposals

    In accordance with By-law 16.2 Member By-law Proposals, Council is seeking requests for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments.

    Each proposal submitted in response to this notice:
    1. must be received by the secretary no more than 30 days after the date of such notice;
    2. may include the text of any proposed amendment or new by-law;
    3. shall include a written statement outlining the purpose of such proposed by-law and the reasons why the proposed by-law is required and may include such other information as the proponent considers necessary or desirable; and
    4. shall include the full name, and mailing address of the mover and seconder of such proposed by-law.

    The secretary is not required to accept any by-law proposal that does not comply with these statements, but shall give notice to the mover and seconder of the proposal of the refusal, and the reasons for such refusal, within 10 days of receiving the proposal.

    Please submit all proposals to the secretary at GKoropatnick@EngGeoMB.ca by March 11, 2020.

    The current by-laws can be found on the Association website.

    JAN 31, 2020

    Substainability Industry Town Hall held at the University of Manitoba

    On Thursday, January 30, 2020, a Sustainability Industry Town Hall was held at the University of Manitoba. The event was organized by the University of Manitoba Efficient and Renewable Hub (UMEARTH) and the University of Manitoba Engineering Society (UMES). Participants had a chance to hear from industry experts in a panel discussion for their take on real-world sustainability practices.

    The panel discussion related to the current hot topics of climate change with an emphasis on the design implication for engineers, architects, planners, and other infrastructure professionals. The panelists presented how they have incorporated climate change adaptation and resiliency considerations into their professional practice. The audience of about 40 participants was engaged and asked many questions.

    [Photos!] Panel Members:

    Jeff O’Driscoll, P.Eng., Infrastructure Division Manager at Associated Engineering and member of the Association’s Sustainable Development Task Group

    Curt Hall, P.Eng., Project Director of Climate Change Connection and member of the Association’s Sustainable Development Task Group

    Marten Duhoux, partner at ft3 Architecture Landscape Interior where he leads the company’s sustainability effort

    Melanie Chatfield, P.Eng., mechanical engineer in the High-Performance Building section of STANTEC projects

    All four members of the panel also serve on the Association’s BRACE (Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise) Working Group.

    JAN 30, 2020

    2020 Public Review of National Model Codes

    Final public review of proposed changes to the 2015 editions of the National Building, Fire, and Plumbing Codes and the National Energy Code for Buildings to be held from January 13 to March 13, 2020

    The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) invites you to take part in the winter 2020 public review from January 13 to March 13, 2020.

    The purpose of the public review is to provide users of the model codes and stakeholders with a detailed look at the changes being considered and to seek comments as to whether proposed changes should proceed as proposed, or be edited, revised or withdrawn. The responsible standing committee will consider each comment in its recommendations on the proposed changes. The final changes are subject to approval by the CCBFC and will be published by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in the 2020 editions of the Codes Canada publications.

    This final public review of the 2015 code cycle focuses on changes being proposed to the 2015 editions of the National Building Code (NBC), the National Fire Code (NFC),the National Plumbing Codes (NPC), the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) and updates to referenced standards.

    Free electronic access to Codes!
    The NRC now offers free access to the electronic formats of the National Model Codes, as well as the provincial codes published by the NRC. Paper copies of the Codes, along with other supporting documents including the Guides, are available at a reduced cost. To access the free electronic documents or to order the printed format, place your order online through the NRC Virtual Store.

    For further information, contact Anne Gribbon, Secretary to the CCBFC CCBFCSecretary-SecretaireCCCBPI@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

    JAN 30, 2020

    New Practice Note - Solar Panel Installations

    The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members who have been tasked with reviewing the structural design of installing solar panels on buildings. Of particular note is the consideration of loading distribution and connections to existing structural elements.

    JAN 30, 2020

    New Practice Note - Site Photographs and Privacy

    The Investigation Committee has published a new practice note to provide guidance to members who conduct inspections on private property. Practitioners are reminded to consider privacy legislation prior to taking photographs or making recordings while on-site.

    JAN 23, 2020

    Third Annual Curling Funspiel

    January 22, 2020, marked the third Curling Funspiel in the Association’s Sport Committee’s current revival of an old tradition. There were 16 teams gathered at St. Vital Curling Club, in search of a fun afternoon, prizes, and their name on the trophy.

    Using a cumulative high-value scoring system, all teams had the chance to score big, from the seasoned league players to the non-curlers who were trying the game for the very first time. Teams played five two-end games and individuals could also participate in the Draw to the Button competition which was won by Michelle Wadelius.

    Congratulations to the team from WSP Group, who quickly emerged at the top of the pack, and fiercely defended their spot to win 27 points ahead of the second place team.

    A special mention goes out to the Price Industries team for winning our first "Best Costume" category.

    The Sports Committee would like to thank all participants for joining this year’s Funspiel and helping to raise over $4,000 to support geoscience students at the University of Manitoba.

    • Canada Life
    • FWS Group
    • SMS Engineering
    • KGS Group
    • TREK Geotechnical
    • Proforma Touchstone

    JAN 16, 2020

    Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program Panel Discussion

    On Tuesday, January 14, 2020, the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program held it’s third event of the year. Nusraat Masood, EIT, Neemee Batstone, P.Eng., FEC, and Shane Mailey P.Eng., FEC, were panelists for a discussion on Mentorship, Coaching, and Sponsorship. The audience was engaged, asking many questions.

    The Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program is in it’s 5th year. The 2019-2020 year has over 165 engineering and geoscience professionals, interns, and students participating in four events that include presentations and networking activities.

    The program is co-funded by the University of Manitoba Faculty of Engineering, the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, the NSERC CWSE Prairie Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, Friends of Engineering, and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, and is coordinated by Kathryn Atamanchuk, P.Eng., Danielle Salem, P.Eng., Jessica Adelman, GIT, Morgann Becket, EIT, Ali Campbell, P.Eng., and Lisa Stepnuk.


    From left to right: Moderator and Mentorship Program Committee member, Danielle Salem, Panelists Shane Mailey, Neemee Batstone, and Nusraat Masood

    JAN 09, 2020

    Update from the Manitoba 2030 Coalition

    As a response to the petitions sent from the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Dear 2030 marketing campaign in Spring 2018, multiple organisations came together to address gendered barriers to recruitment, retention, and equity in the profession resulting in the creation of the Manitoba 2030 Coalition.

    Since November 2018, the Manitoba 2030 Coalition has met quarterly to determine how their organizations can retain experienced team members as well as improve their recruitment of candidates by reducing systemic and personal gender bias and thus optimising their work environments for women in engineering.

    Just over one year in, several Coalition employers have expanded or created internal initiatives and have agreed to share their activities with our membership.

    Internally, Manitoba Hydro is evaluating what they do well and where they can improve. Maria Neufeld, Transmission Asset Management Department Manager and chair of Manitoba Hydro’s 30 by 30 Committee shared the following about their progress: “We are developing an action plan for Manitoba Hydro, in support of the provincial and federal 30 by 30 initiatives, specifically targeting what a workplace can do to support diversity in engineering and geoscience. We’ve run focus groups hear from our Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba members, piloted reverse mentoring between executive and junior engineers, and are working on a dashboard to evaluate metrics around our gender diversity. For Manitoba Hydro, it’s not about getting to 30 percent and then stopping. Manitoba Hydro is committed to having a workforce that represents the diversity of the people we serve”.

    Additionally, Shane Mailey, Vice-President of Transmission and Corporate Chief Engineer at Manitoba Hydro and Coalition co-chair recognises the importance of commitment of senior leadership to create change and reap the benefits: “Women are under-represented in professional and leadership positions in the engineering fields. I believe it will be a benefit to all Manitobans to see greater participation of women in these roles. In support of increasing the participation of women in engineering, Manitoba Hydro supports the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s 30 by 30 initiative by actively participating on the Engineering Changes Lives Provincial Steering Committee, the Manitoba 2030 Coalition, and by volunteering as mentors in the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program”.

    KGS Group has established the Technical Women of KGS Task Force to identify the steps the organisation can take to improve recruitment and retention of technical women. The membership of the Task Force is expected to change over time due to the long-term nature of the initiative, and endeavors to maintain representation from senior management, human resources, and engineering, geoscience, and technical women at varying levels of seniority. The group has held monthly events including an inaugural event to introduce members of the Task Force and give the background and intent of the initiative, selected Ted Talk viewings followed by an open discussion. The events were well attended and showed strong interest from employees and senior management.

    Standard Aero has a Women in Engineering Committee, a sub-committee of their Winnipeg Employment Equity Committee, that offers networking and peer support in a male dominated field and facilitates company representation in volunteering in different opportunities throughout the province. The committee will collaborate with StandardAero’s Employment Equity committees across Canada.

    Charleson Engineering, a small firm, is actively looking to recruit women by offering the work-life balance possibilities such as job sharing, flex time, part-time work arrangements, banked overtime, and ability to control the number of hours worked per week as well as the option of contract or casual consulting, if preferred.

    “It is important for employers to commit resources to creating professional environments where women can thrive. This Coalition aims to be instrumental in assisting industry in understanding how to make positive changes that create a more inclusive workplace culture. We hope that, together, we can begin to provide young women more examples of successful women in engineering,” says Manitoba 2030 Coalition chair, Gabriela Bokhaut, Project Coordinator at PCL Construction.

    The Manitoba 2030 Coalition includes representatives from PCL Construction, Manitoba Hydro, Standard Aero, Boeing, Hatch, AECOM, Dillon Consulting, KGS Group, Stantec, Crosier Kilgour, MCI, the Province of Manitoba, the University of Manitoba, Red River College, Charleson Engineering, the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies, and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

    DEC 16, 2019

    Gender Equity in the Workplace

    Wondering how your workplace can ensure it is using best practices to achieve gender equity? The Behavioural Insights Team, a global social purpose company with offices around the world, has produced an evidence-based "What Works" guide to gender equity best practices in the workplace.

    Practices are classified into three categories:
    • Effective
    • Promising
    • Mixed Results
    To learn more, read the Actions to Close the Gap the Pay Gap article below.

    DEC 05, 2019

    National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

    On December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we remember and continue to mourn the 14 women - engineering students - who were murdered at the École Polytechnique de Montréal on December 6, 1989. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the tragic taking of their lives and all that they would have contributed to their communities and to the world.

    To commemorate this tragic event and to promote the outstanding work of female engineers across Canada, Engineering Deans Canada invited each of the Canadian engineering schools that offered an accredited engineering program in 1989 to put forward the story of an engineering alumna who graduated within three years of the massacre (1986-1992), and whose career exemplifies the value that women bring to the engineering profession and to society. Read the profiles of the 30 women by visiting the link below.

    The Association’s Past President, Ruth Eden, is one of the women profiled. She will be sharing her reflections at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Engineering’s commemoration event tomorrow. See our event calendar for more information.

    We also take time to reflect on the continued phenomenon of gender-based violence in our society. The Manitoba Women's Advisory Council reported in 2018 that Manitoba has the highest rates of police-reported sexual assault in the country, women in the province earn less than their male peers across every sector and are under-represented in the trades and leadership roles. The Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls revealed that “persistent and deliberate human and Indigenous rights violations and abuses are the root cause behind Canada’s staggering rates of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people".

    We recognize that gender-based violence and misogyny prevents women from fully enjoying their lives and fulfilling their potential and dreams. We recognize the disproportionate violence and harm caused to Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit people, Black women, women with precarious immigration status, transgender, lesbian, bisexual and intersex women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people. We commit to taking action to end gender-based violence by listening to survivors, speaking out against misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and poverty. We commit to creating a culture of respect and dignity in which everyone can flourish.

    DEC 02, 2019

    Join the Association in 2020 to Celebrate 100 Years!

    [Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Logo] Join the Association in 2020 to celebrate 100 years!

    The Centennial Task Group was formed to plan ways to recognize and celebrate this important milestone for our profession. The main objective is to highlight how 100 years of engineering and geoscience regulation has made life work better in Manitoba.

    Throughout 2020, we will highlight important achievements at many different events, activities, and locations throughout Manitoba. These include:

    • Professional Development Sessions and Tours;
    • Networking, Sporting, Family, and Cultural Outreach Events;
    • Give Back Opportunities;
    • New Bursaries and Scholarships for Students;
    • Special Chapter Events and Activities;
    • And Much More!
    Upcoming Centennial Events
    Manitoba Moose Game
    Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
    Enjoy an afternoon of fun with family, friends, and colleagues at the Manitoba Moose game sponsored by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. As a member you will be able to purchase one of three discounted packages or a combination of the three! Visit the event page to purchase your tickets.
    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Day at FortWhyte Alive
    Saturday, February 22, 2020
    Come check out FortWhyte Alive, admission is on us. Bundle up for a walk, snowshoe, cross-country ski, lace up your skates, or try your luck at ice fishing for a fun time outdoors. Stay tuned for more details in the new year.
    Anniversary Celebration Open House
    Friday, March 27, 2020 between 12:30 to 6:00 p.m.
    Join staff and members at an Open House in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. Pop in to see us on your lunch break or on your way home! Light refreshments will be provided. We look forward to showing you around.
    Centennial Recognition Gala
    Saturday, April 4, 2020
    Join us for this once in a lifetime event to celebrate the history of engineering regulation in our province over the last 100 years. Featuring highlights from the past 100 years, an evening of unforgettable entertainment, special centennial showcase, Bob McDonald from CBC's Quirks and Quarks as our Master of Ceremonies, dance with the Big City All Star Band, and much more! Get your tickets now!
    Watch for more information through special event notices, our events calendar, and on the website at EngGeoMB.ca/Centennial.

    DEC 02, 2019

    News from the Department of Equity and Representation

    As we approach the end of our two year Engineering Changes Lives special project, we are pleased to share that the Department of Equity and Representation will be officially operational in January 2020. We will continue the efforts to increase the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30% by 2030. Currently, the annual percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women fluctuates around 20%.

    The first two years of this special project have been spent conducting research to identify systemic gender bias all along the career course of a potential or actual practitioner, from early childhood, through grade school, post-secondary education, and into workplaces. We've learned from the many, many volunteer champions -women in engineering and geoscience and their allies - who have been working to address these biases for years and decades. Over the last two years, we have brought together stakeholders to identify what roles Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba may be able to fulfill with dedicated resources and strategic planning to achieve our strategic end that our membership represent the public for whom engineers and geoscientists work to protect, serve, design, and problem solve.

    Here are some of the strategic plan tactics that have been completed or are underway:

    • Identifying the culprits/influencers such as societal culture, media, parents, educators, peers, faculties, workplace culture, regulatory authorities along the career course of a potential or actual practitioner via a market analysis;
    • Establishment of a Provincial Steering Committee with a broad range of stakeholders to ensure both intersectoral and intersectional approaches to barriers by gender, race, sexuality, immigration status, ability, and socio-economic status;
    • Completion of an environmental scan to identify social, economic, technological, political and legal context, and trends which may offer evidence for short- and long-term decision making to reach our goal by 2030 (30 by 30);
    • Development of a strategic plan with prioritisation of tactics by the Provincial Steering committee;
    • Establishing a metric baseline and annual tracking protocols;
    • Identifying and engaging stakeholders;
    • Developing and executing marketing campaigns to students, teachers, and employers;
    • Development of webpages and social media strategy to inspire and equip students, parents, teachers, practitioners, and employers with current best practices to address bias and discrimination. We look forward to launching our new webpages soon!
    • Establishment of the Manitoba 2030 Industry Coalition with representation from Manitoba's largest employers of engineers strategising to recruit, retain, and promote women in the professions;
    • Delivery of professional development to practitioners (Importance of Diversity for Protection of the Public and Improving Outcomes, Strategies to Address Microaggressions, and Enterprising Women: A Company of One's Own);
    • Delivery of professional development to teachers (Addressing Gender Bias in STEM Education at the Science Teachers Association of Manitoba SAGE Professional Development Day);
    • Submission of environmental scan and associated statement supporting the continuation and expansion of resourced interventions to gender and cultural bias to the Manitoba Commission on Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education;
    • Establishment of an education sub-committee to increase awareness and address gender and cultural bias in Kindergarten to grade 12 teaching (see Environmental Scan) with a focus on engineering and geoscience pre-requisites;
    • Increased staff support to the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Mentorship Program, MCWESTT, and CCWESTT events;
    • Applying a gender lens to outreach activities and materials to students via career fairs, science symposiums, classroom presentations, Spaghetti Bridge competition, and UMES outreach events;
    • Advising on applying a 30 by 30 lens to established and ongoing Association marketing campaigns;
    • Participation in Engineers Canada 30 by 30 conference calls and in-person meetings to grow the national campaign and networks and to share resources and strategies;
    • Identifying and liaising with consultants specialising in organisational change.
    Key strategic plan tactics that have yet to be assessed and developed:
    • Establishment and encouragement of Association and employer hosted intern support networks
    • Development of returnship and re-skilling programs after extended leaves from practice;
    • Potential expanded survey of membership.
    Additional funding through increased member dues will yield approximately $350K to fund these efforts. Roughly 40% of these additional funds will pay for staff salaries, benefits, and contributions. Approximately 55% will pay for strategic planning and marketing consulting, marketing campaign development, media purchase, and soliciting sponsors to implement effective marketing campaigns. The remaining 5% will go towards logistical costs of meetings and outreach events.

    We'd like to thank all of the champions who continue to dedicate time, resources, and energy to reach gender equity in the professions. We look forward to walking alongside you to advance this movement you have set in motion.

    [Equity and Reprensation Box]

    NOV 27, 2019

    Manitoba Government Taking Initiatives to Amend the Limitation of Actions Legislation

    The Second Session of the 42nd Manitoba Legislature sat on Tuesday, November 19, with the reading of the Speech from the Throne by The Honourable Mr. Chief Justice Richard J.F. Chartier, Administrator of the Province of Manitoba.

    The Speech outlined the government’s main priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

    The Honourable Mr. Chief Justice stated that the government will bring forward the amendments to Limitation of Actions legislation to bring Manitoba in line with the rest of the country.

    Limitation periods vary by province and territory. The general limitation periods are 10 to 15 years in other jurisdictions. In Manitoba, professional engineers and geoscientists are liable under this legislation for a period of 30 years. This is the longest liability period in Canada.

    The Association has been working vigorously with Manitoba technical professionals seeking assistance from the government in amending this legislation. In 2018, the Association’s Government Relations Department submitted a proposal to amend the Limitation of Actions legislation to the Minister of Justice.

    The full version of Speech from the Throne can be retrieved below.

    OCT 24, 2019

    Congratulations to Recipients of the 2019 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards

    On Friday, October 18, 2019, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual Awards Gala Dinner, which took place at the RBC Convention Centre. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

    2019 Award Winners

    Team Achievement Award
    The Team Achievement Award recognizes engineering or geoscience excellence in, and major contributions to, the concept, design and implementation of an engineering or geoscience project in Manitoba.
      Presented to: Trek Geotechnical Inc., Morrison Hershfield, and HTFC Planning and Design for the Taché Promenade Active Transportation Upgrades and the Belvédère Saint-Boniface
    Intern Award
    The Intern Award bestows distinction on those training to be engineers or geoscientists, specifically those demonstrating exceptional work achievement in their early EIT/GIT years who enhance society’s knowledge of our professions.
      Presented to: Christopher Bzovey, EIT
    Early Achievement Award
    The Early Achievement Award bestows distinction on outstanding engineers and geoscientists and recognizes exceptional achievements in the early years of their careers.
      Presented to: Kathryn Dompierre, P.Eng.
    Champion of Engineering Education Award
    The Champion of Engineering Education Awards recognizes an outstanding supporter and champion of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.
      Presented to: Herb Reynolds
    Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award
    The Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award recognizes a woman who through engineering and career achievements has demonstrated the qualities that enabled Judith Weiszmann to be an outstanding engineer, role model, and influencer of the profession for the advancement and support of women in engineering.
      Presented to: Roberta Radons, P.Eng.
    Outstanding Service Award
    The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding service rendered to, or on behalf of, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, by a member of the Association.
      Presented to: Donald Himbeault, Ph.D., P.Eng., FEC
    Technical Excellence Award
    The Technical Excellence Award recognizes outstanding achievement, including the direct advancement of the engineering or geoscience professions, by an individual member during his or her career.
      Presented to: Dr. Norman Halden, P.Geo.
    Leadership Award
    This award recognizes outstanding achievement or influence towards major engineering or geoscientific works and developments undertaken for society's long-term benefit and/or quality of life. The individual is usually in an upper management, executive, or governance role.
      Presented to: Shane Mailey, P.Eng., FEC
    The Awards Committee thanks all nominators for the exceptional nominations received for the 2019 awards and the Association congratulates all those who received awards and recognitions this year.

    OCT 24, 2019

    2019 Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada

    At the Association’s Recognition Wine and Cheese, held Wednesday, October 16, 2019, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to present certificates to the 2019 Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.

    Fellow of Engineers Canada (FEC)
    Engineers Canada has the Engineers Canada Fellowship to honour individuals who have given noteworthy service to the engineering profession in one of the following categories:

    Engineers who have:
    a) Assumed office as president of the Engineers Canada Board of Directors;
    b) Assumed office as president of one of the provincial associations;
    c) Served the engineering profession in a volunteer capacity for at least 10 years.
    e) Been recognized by an award from Engineers Canada

    or a non-engineer who has given special service to the profession in a leadership role.

    This year’s recipients are:
    • Kyle Cumming, P.Eng., FEC
    • Ruth Eden, P.Eng., FEC
    • Robert Okabe, FEC (Hon.)
    • Athula Rajapaske, P.Eng., FEC
    • Jennifer St. Laurent, P.Eng., FEC
    • Stirling Walkes, P.Eng., FEC

    Also, the following Association long-service employees received an Honorary FEC this year:
    • Chantelle Cabral, FEC (Hon)
    • Lorraine Dupas, FEC (Hon)
    • Angela Moore, FEC (Hon)
    • Marlene Polson, FEC (Hon)
    • Claudia Shymko, FEC (Hon)

    Fellows of Geoscientists Canada (FGC)
    The Geoscientists Canada Fellowship honours individuals who have given noteworthy service to the geoscience profession in one of the following categories:

    A geoscientist who has:
    a) Assumed office as president of Geoscientists Canada;
    b) Assumed office as chair of the Canadian Geoscience Standards Council;
    c) Assumed office as president/chair of one of Geoscientists Canada’s constituent associations;
    d) Served the geoscience profession in a volunteer capacity for at least 10 years.
    e) Served in a senior staff capacity with Geoscientists Canada and/or a constituent association for a minimum of 10 years
    f) Provided noteworthy service to the geoscience profession in another capacity

    or a non-geoscientist who has met the requirements of criteria (c), (d) (e) and/or (f) above

    This year’s recipient is:
    • Danielle Huminicki, P.Geo., FGC

    [Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada]President of Engineers Canada David Lynch, P.Eng., Stirling Walkes, P.Eng., FEC, Association Past President Ruth Eden, P.Eng., FEC, Robert Okabe, FEC (Hon), Dr. Athula Rajapakse, P.Eng, FEC, Jennifer St. Laurent, P.Eng., FEC, Association CEO and Registrar Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC Missing from photo: Kyle Cumming, P.Eng., FEC and Danielle Huminicki, P.Geo., FGC

    Congratulations once again to our new Fellowes of Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada.

    OCT 18, 2019

    2019 Council Election And By-law Change Results

    On October 17, 2019, the report of the scrutineers was presented at the Annual General Business Meeting.

    Professional Engineer

    There were six (6) candidates for election to three (3) positions in the professional engineer category. 945 ballots submitted to elect the following P.Eng. councillors for two year terms:

    • Cheryl Lashek, P.Eng.
    • Allan Silk, P.Eng.
    • Izabela Witkowska, P.Eng.


    There were two (2) candidates for election to one (1) position in the intern category. 234 ballots submitted to elect the following Intern councillor for a two year term:

    • Katrine Levesque, EIT

    Professional Geoscientist

    There was no election for the professional geoscientist member to the Council; the one candidate was declared elected by acclamation:

    • Jason Mann, P.Geo.

    By-law Proposals and Petitions

    This was the third and final phase of the By-law Re-write Project. The proposal from Council was for the entirety of the by-laws, but included the by-laws covering Code of Ethics, Complaints and Discipline, and By-law Changes, which were approved by the membership in 2017 and 2018. 881 ballots submitted regarding the proposed By-law changes.

    • Final phase of the By-law re-write project
      Result: PASS (For: 657, Against: 89, Abstain: 135)

    OCT 18, 2019

    Notice to Practitioners - Fee Increase

    At our Annual General Business Meeting on Thursday, October 17, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba unveiled its plans to join our colleagues across Canada in a national campaign to get more school age girls and women interested our profession.

    Currently 16% of engineers in Manitoba are women. By 2030 we want to see that increase to 30%.

    Our leadership and many employers of our professionals across Manitoba know our workplaces need to become more equitable, not just for our profession but for the good of the public we serve.

    Our elected Council is taking responsibility for bringing our profession up to date and with that has developed our long-term 30 by 30 campaign that will be funded with a $100 increase in members' fees and $50 increase in intern fees starting in 2020.

    We know this is our generation's opportunity to encourage school-age girls and women in our lives - our daughters, nieces, granddaughters, and their friends - to join our profession in the same way the law, accounting, dental, and doctors' professions have already done.

    Look out for our new Equity and Representation webpage coming soon.

    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC

    SEP 26, 2019

    Congratulations to the 2019 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Award Nominees and Recipients

    Join us on Friday, October 18 at the 2019 Ingenium Awards Gala Dinner where we will recognize the achievements of these following exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba:

    2019 Award Nominees and Winners

    Team Achievement Award
    The Team Achievement Award recognizes engineering or geoscience excellence in, and major contributions to, the concept, design and implementation of an engineering or geoscience project in Manitoba.
    • Owner’s Engineering Services for the Design Build of Intersection Upgrades at PTH 59/101 and PTH 59/PR 202
    • Trek Geotechnical Inc., Morrison Hershfield, and HTFC Planning and Design for the Taché Promenade Active Transportation Upgrades and the Belvédère Saint-Boniface
    Intern Award
    The Intern Award bestows distinction on those training to be engineers or geoscientists, specifically those demonstrating exceptional work achievement in their early EIT/GIT years who enhance society’s knowledge of our professions.
    • Sue Arongna, EIT
    • Morgann Becket, EIT
    • Christopher Bzovey, EIT
    Early Achievement Award
    The Early Achievement Award bestows distinction on outstanding engineers and geoscientists and recognizes exceptional achievements in the early years of their careers.
    • Kathryn Dompierre, P.Eng.
    Champion of Engineering Education Award
    The Champion of Engineering Education Awards recognizes an outstanding supporter and champion of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.
    • Herb Reynolds
    Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award
    The Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award recognizes a woman who through engineering and career achievements has demonstrated the qualities that enabled Judith Weiszmann to be an outstanding engineer, role model, and influencer of the profession for the advancement and support of women in engineering.
    • Roberta Radons, P.Eng.
    Outstanding Service Award
    The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding service rendered to, or on behalf of, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, by a member of the Association.
    • Donald Himbeault, Ph.D., P.Eng., FEC
    Technical Excellence Award
    The Technical Excellence Award recognizes outstanding achievement, including the direct advancement of the engineering or geoscience professions, by an individual member during his or her career.
    • Dr. Norman Halden, P.Geo.
    Leadership Award
    This award recognizes outstanding achievement or influence towards major engineering or geoscientific works and developments undertaken for society's long-term benefit and/or quality of life. The individual is usually in an upper management, executive, or governance role.
    • Shane Mailey, P.Eng., FEC
    The Awards Committee thanks all those who submitted exceptional nominations received for the 2019 awards. The Association congratulates all those nominated this year.

    SEP 05, 2019

    Student Renewals Now Open

    Student renewals are now open for undergraduate students attending the University of Manitoba or Brandon University for the 2019-2020 year.

    To renew, please log into your personal profile.

    If you have forgotten your Association ID, please email the Student Coordinator. If you have recently graduated please look into applying for the Pre-Registration/Intern Program.

    AUG 22, 2019

    Chapters Join to Host 3rd Annual Summer Picnic

    On Saturday, August 17, more than 150 members, families, and friends joined together for an afternoon of food, fun, and games at St. Vital Park. The third annual picnic provided an opportunity to network with other chapter members, both professionally and culturally.

    Originally organised by the Arab, Chinese, Filipino, and India chapters, the organising committee led by Roy San Buenaventura, P.Eng., has now expanded to also include the Ethio-Eritrean and Indigenous chapters.


    Chapter members join for a fun afternoon.


    L-R: India Members Chapter Vice Chair, Dushyant Saraswat, P.Eng., Arab Members Chapter Chair, Mike Toma, P.Eng., Ethio-Eritrean Chapter Chair, Getnet Muluye, P.Eng., Filipino Chapter Chair, Jun Tapia, P.Eng., Chinese Chapter Past Chair, Wayne Wong, P.Eng., Indigenous Chapter Chair, Gregory Page, P.Eng., FEC

    [MLEC 2019]

    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, brings greetings to the attendees.

    [MLEC 2019]

    Friendly game of dodgeball.

    [MLEC 2019]

    What's a picnic without a tug-a-war?

    AUG 15, 2019

    City of Winnipeg Implements Interim Changes to Commercial Building & Plumbing/Mechanical Inspections

    The City of Winnipeg’s Planning Property and Development Department has implemented interim changes for plumbing/mechanical inspections of commercial buildings. A summary of these changes can be found via the link below.

    Of particular interest for Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba practitioners is that, for projects not deemed to be major/complex, the City may accept Professional Certifications and/or Licensed Contractor Declarations coupled with supporting information, in lieu of an immediate inspection.

    These changes are an interim measure and are not intended to replace the department’s core services. Any questions may be directed to Rick Klassen, Manager of Commercial Construction Permits.

    AUG 08, 2019

    Heritage Committee Needs Your Help with Photos

    The Heritage Committee needs your help! They are working hard to finalize their book to celebrate the centennial of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba in 2020 and believe there are gold mines of photos out there waiting to be discovered and mined.

    Do you have engineering, geoscience, and/or construction photos from projects dear to your heart? We’d love for you to share them with us. We'll scan and archive them to share with the rest of our membership and the public so they too can appreciate the work of our professions.

    Contact Danielle Wawryk at DWawryk@EngGeoMB.ca if you have photos to share.

    JUN 07, 2019

    By-law Review Committee Seeks Input on Draft By-laws

    During 2017 and 2018, the By-law Review Committee in accordance with the multi-year by-law re-write project has worked on three major by-laws; By-law 13: Code of Ethics, By-law 15: Complaints and Discipline, and By-law 17: By-law Changes. During the 2019 year, the committee has reviewed the remainder of the by-laws; By-laws 1 through 12, 14 and 16. After review, the committee is recommending that these by-laws be revised entirely as drafted by legal counsel.

    The following version of the proposed by-laws is in draft format and has not been officially approved by either the By-law Review Committee or by Council. As such, the final version for voting is subject to change. The committee has taken the step of releasing this draft early, prior to full internal vetting, in order to give members as much time as possible to become familiar with the proposed changes and to provide feedback to the committee.

    Modifications in principle between the existing by-laws and the proposed new by-laws are as follows:
    - Adding a definition of ‘good standing’
    - Requiring all councillors to be in good standing
    - Excluding members who are not in good standing from nominating councillors, voting at Annual General Meetings and elections, and serving on Council committees
    - Ensuring the length of the voting periods of by-law changes and Council elections are equal
    - Only allowing a professional member to be elected to the Executive Committee
    - Having the executive committee report to the council on any actions taken
    - Requiring retired members to identify themselves as such
    - Eliminating the Life Membership category, and adding a provision for Retired Members to apply to have their dues waived

    While drafting the by-laws, legal advised some further changes:
    - Clarifying definitions
    - Defining the execution of instruments
    - Defining the duty of care and protection of Councillors, officers, and others

    Your feedback is welcome,
    Jonathan Epp, P.Eng.
    Chair of the By-law Review Committee

    Please send any feedback by Friday, June 21st, 2019 to Danielle Unett, who is acting as staff support to the By-law Review Committee, at DUnett@EngGeoMb.Ca . All feedback received will be forwarded to all members of the committee for consideration.

    MAY 02, 2019

    Environmental Scan Provides Insights

    In December 2017, the Council of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba approved ongoing initiatives to increase the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30% by the year 2030. This initiative, commonly referred to as ‘30 by 30’, was introduced to engineering associations across Canada by Engineers Canada.

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s plan for the 30 by 30 initiative has been organized in three stages. A marketing plan was developed, staff was hired, a committee to oversee the initiative was formed and became active. To aid in the development of a strategic plan for the initiative, an environmental scan was initiated as part of the exploration phase of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s 30 by 30 Strategic Plan process.

    The scan provides insights as to why diversity and gender parity in engineering are important and includes a review of findings and recommendations to address the barriers faced by girls and women from early childhood and all along the engineering pipeline. The environmental scan is available below.

    Relatedly, please see our recommended talking points when speaking to potential engineers, whether during a scheduled classroom presentation or in daily conversations, available below. Our research shows that we may be unintentionally turning people, and disproportionately, girls, away from engineering by the ways in which we talk about the profession. This is one thing we can all begin to do to reach gender parity!

    APR 04, 2019

    Abstracts Sought for Association's Annual Conference

    From October 16 - 18, 2019, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will host its annual conference, Ingenium, at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg. Ingenium is a premier professional development opportunity for the engineering and geoscience community in Manitoba, with participants representing a cross-section of the 8,200 practitioners who work in the province’s private and public sectors.

    On October 17, 2019, Ingenium’s Professional Development Seminars will take place. The Association welcomes abstracts for presentations on any topic related to engineering and geoscience and the professionals which practice in those fields.

    In particular, we welcome presentations which explore:
    • Case studies of successful applications of new strategies or technology in Manitoba
    • Resiliency and climate change
    • Technical presentations on emerging technologies
    • Industry trends
    • Competency skills benefitting engineering and geoscience professionals

    Please submit a half-page abstract, outlining the presentation proposal, along with the presenter’s name, contact information, and brief biography, to Danielle Wawryk, Communications & Events Coordinator, via email to DWawryk@EngGeoMB.ca. Abstracts must clearly describe the content of the presentation.

    Both Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba members and non-members are invited to submit abstracts.

    Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 26, 2019.

    Final decisions regarding presentations selected for inclusion in the conference will be made by May 31, 2019.

    MAR 27, 2019

    Engaging Members with Future Act Amendments

    Two years ago, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba commenced a comprehensive By-law review and updating process for the purpose of renewing the By-laws. In so doing, an opportunity to update The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act through the Manitoba Government was identified, allowing for both strengthening of the provisions of the Act with respect to such items as internal reviews and discipline, and modernizing the Act’s registration processes.

    On December 10th, 2018 the Association contacted the Manitoba Government requesting legislative changes to the Act. Since December 2018, several steps have taken place that have allowed for the proposed new Act amendments to be created, including but not limited to:
    • Council engagement through a By-law task group;
    • Legal counsel drafting the legislative changes;
    • Holding two member engagement sessions (January 28 and February 15) that provided members with an overview of potential amendments and gave members the opportunity to provide feedback on these changes and to offer further recommendations, and;
    • The submission of the proposed new Act amendments to the government for review and feedback.
    Council received the detailed proposed changes at its March 14, 2019 meeting.

    The requested amendments to the Act are grouped by the following categories/types:
    1. Administrative Efficiency/Elimination of Interprovincial Barriers
    2. Protection of the Public and Streamlining of Disciplinary Procedures
    3. Name of Association
    4. Miscellaneous Amendments
    5. Changes to Other Acts/Regulations
    6. Coming into Force Date

    MAR 18, 2019

    Spaghetti Bridge Competition Smashes Bridges and Fights Hunger

    New this year, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba brought their annual Spaghetti Bridge Competition into two Winnipeg schools in addition to two days at Kildonan Place Shopping Centre. By bringing the competition into schools, volunteer engineers had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of students about how professional engineers provide many trusted and valuable skills and services that make people’s lives better. Over a four-day period, more than 800 students competed, building 476 trusses which were tested to breaking point during the event. Prizes were awarded to the strongest structures from each grade, and a grade 12 student from John Taylor Collegiate earned this year’s top spot when her truss bore 180 kg of weight before breaking!

    “It’s great to see so many students and teachers joining us to build strong entries in support of Winnipeg Harvest. By applying their ingenuity to make the most from simple building materials of spaghetti and glue, these future engineers constructed trusses which held up a load of 14,577.43kg! Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba multiplied this number by $2 and we happily gave a donation of $29,154.86. This will help Winnipeg Harvest in feeding approximately 150 families for a whole year” said Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s CEO & Registrar.

    “Students and teachers thank you so much for participating in this amazing event by putting your imagination to work and helping to feed your fellow hungry Manitobans” says Keren Taylor-Hughes, Chief Executive Officer of Winnipeg Harvest. “By donating $2 for every kg of weight sustained by over 470 pasta bridges, you’ve raised over $29,000 to fight hunger and feed hope for families in Manitoba. Thank you to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba for your continued support.”

    The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of National Engineering Month, which takes place across Canada throughout March each year. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is a public organization charged with the governance and regulation of the practice of professional engineering and professional geoscience in Manitoba.

    [Donation Presentation to Winnipeg Harvest]
    Janelle Duerksen, Manitoba Harvest, Tristen Gitzel, P.Eng., FEC, Chair of PEGW Task Group, Ruth Eden, P.Eng., President of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, and Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, CEO & Registrar of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, and Association volunteers.

    MAR 01, 2019

    Certificate of Authorization Renewal Time

    Certificate of Authorizations are currently renewing for the period May 1, 2019, to April 30, 2020. Renewal notices were mailed out earlier this month to the listed authorized designates.

    All companies who hold a Certificate of Authorization must submit their renewal payment by April 5.

    Renewals can be made online.

    FEB 28, 2019

    New Student Chapter at University of Manitoba for LGBTQ2S+ Engineering Students

    University of Manitoba EngiQueers is one of 31 groups across Canada who has partnered with EngiQueers Canada and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) to create visibility, space, and a community for LGBTQ2S+ engineering students through social connection, advocacy and education, and professional development.

    EngiQueers Canada (EQ) is providing guidance to instill inclusivity in all CFES activities, and the CFES is supporting EQ in their efforts to create inclusive environments for all engineering students across Canada.

    The U of M chapter of EngiQueers is looking for professional role models who are LGBTQ2S+ or allies interested to help their initiatives. If you are interested in providing support to UM EngiQueers to create a more inclusive community for all, complete the EngiQueers Involvement Contact List.

    Visit the UM EngiQueers Facebook or Instagram pages for more information.

    FEB 08, 2019

    PEGW - Winnipeg Free Press Supplement Opportunity

    As part of Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW), the Winnipeg Free Press will publish a special section celebrating and showcasing Manitoba's outstanding engineers and geoscientists who play such a vital role in the growth and prosperity of our province and our individual quality of life. It will also explore some of the challenging and rewarding opportunities available to those interested in a career in the field of engineering and geoscience.

    The Free Press invites you to be a part of this special section with an editorial profile or advertisement about your organization's services, accomplishments, and career opportunities, or to express appreciation for the employees who have contributed to your success. See the supplement guidelines below for more information.

    JAN 30, 2019

    Association Selected as Finalist for Spirit of Winnipeg Award

    The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce has revealed the finalists for the 10th annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is proud to announce that they have been selected as one of three finalists for the Wellness and Workplace Culture Award. This category recognizes practices and enabling conditions for improved inclusivity, productivity, skills, health, and satisfaction for employees.

    Chosen by volunteer judges drawn from the business community, the Spirit of Winnipeg Award recipients embody the ambitious, innovative, caring spirit of our prairie home. The winners will be revealed at the Spirit of Winnipeg Awards Gala on Wednesday, March 6, at the Club Regent Event Centre.

    Visit the Spirit of Winnipeg Awards webpage for further information about the awards and this year's finalists.

    JAN 28, 2019

    Engaging Members with Future By-law and Act Amendments

    On January 28, 2019, Council hosted a member engagement session to discuss upcoming changes to the By-laws and the Act.

    The By-laws being reviewed this year, through Phase III of the By-law Re-write Project are By-laws 1-12, 14 and 16. A majority of the changes will be to reduce redundancies with the Act, and to clean up language. Some potential changes include:
    • Adding a definition of "good standing"
    • Adding a requirement for retired members to identify themselves as such (eg. P.Eng (Ret.))
    • Removing the provisional membership category

    At the request of government, the Act is also being looked at for potential changes including:
    • Adding an option to create an audit process for the ProDev program
    • Creating an Appeal Board for decisions of the Registration Committee and dismissals by the Investigation Committee
    • Update wording to reflect currently terminology

    Members who were unable to attend the engagement session on January 28, are encouraged to join the next session to be held on Friday, February 15 at noon. Further information and online registration can be found below.

    DEC 06, 2018

    Dear 2030: Students of Manitoba Ask The Profession To Be Ready

    In the spring of 2018, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba launched a marketing campaign to middle and high school students of Manitoba, which saw them send petitions with thousands of signatures to some of the province's largest employers of engineers asking them what they will do to ensure that 30% of newly licensed engineers will be women by 2030, 30 by 30.

    In 2017, just over 21% of newly licensed engineers were women, however, that number has fluctuated above and below 20% from year to year. Overall in Manitoba, 11% of engineers are women. Less than 20% of the applicants to the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba are women.

    So why talk about the problems we’re facing as a profession with the young women we want to recruit?

    To begin with, the problems extend beyond our profession.

    The decades of research is clear: the barriers nudging girls and women out of a career path in engineering range from subtle and unconscious to intentional and systemic. They start in toddlerhood and carry on throughout the life span of an engineer. The culprits include parents, teachers, guidance counselors, the media, academia, workplace culture, regulatory authorities, and government. We are all responsible to some degree, sometimes from multiple social locations.

    The research also suggests that talking about the barriers helps to inoculate girls and women against them. We are more equipped to address and overcome a barrier if we can see it coming and have the language to identify it.
    The petitions led to conversations in classrooms with students, teachers, administrators, superintendents, parents, engineering professionals, and journalists.

    Some of the students from École Lansdowne, Darwin School, and John Taylor Collegiate agreed to share their thoughts with us. We’d like to thank them and all of the students who have been signing and speaking about the need for women in engineering, for guiding the conversations and calling for action so that we can reach 30 by 30. You can hear some of their voices in this video.

    The employers responded to the petitions by sending representatives to the Manitoba 2030 Coalition Launch event at the Manitoba Legislature on November 13, 2018. The Coalition will work together to address gendered barriers to recruitment, retention and equity to the profession.

    30 by 30 is a national initiative and the students of Manitoba are leading the way.

    NOV 29, 2018

    Changes to the Eligibility Definition of Manulife's Insurance Products

    One of the benefits of being registered with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is access to competitive rates by certain insurance providers.

    One of those providers, Manulife, would like to notify practitioners that the following programs/services now have the requirement that membership in a participating association is only required at the time of application and/or signing up for the service.

    Effective September 1, 2018, the eligibility requirement for sponsored programs with Manulife was changed to: membership in a participating association will only be required at time of application for insurance. These programs include:

    • Term Life and Accident Insurance
    • Disability Income Replacement Protection
    • Health and Dental Care
    • Business Overhead Insurance
    • Retiree Health and Dental Insurance
    • Critical Illness

    A copy of the FAQ relating to Manulife products is now available on the Insurance page of the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba website for ease of reference.

    Here is a list of the additional programs/services with the eligibility change for ease of reference:
    • Financial Security Program (Great-West Life)
    • Pet Health Insurance (PetSecure)
    • Manulife Bank – Manulife One
    • Budget Car Rental
    • UPS Shipping

    Please note that this change is not applicable to:
    • Professional Liability Insurance given its nature and tie to professional licensure;
    • Home/Auto Insurance program due to its insurance regulatory requirements relating to membership and the ability to discount rates;
    • Secondary Professional Liability Insurance program given its nature and tie to professional licensure.

    NOV 07, 2018

    Share Your Story

    Are you a professional engineer, professional geoscientist, or intern?
    Why did you decide to become a P.Eng. or P.Geo.?
    How has your work influenced your community or the world?
    As a P.Eng. or P.Geo., what accomplishment are you most proud of?

    If you’re interested in telling your story, we want to hear from you.

    As part of our spring 2019 campaign, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba wants to engage the public through video about the what, how, and why of our professions.

    If you want to take part, here’s what we need from you:
    - A very brief write up about what you’d like to say.
    - If chosen, we will need you for a 30 - 60 second on-camera interview in December or January (Date/time/location to be determined).

    Please email GKeatch@EngGeoMB.ca with your story.

    OCT 31, 2018

    Congratulations to Recipients of 2018 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards

    On Friday, October 19, 2018, eight awards were presented at the Association’s annual Awards Gala Dinner, which took place at the Fort Garry Hotel. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was honoured to recognize the achievements of these exemplary individuals, teams, and companies who represent the best of engineering and geoscience in Manitoba.

    Full citations for all the award winners can now be found online at www.EngGeoMB.ca/AwardRecipients.html

    2018 Award Winners

    Team Achievement Award
    The Team Achievement Award recognizes engineering or geoscience excellence in, and major contributions to, the concept, design and implementation of an engineering or geoscience project in Manitoba.
    - Presented to MacDon Windrower Design Team

    Diversity Employer Award
    The Diversity Employer Award recognizes engineering and geoscience employers that have demonstrated, in action and spirit, support for recruiting, training, retaining, fostering respect for, and/or advancement of career opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds. In celebrating these accomplishments, the award has the intended purpose of encouraging involvement of organizations in diversity-related activities, regardless of company size.
    - Presented to StandardAero

    Intern Award
    The Intern Award bestows distinction on those training to be engineers or geoscientists, specifically those demonstrating exceptional work achievement in their early EIT/GIT years who enhance society’s knowledge of our professions.
    - Presented to Alexandra Campbell, EIT

    Early Achievement Award
    The Early Achievement Award bestows distinction on outstanding engineers and geoscientists and recognizes exceptional achievements in the early years of their careers.
    - Presented to Dario Schor, P.Eng.

    Champion of Engineering Education Award
    The Champion of Engineering Education Awards recognizes an outstanding supporter and champion of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.
    - Presented to Donald Hatch

    Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award
    The Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award recognizes a woman who through engineering and career achievements has demonstrated the qualities that enabled Judith Weiszmann to be an outstanding engineer, role model, and influencer of the profession for the advancement and support of women in engineering.
    - Presented to Alana Gauthier, P.Eng.

    Outstanding Service Award
    The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding service rendered to, or on behalf of, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, by a member of the Association.
    - Presented to Dawn Nedohin-Macek, P.Eng., FEC

    Technical Excellence Award
    The Technical Excellence Award recognizes outstanding achievement, including the direct advancement of the engineering or geoscience professions, by an individual member during his or her career.
    - Presented to Dr. Zahra Kazem-Moussavi, P.Eng.

    In addition to the 2018 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, one Honorary Life Membership was bestowed on Catherine Stewart, P.Eng., FEC during the Recognition Wine & Cheese Reception on Wednesday, October 17, 2018. The granting of Honorary Life Membership (By-law Clause 7.1.4) recognizes many years of meritorious service rendered to the Association or the profession.

    The Awards Committee thanks all nominators for the exceptional nominations received for the 2018 awards and the Association congratulates all those who received awards and recognitions this year.

    OCT 25, 2018

    Council Election Results for 2018

    Below are the results of the 2018 Council Elections and by-law proposals and petitions.


    There were 895 ballots submitted to elect the following P.Eng. councillors for two year terms:
    • Vaibhav Banthia, P.Eng.
    • Carolyn Geddert, P.Eng.
    • Ian Smallwood, P.Eng.
    • Efrem Teklemariam, P.Eng., FEC

    There were 713 ballots submitted to elect the following P.Geo. councillor for a two year term:
    • Doug Bell, P.Geo., FGC
    By-law Proposals and Petitions

    There were 848 ballots submitted regarding the proposed By-law changes.

    By-law 4.5.6 - Finance Committee Amendments
    Result: PASS (For: 721, Against: 55, Abstain: 72)

    By-law 13 - Code of Ethics Amendments
    Result: PASS (For: 719, Against: 60, Abstain: 69)

    By-law 15 - Complaints & Discipline Amendments
    Result: PASS (For: 649, Against: 76, Abstain: 123)

    By-law 17.5.5 - Determination of Good Faith Amendments
    Result: PASS (For: 637, Against: 98, Abstain: 113)

    By-law 17.6.x - Consideration and Voting on Proposed By-law Amendments
    Result: PASS (For: 645, Against: 86, Abstain: 117)

    SEP 24, 2018

    Notice to Members - Election Details Amendment

    After receiving an interpretation from legal counsel, the vacancies for council positions have been amended to: four (4) professional engineers and one (1) professional geoscientist. This does not affect the nomination process, as all requirements in the Nominating Committee procedures and By-law 3.1.2 were properly administered.

    Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC

    AUG 20, 2018

    2017-18 CIPWIE Mentorship Program Report

    The Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE) is committed to assisting Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba in achieving the 30 by 30 goal set by Engineers Canada and to supporting the needs of Manitoba’s female engineering cohort. The CIPWIE Mentorship Program supports women during their engineering education and as they progress through their careers. Participants are engaged in a formal mentoring relationship with opportunities to ask questions about the profession and share insights into what it’s like to be an engineer. The Mentorship Program aims to increase the retention of Manitoba’s female engineering talent, while also increasing diversity in the engineering profession.

    While mentorship programs do exist within Manitoba’s engineering industry, there were no programs offered specifically for women in engineering or that span all engineering disciplines or industry sectors. To this end, the CIPWIE Mentorship Program was developed in 2015/16. Since then, the program has grown from an initial cohort of 70 participants to 121 participants in the 2017/18 offering. To date, nearly 300 women have participated in the CIPWIE Mentorship Program!

    This report provides details on the 2017-18 CIPWIE Mentorship Program, including results and feedback obtained, and recommendations for future program improvements.

    JUL 12, 2018

    Notice to Practitioners - Disciplinary Hearings

    The purpose of this notice is to remind members how the disciplinary process works. The process is detailed in Part 10 (Sections 29 to 55) of the Act and By-law 15 of the Association’s by-laws.

    All matters of investigation and discipline are by peer review – by members looking at the practice of a member. When a member is charged with professional misconduct, it is a decision made by the Investigation Committee. The Committee includes sixteen professional engineers and geoscientists. To further ensure that the public is being protected, there are two lay persons serving on the Investigation Committee. Staff and legal support are also provided to the Committee for the administration of each case.

    In all cases, the Investigation Committee seeks input from the investigated member regarding the allegation(s). If the Investigation Committee thinks there is “reasonable and probable grounds” to believe that the member has acted unprofessionally, they will attempt to dialogue with the member to ensure that the member’s point of view is clearly understood.

    The Investigation Committee only forwards a charge after making a thorough and serious attempt to understand all sides in the matter. When the Committee forwards a charge, it triggers a quasi-judicial hearing. Disciplinary hearings are under the control of the Discipline Committee, which is also comprised of professional engineers, geoscientists and lay persons. At a disciplinary hearing, there are three parties: Discipline Panel (judge), Investigation Committee (prosecutor) and member (defendant). Both sides are provided full opportunity to present their case before the Discipline Panel. The panel then decides on the basis of evidence and arguments presented by each side during the hearing.

    It is only after the disciplinary hearing is completed that a member can be deemed guilty of professional misconduct or cleared of charges.

    Prior to any hearing, it is premature to cast judgement on an issue or member. Both sides must be heard and the balance of information must be weighed in a fair and transparent process. The investigation procedures and disciplinary hearing format used by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba achieves this fair and open process.

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba believes in due process and for privacy reasons, cannot comment on any case until after the process is completed.

    Grant Koropatnick, PEng, FEC
    CEO & Registrar

    Some Relevant Facts:
    • In a typical year, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba receives about two dozen complaints from the public.
    • Less than 1% of members are ever investigated.
    • In 2017, 99.6% of members met the requirements of ProDev (the continuing professional development) program.
    • The current membership is 8,318.

    JUL 10, 2018

    Notice to Practitioners - Annual General Meeting

    Annual General Meeting
    The 2018 Annual General Meeting of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will be held at 2:30 p.m., on Thursday, October 18, 2018 at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, 375 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB.

    Nominations for Election to Council
    There will be four professional engineer positions and one professional geoscientist position to be filled on Council as of October 2018.

    Members can be nominated by completing the nomination form which may be downloaded from the website or obtained from the Association office. Each nomination shall be endorsed by the nominee and six nominators. Persons submitting a recommendation are required to obtain the consent of the nominee.

    Nominations will be received by the secretary up to the close of business on Thursday, September 6, 2018.

    By-law Changes
    Proposals for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments may be submitted by any professional member in writing signed by not fewer than 12 professional members under By-law 17.5.1. Proposals submitted under 17.5.1 must be received by the secretary not less than 60 days before the anniversary of the last previous annual general meeting. The deadline for proposals is August 20, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. All other requirements can be found on the 2018 By-law Proposal Form on the website.

    By-law 5.2.4 prescribes that resolutions put forward at an Annual General Meeting must be in writing, signed by the mover and seconder, and received by the Secretary no less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting. Either the mover or the seconder must be present in person or by distance conferencing at the meeting for the resolution to be considered.

    JUL 05, 2018

    Geoscience and Canada – Understanding our Earth: The vital role of Canada’s geoscientists

    Geoscientists Canada is pleased to announce the release of “Geoscience and Canada – Understanding our Earth: The vital role of Canada’s geoscientists”. This informative booklet highlights the rich geoscience resources of Canada and the vital contributions of geoscientists to Canadian society.

    Human life and progress are underpinned by materials provided by the Earth, and geoscience provides us with the knowledge and understanding to find resources and utilize the Earth sustainably and responsibly, for the benefit of current and future generations. The booklet Geoscience and Canada contains twelve sections, each covering a broad practice area, or an area of interest, concerning geoscience. The publication further includes an introduction; a centre spread, featuring a geological map of Canada overlain by photos and informative statements from geoscientists across Canada; as well as fascinating sidebars about general and Canadian geoscience highlights.

    This booklet is a joint publication of Geoscientists Canada and the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (www.cfes-fcst.ca) with financial support from the Canadian Geological Foundation (www.canadiangeologicalfoundation.org), and contributions from professional geoscientists and science writers across Canada.

    The English language version of the booklet is available at www.geoscientistscanada.ca. The French language version will be available shortly. An announcement will be released when the French version is posted.

    JUN 29, 2018

    The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service

    Nearly one in six Manitobans is disabled by barriers where they work, live, and play. Barriers to accessibility come at an enormous cost – to persons with disabilities, to their family and friends, to their communities, and also to business. By learning how to eliminate barriers, everyone benefits.

    Manitoba is committed to becoming an inclusive society. The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) outlines a clear and proactive process to identify, remove, and prevent barriers in key areas of daily living.

    The first accessibility standard focuses on customer service. By introducing policies addressing training and communication, the goal is to achieve respectful, barrier-free customer service in all Manitoba organizations (including businesses) that have at least one employee.

    There are different timelines for organizations to meet the standard. The Manitoba Government and the public sector have already been required to comply to the new law. Private, small municipalities, and non-profit organizations must comply by November 1, 2018.

    To meet the Customer Service Standard, organizations must:

    • meet the communication needs of customers, clients or members
    • allow assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, walkers and oxygen tanks
    • welcome support people, who are there to assist
    • welcome people with service animals
    • ensure accessibility is maintained as intended (ramps, wide aisles, removal of clutter)
    • let customers know when accessible features and services are not available
    • invite customers to provide feedback
    • train staff on accessible customer service, including reasonable accommodations under The Human Rights Code (Manitoba)
    • make public events accessible (large public sector organizations only)

    All public sector organizations and private sector organizations with more than 20 employees must document their customer service policy and provide notice that it is available on request.

    The Society for Manitobans with Disabilities (SMD) has created a Made-in-Manitoba series of six short videos that highlight the importance of making businesses and organizations more accessible to customer with disabilities. SMD is able to provide training that addresses all of the required components of training as outlined by the Accessible Customer Service Standard by using the videos and creating customized content for your business or organization.

    JUN 28, 2018

    Canadian Archives of Women in STEM Launches

    On June 18, 2018, the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists – Education and Research Institute (INWES–ERI) and Library and Archives Canada launched the Canadian Archives of Women in STEM at the University of Ottawa. The event was opened by the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, who was followed by presentations by the founders, as well as young women currently involved in STEM research.

    With support from Engineers Canada, and other partners, the archiving of materials from women in STEM across Canada represents an important step towards better understanding the role of women making Canadian history. Engineers Canada looks forward to engaging with this project as it grows.

    The archives project is looking for Canadian women in STEM to donate their records and research.

    For further information about how to donate records to this project, see the uOttawa webpage below.

    JUN 25, 2018

    By-law Review Committee Seeks Member Input

    The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft wording of the new By-law 4.2.6: Finance Committee.

    Currently, Council's Executive Committee operates as the Finance Committee. With the introduction of By-law 4.2.6, the Finance Committee would become a separate committee of Council, and would be governed by a term of reference.

    Below is the proposed wording for the new by-law, as well as the draft of the terms of reference for the Finance Committee.

    If you have any comments, please send them to Danielle Unett at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca

    JUN 07, 2018

    INWED 2018: Celebrating the Achievements of Women in Engineering

    Saturday, June 23, 2018, is International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to women in this exciting industry.

    For INWED 2018, Engineers Canada and the 30 by 30 Champions invite Canadians to celebrate the achievements of women engineers, and their contributions to the profession and to broader Canadian society. On Tuesday, June 19, Engineers Canada will begin sharing videos of an engineer and an engineering graduate who are women with the message that engineering can be a fulfilling and exciting career choice for women.

    Join the campaign by filming your own short selfie video (as an individual or a group). Tell us why being a woman in engineering is important and post your videos on social media, tagging @EngineersCanada and @EngGeoMB and using the hashtags #INWED2018, #RaisingTheBar, #RaisingProfiles, and #30by30.

    MAY 28, 2018

    Local Transportation Engineer Honoured with National Award

    Winnipeg transportation engineer and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba member, Jeannette Montufar, P.Eng., was presented with Engineers Canada's Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession at a ceremony in Saskatoon on Thursday, May 24. The award recognizes engineers who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a benchmark of engineering excellence.

    Whether it's empowering women in STEM programs at university or developing national guidelines to make crosswalks safer for pedestrians with limited mobility, Jeannette has proven time and again that, with enough vision, accessibility for all is achievable. The civil engineer, who is internationally renowned for her leadership and expertise in the field of transportation engineering, has been a champion of accessibility for women in engineering, supervising and empowering a large proportion of female graduate students and creating a fund to encourage underprivileged women to pursue engineering or science in university. Recently, Jeannette has helped drive Engineering Changes Lives, a bold initiative between the Manitoba provincial government and Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba that aims to ensure Manitoba meets the 30 by 30 target set out by Engineers Canada.

    MAY 23, 2018

    Association Holds Fourth Annual MLA Reception

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba held its fourth annual MLA Reception on Thursday, May 17, 2018, in Winnipeg. The reception provides opportunities for the Association members including Council, past presidents and committee chairs to get to know government officials and build positive relationships between one another. Government representatives from federal, provincial, and municipal levels attended the reception this year to show their support for the professional engineers and professional geoscientists of Manitoba.

    The reception created a platform for many one-on-one conversations related to the engineering and geoscientific professions including key initiatives of engineering education, increasing representation of women and indigenious professionals, and the need for internationally educated engineers and geoscientists in Manitoba.

    Government officials in attendance included Honourable James Bezan, MP for Selkirk-Interlate-Eastman; Honourable Blaine Pederson, Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade; Honourable Cliff Cullen, Minister of Crown Services; Honourable Ralph Eichler, Minister of Agriculture; Honourable Cameron Frisen, Minister of Finance; Kelly Bindle, MLA for Thompson; Blair Yakimoski, MLA for Transcona, Dennis Smook, MLA for Verendrye; Jon Reye, MLA for St. Norbert; Collen Mayor, MLA for St. Vital; Jeff Browaty, City Councillor, and Shawn Dobson, City Councillor.

    MAY 22, 2018

    By-law Review Committee Seeks Member Input

    The By-law Review Committee is seeking member input on the draft wording of the proposed changes to By-law 13: Code of Ethics and By-Law 15: Complaints and Discipline.

    Continuing with Council's By-law Rewrite project, By-laws 13 and 15 came under review in 2018. The By-law Review Committee, through research and member engagement, developed a set of principles on which to base the proposed draft wording of By-laws 13 and 15 on. The principles were then sent to legal counsel who composed the draft wording.

    Below you will find links to the 'Code of Ethics - Draft Wording' and 'Complaints and Discipline - Draft Wording'.

    You will also find a link to the 'Guiding Principles' which both drafts were based off of.

    Additionally, you will find the 'Code of Ethics - Additional Information' and the 'Complaints and Discipline - Additional Information'. These two documents help to explain the reasoning behind the By-law Review Committees reasons to make changes to these By-laws, as well as outline some of the major changes.

    Please forward all comments to Danielle Unett, who is acting as staff support for the committee, at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca. An online forum, accessible through your member profile, is also available for discussion on the potential by-law changes.

    MAY 03, 2018

    “Engineering Changes Lives” - Doubling the Number of Women Entering Engineering by 2030

    Only 15 per cent of newly licensed engineers in Manitoba are women – lower than nearly every other professionally-accredited occupation. Gender inequality is the biggest diversity gap facing engineering in Manitoba.

    “Girls are an opportunity for all sectors to grow so if engineers want a piece of the pie, they need to fight for it. Girls are awesome, so bring up your game,” said Nusraat Masood, EIT, engineering intern and Director of WISE Kid-Netic Energy, a University of Manitoba program with a mission to attract girls to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. “Currently, health-related fields are doing far better at attracting girls who pursue STEM studies.”

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has a goal: 30 by 30. By 2030, 30 per cent of newly licensed engineers will be women. That’s double the current rate.

    The Association knows this goal can’t be met without a significant, long-term commitment and has budgeted an initial $800,000 for the first phase of this initiative, one that’s meant to reach young women who could be the next decade’s graduating class in engineering.

    "Council put its support behind Engineering Changes Lives, because it was evident we need to take strong and immediate action, if we were to achieve 30 by 30," said Engineer’s Geoscientists Manitoba President, Jonathan Epp, P.Eng., FEC. "This is a strategic priority for us, because it is in the public's interest to be served by a profession that is representative of the public it seeks to serve."

    Minister responsible for Status of Women, Hon. Rochelle Squires, addressed a full room at the Manitoba Legislative Building on Monday. Over 100 government officials, engineers, and educators were in attendance for a panel discussion exploring the culprits that steer girls away from STEM and nudge women out of the engineering profession. Culprits ranging from unconscious gender bias in teaching math and science from a young age and societal gender expectations, to a lack of role models both in the profession and in the media were identified. The engineers on the panel then shared their personal experiences.

    Lindsay Melvin, P.Eng., FEC, professional engineer and Past President of the Association recalled: “I didn’t realize there were any culprits until years later when I looked back and said ‘Hey, why did that happen?’ For example, I don't remember if there were any other girls in my high school computer class, but the teacher would often ask me to handout the handouts. I missed verbal instructions and fell so far behind I had to drop out. It was devastating and discouraging and it didn’t set me up well for university when I had to take computer science for my engineering degree.”

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba formally adopted the 30 by 30 goal as a Strategic End for the Association in May 2017, signifying its critical importance to the future of engineering in the province. This new initiative, called “Engineering Changes Lives”, aims to increase both the number of women entering engineering and the retention rate of women working in the field. Sarah Stringer, lead marketing researcher for the campaign, knows there will have to be an understanding of the leaks at all points on the career pipeline: “How do we look at the whole ecosystem and make engineering believe that diversity is not going to lower the bar, or just be a sign of the times, but is going to raise the bar for the province and ultimately for humanity as a whole.”

    Included as part of the panel discussion was the launch of an in-school advertising campaign inviting collaboration between Manitoba’s middle school students and the province’s largest engineering employers to address the barriers that keep girls from choosing engineering as a career.

    “Prior to joining the university, I worked at a start-up company which was male-dominated. I went on my first maternity leave and found that very difficult and frustrating. My HR was very flustered, which didn’t bode well for me. Companies need to be well-read, well-positioned for a diverse workforce, which includes women, which includes LGBTQ, which includes everyone. They need to keep it welcoming, keep it proper.” said Nusraat Masood.

    [Engineering Changes Lives Panel Photo]
    Panellists take questions from the audience.
    L-R: Sarah Stringer, Juliet Creative, Jonathan Epp, P.Eng., FEC, President of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Lindsay Melvin, P.Eng., FEC, Past President of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, and Nusraat Masood, EIT, WISE Kid-Netic Energy Program Administrator.

    APR 05, 2018

    Association Seeks Input on Centennial Celebrations

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba turns 100 in 2020 and we want to celebrate this milestone with you! To help inform the decisions of which projects and activities will take place during our centennial year, the Association's Centennial Task Group needs your help!

    Complete this short survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/EngGeoMBCentennial - it will take only four minutes and you could win a $100 Best Buy gift card if you complete it before April 22!

    MAR 29, 2018

    Abstracts Sought for Association's Annual Conference

    From October 16 - 19, 2018, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will host its annual conference, Ingenium, at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg. Ingenium is a premier professional development opportunity for the engineering and geoscience community in Manitoba, with participants representing a cross-section of the 8,200 practitioners who work in the province’s private and public sectors.

    On October 18, 2018, Ingenium’s Professional Development Seminars will take place. The Association welcomes abstracts for presentations on any topic related to engineering and geoscience and the professionals which practise in those fields.

    In particular, we welcome presentations which explore:
    • Case studies of successful applications of new strategies or technology in Manitoba
    • Resiliency and climate change
    • Technical presentations on emerging technologies
    • Industry trends
    • Competency skills benefitting engineering and geoscience professionals

    Please submit a half-page abstract, outlining the presentation proposal, along with the presenter’s name, contact information, and brief biography, to Gemma Keatch, Communications & Events Coordinator, via email to GKeatch@EngGeoMB.ca Abstracts must clearly describe the content of the presentation.

    Both Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba members and non-members are invited to submit abstracts.

    Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 27, 2018.

    Final decisions regarding presentations selected for inclusion in the conference will be made by May 30, 2018.

    MAR 14, 2018

    Spaghetti Bridge Competition Smashes Bridges and Records

    2018 marked a record year for the annual Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Spaghetti Bridge Competition. Taking place over three consecutive days at Kildonan Place, a record 904 students competed, building 453 trusses which were tested to breaking point during the event. Prizes were awarded to the strongest structures from each grade, and a team of two from grade 3 at École Rivière-Rouge earned this year’s top spot when their truss bore 195 kg of weight before breaking!

    "It's great to see so many students and teachers joining us this year to build strong entries in support of Winnipeg Harvest. Participation has really soared this year and we’re so pleased to see these future engineers applying their ingenuity to make the most out of the simple building mateirals of spaghetti and glue. This year's contest entries held up 12,397.6kg!" said Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s CEO & Registrar.

    In return for all of the spaghetti that the 2018 participants used to build their bridges, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba donated $2 per kg of load that the bridges held to Winnipeg Harvest, resulting in a $24,795.20 donation.

    “Utilizing pasta to construct bridges is a great way to inspire tomorrow’s engineers, while encouraging giving back to those who are hungry,” says Keren Taylor-Hughes, Executive Director of Winnipeg Harvest. “By donating $2.00 for every kg of weight sustained by over 450 pasta bridges, they have made a huge difference in the lives of hungry Manitoba families! For every $1 donated, Winnipeg Harvest can distribute $20 worth of food across the province, which means this donation will translate into nearly $500,000 of food going to food banks, soup kitchens and school snack programs. Thank you Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and all the students who participated.”

    The Spaghetti Bridge Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of National Engineering Month, which takes place across Canada throughout March each year. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages.

    [Donation Presentation to Winnipeg Harvest]
    Jonathan Epp, P.Eng., FEC, President of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Keren Taylor-Hughes, Executive Director of Manitoba Harvest, Tristen Gitzel, P.Eng., FEC, Chair of PEGW Task Group, and Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, CEO & Registrar of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

    FEB 26, 2018

    Grand Opening of Expanded Association Office

    Having taken the opportunity for growth in 2017 by expanding its office into newly vacant space on the second floor, the Association marked the official opening of the new space with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, February 23.

    Representatives involved in the renovation gathered with councillors, staff, and special guests to mark the occasion in the new Wardrop Boardroom.

    In honour of their achievements and their impact on engineering in Manitoba, the four boardrooms on the second floor are named after prominent engineers in the province: Landon, Lyons, Wardrop, and Weiszmann. The Association was privileged to be joined by some of their family and friends for this special occasion.

    CEO & Registrar Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, introduced special guests Ann Weiszmann, daughter of the late Judith Weiszmann, P.Eng., FEC, and Terry Wardrop, son of the late Les Wardrop, P.Eng., FEC, who shared fond memories of their parents and their engineering legacies. Along with President Jonathan Epp, P.Eng., FEC, they cut the ribbon to mark the official opening of the expanded space.

    [Ribbon Cutting]
    l-r: Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng., FEC, Terry Wardrop, Ann Weiszmann, Jonathan Epp, P.Eng., FEC

    Following the ceremony, the Association welcomed visitors its new space during an open house afternoon. Over 30 practitioners joined staff for tours of the new facilities.

    FEB 08, 2018

    Support Services List Now Available Online

    Are you experiencing job loss or some other event that has created stress in your life? The Association now has a comprehensive list of Support Services listed on its website, as a reference to help you through stressful events affecting yourself,your worklife, and your personal life.

    Many professional members in Alberta have experienced job loss due to the economic downturn caused by low oil prices. Although the Manitoba economy is not experiencing the same conditions, you may find the list of support services helpful. Do you need help with any of these?

    • Job loss
    • Career change
    • Change in health
    • Mental health
    • Death of a family member
    • Financial pressure
    • Mediating a dispute

    In addition to the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba list, contact the Human Resources department at your workplace or EAP (employee assistance program) representative if you have benefits.

    FEB 07, 2018

    Canadian Blood Services Seeks Engineering Firms For Project Donate

    Canadian Blood Services is asking engineering firms to roll up their sleeves to save a life by participating in Project Donate this March. Approximately 5000 appointments in Manitoba need to be filled this month to meet the needs of local patients. You can donate at the central Canadian Blood Services clinic on William Ave, or at one of the mobile clinics taking place in Steinbach, Selkirk, Brandon, Morden, Winkler, and many more Manitoban locations.

    All participants should identify themselves as taking part in Project Donate when signing in on arrival at a clinic, as Project Donate donors will be entered in a prize draw to win a $100 Keg gift card!

    Encourage your workmates to donate with you and Canadian Blood Services will provide LifeBus transportation to and from the clinic on William Ave! To book a group appointment, or a LifeBus shuttle to the Winnipeg Blood Centre, call 204 789-1056 or email groupbookermb@blood.ca

    To book an individual donation appointment, download the GiveBlood app or visit www.blood.ca

    FEB 01, 2018

    Association Expands Office Space

    In 2017, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba took the opportunity for growth by expanding their office into newly vacant space on the second floor, which had been previously occupied by Granite Financial. The Association had been considering options for future office growth and Granite’s move to Donald Street provided a timely opportunity to expand without having to relocate. After renovating the space over the course of several months, the expanded office is now functional and in use.

    The Association moved from its previous office at 850A Pembina Highway, to the current location of 870 Pembina Highway in 2009. At that time, there were 5,608 members and 12 staff. As of January 30, 2018, membership had increased to 8,201 and there are currently 19 staff supporting the growing membership and increased program initiatives. Prior to the expansion to the 2nd floor of the building, several staff were located in shared workspaces with no privacy and minimal storage, and a couple of staff members were working out of boardrooms, due to having no permanent work area.

    The office expansion allows all staff access to individual office space, while also including room for future growth, and the Investigations Department benefits from additional private storage space. Growing committees, task groups, and chapters are further accommodated with the addition of four boardrooms on the 2nd floor, named after significant engineers in the Association’s history.

    The renovations to the second floor updated the décor and functionality of the space while encouraging future floorplan flexibility through the inclusion of an innovative DIRTT wall system, as well as several open-plan areas. A new internal staircase links the two floors and features a modern wall art installation, in keeping with the modern décor of the lower level.

    As the Association continues to grow to better support members and the public, more working space is a necessity. This expansion ensures Association staff and members, both present and future, will have room to continue their work with necessary privacy and space.

    FEB 01, 2018

    Feedback Sought for Return to Active Practice Guideline

    The Continuing Competency Committee (CCC) is seeking member feedback on the newly developed Return to Active Practice Guideline. This guideline will help to standardize how Reinstatement and Resumption applications are reviewed. The current draft of the Return to Active Practice guideline has been reviewed by the CCC and the Registration Committee, and can be found through the link below.

    If you have any comments or questions about the guideline, please send them to Danielle Unett at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca

    JAN 18, 2018

    "Engineering Changes Lives" Celebration Huge Success

    A celebration to launch the “Engineering Changes Lives” initiative, which aims to achieve the goal that 30% of newly licensed engineers in Manitoba are women by the year 2030, was held last night at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg, attracting over 120 attendees.

    Lindsay Melvin, P.Eng., FEC, was the Association’s sixth female President in 2016 - 2017 and explained what the initial strategies would include: “This initiative is a multi-year program of activities, whose results are to be measured by the number of women participating in engineering. Activities over the immediate years will include a marketing program to share the important message about why engineering changes lives, building partnerships, research, and the development and implementation of strategic plan to be executed over a number of years.”

    Honourable Rochelle Squires, Minister responsible for Status of Women, was the guest speaker representing the Manitoba Government’s endorsement of this initiative: “These opportunities are key to women succeeding in, and remaining in various male-dominated fields including engineering, science, trades, and technologies and I hope that someday we can get rid of that phrase ‘male-dominated fields’, especially when we’re talking about engineering.”

    The excitement levels throughout the evening were palpable by guests including engineers, government representatives, and industry professionals, as they are among the stakeholders who are critical to increasing the momentum behind this initiative to make it a reality. Dr. Jeannette Montufar, P.Eng. FEC, Chair of the Manitoba Women’s Advisory Council and a member of the 30 By 30 Task Group said: “We need to ensure that we take a bold approach with this initiative, as the status quo has not been achieving the desired results. We need to explain what engineering can mean to everyone, but especially to girls. Engineering truly changes lives and I am so proud to be an engineer.”

    The new initiative will increase both the number of women entering engineering and the retention rate of women working in the field, as currently, in Manitoba, women represent 15.1% of newly licensed engineers and approximately 9% of all registered engineers.

    Ruth Eden, P.Eng., President-Elect of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and the Acting Assistant Deputy Minister of Water Management and Structures Division for Manitoba Infrastructure commented: “For engineering to be the best profession that it can be, the membership needs to be representative of all society. Our profession needs the best suited candidates to take the necessary training to become professional engineers and continue to solve the problems of tomorrow.”

    Chair of the Association’s Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE), Kathryn Atamanchuk, P.Eng., noted: "CIPWIE’s grassroots efforts over the past 20 plus years have built a foundation of community building and support, but the Engineering Changes Lives initiative is going to take this to the next level, the level that is required to help us meet the 30 by 30 goal and beyond."

    [Engineering Changes Lives Launch Photo]
    (L-R) Jonathan Epp, P.Eng. FEC, President of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Lindsay Melvin, P.Eng. FEC, Past President of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Ruth Eden, P.Eng., President-Elect of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Hon. Rochelle Squires, Minister responsible for Status of Women, Dr. Jeanette Montufar, P.Eng. FEC, Chair of the Manitoba Women’s Advisory Council, and Kathryn Atamanchuk, P.Eng., Chair of CIPWIE (Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering).

    DEC 05, 2017

    Member Survey Results

    Probe Research conducted a survey of the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba membership, May 2017.

    The survey covered a broad range of topics that both members and the public will find interesting.

    NOV 27, 2017

    City of Winnipeg Launches Online Occupancy Permit Search Tool

    The Planning Property and Development Department of the City of Winnipeg would like to announce the launch of an online occupancy permit search tool. This feature enables members of the general public to search properties by civic address in order to obtain information related to issued occupancy permits.

    This is the first phase of a three-phased project, and limits the searches to occupancy permits granted as of June 2, 2006. As occupancy permit records followed different formats prior to that date, a second and third phase to this feature have been planned for the near future to make older permits available for online access as well.

    SEP 15, 2017

    2016-17 CIPWIE Mentorship Program Report

    The Committee for Increasing the Participation of Women in Engineering (CIPWIE), an operating committee of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, is committed to assisting the association in achieving the 30 by 30 goal and to better understand and support the needs of Manitoba’s female engineering cohort. Through committee meetings involving female engineers from a variety of industry sectors, CIPWIE identified mentorship as a potential solution to help address the female engineering retention issue and move Manitoba towards achieving the 30 by 30 goal. Mentorship has long been known as an effective way to support skill development and learning, and can lead to increased career satisfaction and retention. Successful mentoring relationships can also extend well beyond knowledge transfer and develop into life-long relationships that are mutually beneficial to all involved.

    While mentorship programs do exist within Manitoba’s engineering industry (for example the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC) Manitoba mentorship program), there are no programs offered specifically by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba or the University of Manitoba that are open to all engineering disciplines/industries. To this end, CIPWIE developed a student-driven Mentorship Program that pairs female engineering students with female Interns and female professional engineers with the goal of providing a tri-mentorship model that will assist all participants with an opportunity to see what a career in engineering could look like and to help them expand their professional network.

    This report provides details on the 2016-17 CIPWIE Mentorship Program, including results and feedback obtained, and recommendations for future program improvements.

    JUL 13, 2017

    Professional engineer announced as Canada's next Governor General

    The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced Her Majesty The Queen's approval of the next Governor General of Canada, Ms. Julie Payette, OC, CQ.

    A member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from McGill University and a Master's in Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto, as well as a fellow of the International Academy of Astronautics, as one of only ten Canadians to have flown into space, and a respected scholar on scientific and technological advances and policies, Ms. Payette is an incredibly accomplished female astronaut and scientist. Ms. Payette will be serving as Canada's viceroy of the monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and will take the place of His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston in the fall.

    JUN 08, 2017

    175th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Canada

    Canada’s oldest scientific agency, the Geological Survey of Canada, is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year.

    In recognition of its anniversary, the history of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) is being highlighted on Instagram in a social media campaign to raise awareness of the country’s oldest scientific agency. Established in 1841, the GSC is one of Canada’s first government organizations and was founded before the Confederation. The GSC was created to geologically map Canada’s landscape in search of viable mineral resources. Today, the GSC focuses on geoscience surveys, sustainable development of natural resources, natural geological hazard (eg. earthquake) research, and technology innovation.

    Instagram followers who tag a photo of a location in Canada with a connection to the history of the GSC, will have the opportunity to receive a response from the GSC History Committee in the comment section of their post with a historical story or geological fact unique to that location. Follow GSC (@GeoStories) on Instagram for geological insight and to show support for the GSC! The campaign launched on June 3rd, and will continue throughout the summer.

    JUN 01, 2017

    Canadian Indigenous Self-Declaration

    In order to achieve an increasing Indigenous membership, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba asks you to self-declare if you are of Indigenous ancestry.

    By self-declaring as an Indigenous member, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will be able to:

    • Benchmark the number of Indigenous professionals in the membership.

    • Gather data for statistical analysis, which will assist the Association in tracking its progress towards meeting its commitment to increase the recruitment and retention of Indigenous professionals in Manitoba.

    • Determine strategic steps toward developing Indigenous engineering and geoscience professionals.

    • Create, improve, and communicate supports for Indigenous members.

    MAY 25, 2017

    New Domain - EngGeoMB.ca

    The Association is in the process of migrating to a new Internet domain.

    The 'apegm.mb.ca' will transition to 'EngGeoMB.ca' to correspond with the Association's working name change from APEGM to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

    Staff e-mail accounts have already been migrated.
    For example, reception@apegm.mb.ca is now Reception@EngGeoMB.ca.

    There have been changes to some general service e-mail accounts:
    - The general apegm@apegm.mb.ca is now info@EngGeoMB.ca
    - Bulk E-news notices sent from eapegm@apegm.mb.ca will now come from ENews@EngGeoMB.ca
    (please adjust corporate spam filtering appropriately)

    The public website, http://www.apegm.mb.ca/ has an alias of http://www.EngGeoMB.ca/ and will gradually transition to that domain as default.

    The private login server, https://apps.apegm.mb.ca/, is not yet available under the new domain, but will be transitioned to https://apps.EngGeoMB.ca/ in time.

    The Association staff contact information is available on the website at: http://www.EngGeoMB.ca/Contact.html.

    APR 06, 2017

    Access to Engineering Education in Manitoba

    The Engineering Education Task Group has published a report titled "Access to Engineering Education in the Province of Manitoba", that examines access to engineering education in Manitoba, as well as future engineering market-place demand.

    The report's findings suggest an increasing need for engineers in Manitoba, and present several possible barriers, as well as ten main recommendations with additional sub-recommendations, applying to enrollment in, completion of, or professional retention within engineering.

    The report can be found on the Association website at About > Government Relations under the heading "Task Group Reports".

    For more information about the report, please contact Soffia Baragar, Administrative Assistant Government Relations, at sbaragar@apegm.mb.ca.

    MAR 21, 2017

    Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Approach: Guidance for Application

    The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) has posted Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Approach: Guidance for Application.

    The document is intended to assist users to successfully apply the Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Approach (GSAA) developed by CCME. The document provides a balance of high-level guidance and practical how-to advice, highlighting issues and actions jurisdictions should take into account in implementation of the approach. The guidance is comprehensive in scope with specific explanations on the GSAA, definitions and principles.

    JAN 18, 2017

    Association Launches New Diversity Employer Award

    The Association is proud to announce a new award for the 2017 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, the Diversity Employer Award.

    The Diversity Employer Award is intended to recognize engineering and geoscience employers that have demonstrated, in action and spirit, support for recruiting, training, retaining, fostering respect for, and/or advancement of career opportunities for people defined within the “Diverse Employee Group”. In celebrating these accomplishments, the award has the intended purpose of encouraging involvement of organizations in diversity-related activities, regardless of company size.

    Nominations for this award, and the eigtht other categories, are now open, and the nomination deadline is February 1, 2017.

    Further information about all the award categories, and the nomination forms, can be found on the Awards webpage.

    JAN 16, 2017

    Specified Scope of Practice License

    The Association is implementing a new category of licensure called 'Specified Scope of Practice License'.

    Each practitioner will be granted the title Engineering Licensee (Eng.L), or Geoscience Licensee (Geo.L), and they will be issued a seal that is distinct to their license.

    This allows people with non-engineering or geoscience degrees to practice in a specific scope of engineering or geoscience discipline. Applicants will typically be diploma holders with many years of experience that fall within a specific scope of engineering or geoscience.

    Additional information can be found using the link below.

    NOV 10, 2016

    ENGAP students win Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards

    The Faculty of Engineering’s Access Program (ENGAP) is thrilled to announce that Kyle Monkman, a 23 year old Metis engineering student has won the Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Award (MAYAA) for the Senior Academic category, and Emma Gillespie, a 17 year old Metis engineering student from Selkirk has won the MAYAA for the Junior Academic category.

    The Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards recognize the accomplishments of Indigenous youth in the fields of culture, employment, traditional lifestyle, business, and academic excellence. Both students will receive their awards at an awards ceremony being held on November 24th at the Victoria Inn.

    OCT 13, 2016

    New regulatory resources available online through Engineers Canada

    Engineers Canada has added a case law catalogue and a guidelines catalogue to its website, making reference material easily available and searchable to engineering regulators, policy-makers, and stakeholders.

    The case law catalogue provides a collection and summary of case law across Canada that is of interest to regulators and the engineering profession.

    The guidelines catalogue compiles guidelines developed by the provincial and territorial engineering regulators and by Engineers Canada. These guidelines can be searched by authoring organization, by publication date or by topic, which ranges from admissions practices to ethics, to intellectual property, to risk management, amongst others.

    Content to both catalogues will be added as it is created.

    OCT 07, 2016

    Winnipeg engineer develops cheaper prosthetic for kids

    A Winnipeg engineer has found a cheaper way to give youth amputees a hand—specifically, a controllable prosthetic that can open and close.

    With modern technology, amputees can control prosthetics “myoelectrically,” which basically means the devices react to electric signals in the muscles of a residual limb.

    “When you flex your bicep for example there are these naturally occurring electric signals that can be measured in voltage-and it can be used to actually control a (prosthetic device),” explained Matt Gale of Northern Bionics, who’s recent pitch for a cheaper youth version of such a device won him $1,000 at North Forge’s Pitch Idol competition.

    Gale explained it’s an effective technology adult amputees appreciate, but it’s also costly and delicate-making such prosthesis impractical and inaccessible for kids who might out-grow them in short order.

    “They’re very expensive, tens of thousands of dollars, and not practical… it doesn’t make sense for them to pay that much until they’re a little older,” he said.

    Gale works full-time as an engineer specializing in 3D metal printing with Precision ADM in Winnipeg, but volunteers at the Rehabilitation Centre for Children (RCC).

    “At the rehab centre, it was brought to my attention there’s a void in the market for an affordable myoelectrically-controlled prosthesis,” he said, noting he heard from families and the director of prosthetics alike that children face barriers in accessing the best technology for prosthesis.

    That knowledge prompted him to combine his leading edge 3D printing know-how with young patient’s needs to create a prosthetic hand he thinks can be sold for “less than $5,000.”

    OCT 06, 2016

    Did you know? - By-Laws Re-write Project

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is almost 100 years-old. It began in 1920 and some of the by-laws date back to the beginning. The current by-law booklet has been likened to a "renovated house" – many additions have been put on over the years and now the old homestead is in such poor shape that it needs a "total makeover."

    The Association’s legal counsel was contacted about this project in 2012. Back then, they said it would take considerable time, expense and consultation with a broad range of members and stakeholders in order to draft an updated set of by-laws. At that time, the estimate of legislative drafting and related legal work to fulfill the proposed eight (8) parts was estimated at 150 hours. Add town hall meetings and other stakeholder engagement events, a project of this scale would take 12 to 24 months to complete.

    Feedback from members this year has touched on by-laws, policies and procedures used by Council and the Association in the administration of their regulatory mandate. Council passed a motion at its meeting of September 15, 2016 to make this project one of its strategic priorities – inviting all members to participate in this important work leading up to the centennial year. Watch for a future e-news about how to get involved.

    SEP 29, 2016

    Two new guidelines approved by Engineers Canada Qualifications Board

    The Engineers Canada Qualifications Board has approved two new guidelines: the Guideline on Returning to Active Practice, and the Guideline on Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship for Professional Engineers.

    Forty representatives from engineering regulators, the Accreditation Board, and the Engineers Canada Board met in Halifax, NS, on September 16 and 17 to advance the work of the Qualifications Board. The Board also approved a Communications Strategy and reviewed its new website presence, including a revised engineer-in-training FAQ page, a Guideline webpage, and the Members Manual.

    The next meeting of the Qualifications Board will take place in April 2017.

    SEP 29, 2016

    The President’s new email address

    As part of Council’s continuing commitment to be accessible, open and transparent, a President’s email address (president@apegm.mb.ca) is now available.

    This email address will provide the membership with continuity to address any questions or concerns, avoiding the need to change the contact point annually. A response will be provided within three business days. For complex issues that will take more time to assess, a response indicating this will be provided.

    The President will have full access to the President’s email address and will review and respond to emails through this address. Since it may not be feasible for the President to check the email daily, the Executive Assistant to Council and CEO will monitor the email daily. In some cases, the President may direct the Executive Assistant to provide a response on behalf of the President.

    Please feel free to use this email address to address any questions or concerns that you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!

    AUG 18, 2016

    Four Tips for Would-Be Astronauts

    Thinking of applying to be Canada’s next astronaut? There are a number of excellent candidates, but if you want an edge, who better to tell you how to shine like a supernova than the first Canadian to ever walk in space — Commander Chris Hadfield spoke with CBC The Early Edition’s Rick Cluff on what it takes:

    1. Do what you like

    “Looking back, I think people sort of get the impression that it was linear or direct or straight arrow or pre-destined,” he said.
    “It was nothing like that.”
    Instead, Hadfield said he focused on doing things that he liked.
    “I dreamed of being an astronaut, [but] knew that I was probably never going to be one,” he said.
    “You don’t want to count on something at the end to be the only justification. You want to love all the stuff you’re doing along the way.”

    2. Meet the requirements

    Granted, the things Hadfield found interesting — being a fighter pilot, completing a degree in mechanical engineering, a masters of aviation systems — definitely helped him stand out.
    In fact, the Canadian Space Agency has some specific requirements for candidates, among them:
    • Possess a bachelors degree or higher in a specific science or technology field.
    • Have at least three years professional experience.
    • Physical requirements like height and weight restrictions, vision, normal hearing and blood pressure.

    3. Be patient

    Hadfield said the key quality would-be astronauts have is patience — “a really tenacious patience. Not a lackadaisical kind of patience.”
    They need it.
    For one thing, the competition is fierce.
    Hadfield was one of the four astronauts named from a pool of over 5,000 applicants in the Canada Space Agency’s recruitment campaign in 1992.
    This year, there are many thousands of applicants, and it will take a full year before the space agency names its next two astronauts.
    “What do you do with 6000 applications for two jobs?” he laughed.

    4. Dream big but have perspective

    “It’s an interesting way to go through life, to be pursuing something that’s really deep in your heart that’s probably never going to happen,” Hadfield said.
    Candidates also have to understand that being an astronaut is not all space life, he said.
    “I was an astronaut for 21 years, but I flew in space for 6 months,” he said.
    “It’s a life of service. It’s about putting other requirements ahead of your own, your country’s requirements, the scientific necessity, and the demands of the mission.”

    Yet, he said “it is the best job I could possibly imagine.”

    AUG 18, 2016

    Did you know? - What happens in a Council Meeting?

    Did you know that the members of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba annually elect individuals to govern the professions on your behalf? The Association’s council is comprised of not fewer than seven councillors, both professional engineers and professional geoscientists; not fewer than two councillors who are not members (lay persons) and one councillor who is an engineering intern or geoscience intern. Currently, there are 12 engineers, 2 geoscientists and 3 non-members. Among the non-member councillors, there are two lawyers (LLB) and one Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). The CEO attends all meetings of council as CEO, Registrar and Secretary of the Association, but is not a voting member of council.

    You might ask: “What happens at a typical council meeting?” Each meeting agenda includes a report by the President on recent meetings, events and activities since the last meeting, followed by a presentation by an “ownership” group. This part is intended to hear important insights and recommendations from public groups that Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is seeking to serve. These groups include school divisions, employers, First Nations groups and others whom partner with the Association in serving the public interest. The middle (majority) time of each meeting is devoted to governance: making major decisions, discussion on issues, focusing on serving the public. The last part of each meeting is spent monitoring internal policy and evaluating council performance. The total time is about 4 hours. Councillors usually take a 15 minutes break half-way. News items and more detailed information about Council is available on the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba web site.

    JUL 14, 2016

    Engineers Canada launches EngScape, online portal for engineering jobs

    Engineers Canada has launched EngScape, an interactive online portal that addresses the labour market needs of the engineering profession in Canada.

    The portal presents statistics and data about employment rates, salary, university enrollment, and diversity, breaking it down by engineering discipline and by province.

    In addition to the labour market trends and projections for the 14 engineering disciplines, EngScape also features profiles of individual engineers, provides typical job descriptions and requirements, and presents career outlooks for each discipline.

    EngScape also includes a job search tool that aggregates engineering job postings from a variety of online sources.

    “We want to provide one-stop-shopping for anyone looking for a career in engineering,” said Jamie Ricci, Engineers Canada’s practice lead in research.

    “EngScape has something for everyone—youth can discover what they can do with an engineering career, recent engineering graduates can look for their first job, experienced engineers can find their next job, and internationally trained engineers looking to enter the Canadian workforce can explore the range of opportunities across the country.”

    EngScape is the product of a partnership between Engineers Canada and the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC).

    Engineers Canada is the national organization of the 12 engineering regulators that license the country’s 290,000 members of the profession.

    JUL 07, 2016

    The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec continues its transition toward better governance

    The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) acknowledges the ministerial decision, issued not long after its new Board of Directors took office, to place the organization under temporary administration. The OIQ is disappointed with this decision, which was made after a year of efforts and results in line with its mission of protecting the public. However, the OIQ respects it.

    Kathy Baig, Eng., FEC, MBA, who just began her duties as President, hopes that the three new directors recognize the work that has been done to date by the OIQ, as the Minister of Justice did with the Office des professions du Québec and the government. “We have shown extensive cooperation in the last two years and intend to continue doing so. I am confident that we can speed up our work, even in this context, since we are striving for the common objectives of sound management and governance," explained Ms. Baig.

    The OIQ will note the terms and conditions of the decision as soon as they have been communicated. A meeting with the three directors appointed by the government is already scheduled for next week.

    The OIQ will continue all activities involved in supervising the practice of engineering and protecting the public.

    About the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec:

    Founded in 1920, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec has a membership of some 61,000 engineering professionals in all fields, except forest engineering. The mission of the OIQ is to ensure the protection of the public by supervising the practice of the profession within the framework of its constituent laws and ensure that the profession serves the public interest.

    JUL 07, 2016

    Engineering student recognized for service in Manitoba Legislative House

    On June 28, University of Manitoba engineering student Eric Schillberg was recognized by the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba for his contribution to the House as assistant in the message room, page, and gallery attendant.

    As Honourable Myrna Driedger, MLA for Charleswood and Speaker of the House appreciatively noted:

    “And I’d also like to bid adieu on behalf of all of us to Eric Schillberg. Eric was a page in 2013-2014. He is a graduate from West Kildonan Collegiate. He has since filled in as page, gallery attendant, and assisted in the message room. Eric has done a terrific job for the Assembly by showing his dedication to this House. Eric often goes to work at a second job before or after his shift, depending on his hours. Eric entered the U of M in 2014 and is presently taking civil engineering with an expected graduation date in 2019. He is currently a member of the University of Manitoba Institute of Transportation Engineers. In addition, Eric is head director of professional relations for the University of Manitoba Engineering Society. Eric hopes to use his engineering degree to travel abroad and gain valuable work experience. One day, he would like to return to Manitoba and run for a position as a member of the Legislative Assembly. And on behalf of all of us, we’d like to wish Eric the very best and thank him very much for all of his service.”

    JUN 27, 2016

    Forty-three new Fellows inducted into the Canadian Academy of Engineering

    President Douglas Ruth inducted 43 new Fellows into the Canadian Academy of Engineering on June 27, 2016. The ceremony took place in Winnipeg, in conjunction with the Academy’s 2016 Annual General Meeting and Symposium.

    Dr. Ruth commented: “We welcome the new Fellows. They are engineers of outstanding abilities. While they have widely varying backgrounds, from Industry, Academe and Government, what they all have in common is the demonstrated desire and ability to go beyond the normal practice of engineering and contribute in exemplary ways towards their fields and to their communities. We expect great achievements through their participation in the Academy’s activities. In our past, Fellows of the Academy have produced major studies in the fields of education, energy and innovation; we look forward with boundless anticipation as to how these new Fellows will build upon these good works and explore new and exciting areas of engineering and its impact on public policy.”

    JUN 23, 2016

    Hendrik Falck, P.Geo. President of Geoscientists Canada for 2016-2017

    On June 4, 2016, at the 43rd Meeting of the Board of Directors of Geoscientists Canada in Calgary, Alberta, Hendrik Falck, P.Geo, FGC, took office as President 2016-2017, after serving a year as its President-Elect. Mr. Falck resides in Yellowknife, NWT, where he is District Geologist with the Mineral Deposits Division, Northwest Territories Geological Survey, and part of the Department of Industry, Tourism, and Investment, Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT).

    Mr. Falck is the past-president of the NAPEG (The NWT and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists). He is the NWT/NU director for Geoscientists Canada and has served as a member of the Canadian Geoscience Standards Board. He is also a former president of the Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada. Hendrik is an active member of the Geological Society of The Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM), and is a technical editor for the CIM Journal. He is also a director of the Canadian Geological Foundation.

    In fulfilling his duties as President, together with colleagues on the Executive Committee, Mr. Falck will be focusing on continuing to build Geoscientists Canada into an effective national/international forum for Canada’s geoscience profession that fully serves the needs and supports the responsibilities of its constituent associations.

    JUN 23, 2016

    UMSATS placed 2nd in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge

    The U of M Space Applications and Technology Society (UMSATS) represented the University of Manitoba in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge at the David Florida Labs (Canadian Space Agency) and placed 2nd overall this year with their UMSATS T-SAT3.

    The competition tasks university teams from across Canada to design a fully operational cube satellite — about the size of a litre of milk — that can conduct a space mission over the course of a year.

    UMSATS has taken second place at both previous competitions, despite the fact that in the second year the satellite had a technical glitch.

    This is experiential learning at its pinnacle. Students designed this satellite and pursued experimental ideas on their own. They worked alongside industry leaders or professors in fields other than their own and had to teach themselves how to design an antenna deployment system, or, even less theoretical, about screws and bolts.

    JUN 02, 2016

    Gold Medal Student Award goes to André Marchildon

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba student member André Marchildon wins the Gold Medal Student Award at the Engineers Canada Awards Gala in Charlottetown, PE, on May 26.

    A remarkable, energetic and focused student, Mr. Marchildon is completing his fourth year at the University of Manitoba in the Mechanical Engineering Program. As the Senior Stick President, he represents over 1,700 undergraduates working with a council of 90 dedicated student leaders, managing a budget of one quarter million dollars.

    Mr. Marchildon has held leadership positions in several organizations including the University of Manitoba Engineering Society and the Congress of the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students, and was a Cabinet Minister in the Manitoba French Youth Parliament. He also gives his time to St. Amant, working with those who have developmental disabilities. As busy as he is, Mr. Marchildon has maintained an outstanding academic record—he is a young man well prepared for an exciting career in the field of engineering.

    Videos of the award recipients are now available on the Engineers Canada YouTube channel.

    JUN 02, 2016

    Engineers Canada welcomes new president and Board directors

    At its Annual General Meeting last week in Charlottetown, PE, Engineers Canada welcomed Chris D. Roney, FEC, P.Eng., BDS, UE, as its president for the 2016-2017 term. In the coming year, Roney and the Engineers Canada Board will work with the engineering regulators to advance the profession in the public interest.

    Engineers Canada also welcomed four new Board directors last week: Kathy Baig, FIC, ing. (OIQ), David Brown, P.Eng., BDS, C.E.T. (PEO), Sarah Devereaux, FEC, P.Eng. (Engineers Nova Scotia) and Connie Parenteau, FEC, P.Eng. (APEGA).

    MAY 26, 2016

    City of Winnipeg Bulletin - Requirements for Portable Classrooms

    The City of Winnipeg has posted a new Information Bulletin on its website regarding the requirements for permits and design considerations for new and relocated portable classrooms.

    The bulletin is numbered “2016-002-A/B/E/M/P/S, Requirements for Portable Classrooms” and is posted on the City of Winnipeg Information Bulletins webpage at the link below.

    MAY 12, 2016

    Natural Resources Canada: Canada’s Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate

    Natural Resources Canada’s latest science assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation is available on-line. The report contains a Synthesis, background chapters on the physical environment and human dimension of coasts, chapters examining Canada’s East, North and West coast regions, and a series of FAQs. Case studies demonstrating action on adaptation are found throughout the report.

    Requests for print copies can be sent to: nrcan.adaptation.rncan@canada.ca

    FEB 25, 2016

    Engineers Canada Launches New Website to Celebrate National Engineering Month

    March is once again National Engineering Month in Canada — the country’s biggest annual celebration of engineering. This year’s celebration has as its theme “Engineering: A Place for You,” and encourages participants to discover that with engineering’s many disciplines and uses, they can find their niche within the profession.

    To mark the occasion, Engineers Canada has launched a new National Engineering Month website that will allow visitors to truly discover the engineering profession. The new website features events happening across Canada in each province and territory, descriptions of the various engineering disciplines and profiles of everyday engineers.

    FEB 11, 2016

    New Health and Dental Insurance Program Launched for Retired Engineers

    Engineers Canada and Manulife have launched a new retiree health and dental insurance program. The Professional Retiree Health and Dental Insurance program starts where government coverage ends—for both routine and unexpected medical expenses.

    The new program offers three choices of coverage levels, whether your group benefits are coming to an end, you want to add to you existing group coverage or you are self-employed.

    To find out more about the program, see the Engineers Canada link below.

    JAN 29, 2016

    New Canadian Building Codes have 400 changes

    Engineers should prepare for 400 changes coming this spring in the 2015 versions of Canada’s National Building Code, National Fire Code, National Plumbing Code and National Energy Code for Buildings. The National Research Council of Canada, which is in charge of the codes, has outlined some of the changes in advance. They have also announced that from now on the four codes are collectively referred to as “Codes Canada.”

    Among the technical changes in the new version of the National Building Code are new hazard values for seismic design in Part 4 and Appendix C. The updates apply to 679 geographic locations and are based on recent earthquake data. Notably also, all buildings in Canada will now be designed for earthquake forces regardless of the level of hazard. However, a simplified approach to the calculations is being provided exclusively for low hazard locations.

    In Part 3 there are new accessibility requirements, and in Part 5 new metrics for sound transmission.

    Housing and small buildings in Part 9 have new prescriptive requirements regarding earthquake loads to complement changes in Part 4, as well as new roofing, damp-proofing and waterproofing standards. Other significant changes affect stairs, ramps and handrails.

    For further information regarding the changes, please read the full Canadian Consulting Engineer article via the link below.

    The national codes are precedent setting for the provincial building codes, which are implemented by law. New code versions are issued periodically to update them and make sure they are “responsive to new technologies, materials, construction practices, research, social policy, and the changing needs of Canadian society.”

    Codes Canada will be announcing the release of the new codes via social media and on its website. A copy of Codes Canada 2015 can also be ordered online.

    JAN 20, 2016

    Association Launches New Award In Honour of Judith Weiszmann

    The Association is proud to announce a new award, which will be included in the 2016 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards, presented at the annual Gala Dinner event in October.

    Named after the first female engineer to be registered in the Province of Manitoba, the Judith Weiszmann Women in Engineering Champion Award is intended to recognize female engineers who through engineering and career achievements have demonstrated the qualities that enabled Judith Weiszmann to be recognized as an outstanding engineer, role model, and influencer of the profession for the advancement and support of women in engineering.

    Nominations for this award, and the seven other categories, are now open, and the nomination deadline is February 16, 2016.

    Further information about all the award categories, and the nomination forms, can be found on the Awards webpage.

    JAN 20, 2016

    Managing Transitions: Joint Resource Guide Published

    Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada have today jointly published a planning resource guide that outlines best practices for employees and employers managing maternity or parental leave in Canada's engineering and geoscience professions.

    Managing Transitions: Before, During and After Leave is intended to assist engineers and geoscientists who are considering maternity or parental leave, and is designed to also assist their employers. It provides extensive checklists and outlines steps that individuals, supervisors and companies can take to help smoothly off and on ramp employees taking a leave of absence.

    "This guide will be a tremendous resource for new parents and for their employers," said Kim Allen, FEC, P.Eng., the Chief Executive Officer of Engineers Canada. "The guide and its recommendations will go a long way to creating welcoming workplaces in the engineering and geoscience professions with good leave practices that will attract talented employees."

    Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada are both dedicated to enhancing gender diversity in their respective professions, where women remain under-represented.

    Diversity has proven value for innovation, customer relevancy and project management, and employers are therefore looking for ways to improve workplace inclusivity, attract top talent, and ensure their company is on the leading edge of policy and practice. Improving career transitions and managing leaves of absence are crucial for the retention of this skilled and valued talent, and thereby increase workplace diversity.

    "Geoscientists Canada is delighted to be jointly publishing this new guide together with our colleagues at Engineers Canada," said Oliver Bonham, P.Geo, FGC, the Chief Executive Officer of Geoscientists Canada. "Experience and research has shown that without forethought, rejoining an organization can be frustrating, especially when expectations are not managed. The solution is to actively manage the transition and this guide outlines the steps to do so, ensuring that employees and employers know what to expect; that leaves of absence do not disrupt career progression or productivity; and that business continuity remains."

    Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada thank the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Alberta (APEGA), and acknowledge the groundbreaking work done by the women and men of the Women in APEGA group. That group created the foundational document, Managing Transitions: Before, During and After Leave, upon which this national guide is based.

    DEC 04, 2015

    National 30 by 30 progress report and Resource Guide now available

    What is Engineers Canada’s role in 30 by 30?

    30 by 30 is Engineers Canada’s commitment to raising the percentage of newly licensed engineers that are women to 30% by the year 2030.

    Women make up more than half of the Canadian population but are significantly under-represented in the engineering profession; less than 12 per cent of practicing licensed engineers are women.

    One of Engineers Canada’s core objectives is to achieve sustainable membership of the 12 provincial and territorial engineering regulatory bodies that is reflective of Canadian demographics. 30 by 30 is a key component to meet this objective.

    Engineers Canada has released a snapshot of national progress toward 30 by 30 as well as a guide that can assist regulators and other engineering stakeholders in their work towards the goal.

    DEC 04, 2015

    Five Engineers Among The Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada

    Held annually, the WXN’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada recognizes the accomplishments of professional women across Canada who are talented leaders and who inspire others to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

    At this year’s Awards Gala, held on November 26, 2015, WXN honoured five professional engineers for their contributions to their fields. Those five are (descriptions from WXN):

    Micheline Bouchard, Corporate Director, TELUS, PSP Investments, International Women’s Forum
    "A professional engineer, Micheline Bouchard is a recognized business leader and former CEO who brings broad experience leading technology companies to her board positions. She is also a current member of the International Women’s Forum Global Board."

    Catherine Karakatsanis, COO, Morrison Hershfield Limited
    "Catherine Karakatsanis is responsible for the domestic and international operations of the employee-owned consulting engineering and management firm, providing leadership and overseeing 850 professionals. As a board member, she helped the firm move away from only allowing full-time employees as partners. As a result, more young mothers and fathers have taken advantage of this opportunity."

    Ann Mellema, Director, Programs Governance, Irving Shipbuilding
    "With more than 25 years’ experience in management and organizational change, Ann Mellema is on the leadership team transforming Irving Shipbuilding. She’s responsible for developing new processes while maintaining quality and governance as they take on the largest shipbuilding contract in Canadian history."

    Siobhan Robinson, Project Engineer, Kerr Wood Leidal Associates
    "Siobhan Robinson has been involved in projects ranging from wastewater treatment to asset management. She is passionate about empowering youth to pursue careers in engineering and is focused on providing young engineers opportunities to grow their careers."

    Jeanette Southwood, VP Strategy and Partnerships, Engineers Canada
    Nominated as: Urban Development & Infrastructure Sector Leader—Canada, Golder Associates
    "An award-winning engineer, Jeanette Southwood is a senior owner at the employee-owned Golder, helping set management and strategic direction as well as driving performance. She also serves as a reviewer for Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and leads the team providing expert advice."

    NOV 12, 2015

    Act Amendment Update - Law Passed

    Bill 21, The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act, received Royal Assent on Thursday, November 5, 2015. The changes made to The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act outlined in Bill 21 are now law and have come into force.

    Please see the links below for information on how Bills are passed, a copy of Bill 21, and a copy of Bill 21 with amendments highlighted and explanatory notes attached.

    The new version of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act is available below

    For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Soffia Baragar, Administrative Assistant, Government Relations, at sbaragar@apegm.mb.ca

    NOV 05, 2015

    Association Member Joins Cabinet

    Congratulations to The Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, a Manitoba professional geoscientist and member of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, on her new role in the federal Liberal cabinet as Canada’s Minister of Employment, Workforce Development, and Labour.

    For the full list of ministers appointed to Justin Trudeau's cabinet, see the CBC news story link below.

    NOV 05, 2015

    Revised 2015 Accessibility Design Standards Now Available

    The revised 2015 Accessibility Design Standards for City of Winnipeg built environments is now posted on the Planning Property and Development website, and can be accessed through the links below.

    If anyone wishes to go over the changes to this document, please contact:

    Judy Redmond, MSc. Accessibility and Inclusive Design
    Universal Design Coordinator
    City of Winnipeg

    SEP 24, 2015

    APEGM Changes Its Name

    As of this month, The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba will be known as Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

    After a number of years of review, the Association is pleased with the new name which is both easier to say and recognize for both members and the general public. Current times call for brevity, specificity, and ease of introduction, and the name Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba accomplishes just that. While the previous name was commonly shortened to APEGM, the new name will remain as the three words most distinctive to the Association, with no acronym attached.

    Since the original logo incorporated the old name, a change of logo has occurred as well. The new logo presents strong bolded lines representing the letters E and G, the two first letters of the Professions the Association represents. The lines appear bar-like, with the initial three reaching out horizontally, placed one above the other like building blocks, each an example of a bar set and raised. The concept of the logo is clear and concise, with the minimal letter forms giving a sense of structure and space.

    While the APEGM logo and the old name are expected to be phased out in the upcoming months, all staff emails, and website information is expected to remain the same for the time being.

    Always aiming to serve its members and the general public, the Association began considering shortening its name years ago for greater clarity and ease of introduction, and went through many meetings and a Council vote to consider the change. "Although the (old) name is familiar to us, it is not easily recognized by the public. If you did a survey, how many people would know what APEGM is?" explained Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng. FEC, CEO & Registrar of the Association in a 2013 publication of The Keystone Professional, the official publication of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

    Name changes from lengthy titles have already occurred at a number of Engineering and Geoscience Associations across Canada, such as in New Brunswick where the provincial association is now called Engineers Geoscientists New Brunswick, and nationally by the former Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists which are now titled Engineers Canada, and Geoscientists Canada respectively.

    Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba currently oversees over seven thousand members, and this number is expected to increase as demand and the population within the province continues to grow. As a public organization assigned to serve and protect public interest, it may be agreed that changing the name of the Association to one that is more recognizable and concise, is doing just that. Never mind the fact that it just, makes life work better as well.

    AUG 10, 2015

    Consultation - Manitoba's New Groundwater and Water Well Act

    Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship is seeking our Association's input into new regulations to support its new Groundwater and Water Well Act. The new Act received Royal Assent in June 2012 and will replace the existing Ground Water and Water Well Act that is over 50 years old. The new regulations will replace the existing Well Drilling Regulation that is over 45 years old.

    Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship has undertaken a thorough review of the type and extent of regulation needed to support implementation of the new Act. Development of the regulations has included consultation with various stakeholder groups for input and feedback on a range of regulatory matters. The proposed new regulations are essential to bring the Groundwater and Water Well Act into effect and consist of:

    1) Groundwater and Water Well (General Matters) Regulation; and

    2) Well Standards Regulation

    The regulations have been developed to address matters related to the licensing of well drilling contractors, measures for the protection of groundwater and aquifers, and standards for the construction and sealing of wells.

    The rationale and proposed regulatory changes are outlined in the discussion paper which includes a consultation draft of the two supporting regulations. Please share the discussion document with your members and colleagues by directing them to the electronic document available through the link below.

    Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship is committed to engaging stakeholders on the proposed new regulations. Comments are encouraged and should be provided in writing by August 28, 2015 to:

    • By mail:
    Proposed Regulations Review
    Groundwater Management Section
    Water Science and Management Branch
    Box 18, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
    Winnipeg MB R3J 3W3

    • By email with "Proposed Regulations Review" in the subject line to groundwater@gov.mb.ca

    JUL 08, 2015

    Construction Canada: Designing Buildings for Climate Change

    Canada’s building codes have historically been formulated, at least in part, based on accumulated historic climate data that ultimately provides the essential criteria for most key building component performance characteristics. However, there are indications climate may be beginning to change. If buildings do, in fact, experience different environmental conditions over the next 40 years, these changes could potentially have a significant impact on our building stock.

    Some experts also believe this apparent warming trend may have the potential to destabilize weather patterns, possibly increasing both the frequency and intensity of severe weather-related events. As a result, this accumulated historic climate data may no longer best serve us in providing the criteria for designing buildings that will have an extended service life.

    This ongoing debate calls into question whether the Canadian construction and codes communities should continue to use historic data for designing buildings that are expected to provide an effective service life of 30, 40, or 50 years or more, without examining the issue closely.

    In response to the perceived risk, the Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee, (PIEVC), established by Engineers Canada, has been directing the completion of climate change vulnerability assessments on four key asset categories. (In addition to buildings, the committee has also been overseeing the formal assessment of transportation assets, storm/waste water treatment/collection and water resource systems.)

    The PIEVC website details its purpose, objectives, and vision, while also providing a valuable glossary of terms and definitions, as well as a definition of climate change and detailed fact sheets.

    To read the full article by Gerald R. Genge, P.Eng., and Brian Burton, which explores the work of PIEVC, click on the link below.

    JUN 25, 2015

    Engineers Canada Releases Labour Market Report

    The report, Engineering Labour Market in Canada: Projections to 2025, released by Engineers Canada, provides province-level projections of supply and demand for engineers. The forecast is for more than 100,000 engineering job openings in Canada between now and 2025 as engineers retire and the economy continues to grow.

    Canada is facing a skills gap as engineers in senior level positions retire or leave the workforce and their experience cannot be replaced by students and early career engineering professionals.

    Interprovincial mobility of Canadian engineers and experienced internationally trained graduates will be two principal groups to potentially fill the positions left by retiring engineers.

    Canadian higher education institutions will continue to play a critical role in training tomorrow’s engineers. Post-secondary institutions are granting an increasing number of engineering degrees to Canadian and international students, creating new entrants to meet growing supply requirements.

    “This report will help employers, governments, academic institutions and engineering regulators plan for the future requirements of the Canadian engineering labour market. Engineers and students will then have the information they need to determine how they will fit into that market,” said Kim Allen, FCAE, FEC, P.Eng., chief executive officer of Engineers Canada. “This report demonstrates the continued importance of engineers to the Canadian economy and a bright future for engineering in Canada.”

    Highlights of the report include:
    •The supply, demand, and degree of difficulty getting engineers for the fourteen occupations recognized by Statistics Canada will vary according to economic conditions.
    • The report identifies the average age of engineers in each of the engineering disciplines. For example, the average age of civil engineers in British Columbia (50), and Manitoba (48), will create more job openings than there will be workers available as older engineers retire.
    • Retiring mechanical engineers are expected to contribute nearly 70% of mechanical engineering job openings over the next five years in Canada. This will increase to nearly 90% of total job openings from 2020 to 2025.
    • The recent decline in oil prices and the exchange rate, stronger U.S. growth, and increased investment will mean a stronger economy in some provinces over the medium-term, particularly for mining, manufacturing, and utilities.
    • As demand for engineers continues to be strong, inter-provincial mobility, Canadian engineering graduates, and immigration of engineers will be necessary to fill engineering positions.
    • Increased participation of underrepresented groups in engineering, such as women and Aboriginals, will be necessary to fill engineering positions in Canada over the next decade.

    For more information or to download a copy of the report, visit Engineers Canada’s website.

    MAY 27, 2015

    Association Past President Digvir Jayas Appointed Engineers Canada President

    Engineers Canada is pleased to welcome Digvir Jayas, FCAE, FEIC, FEC, P.Eng., as its president for the 2015–2016 term. In the coming year, Dr. Jayas and the Engineers Canada Board will work with the engineering regulators to advance the profession in the public interest.

    Dr. Jayas is currently the University of Manitoba’s Vice-President (Research and International) and Distinguished Professor. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba, served as its president (2005–2006), and has represented the association on the Engineers Canada Board since 2010.

    In addition, he has been active on the boards of many organizations, including serving as chair of the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (2000–2002), and has served as President of the Agriculture Institute of Canada, Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Canadian Society for Bioengineering, and the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists.

    Dr. Jayas held a Canada Research Chair in Stored-Grain Ecosystems, and he conducts research related to drying, handling and storing grains and oilseeds and digital image processing for grading and processing operations in the agri-food industry. He has authored or co-authored over 800 technical articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings and books dealing with issues of storing, drying, handling and quality monitoring of grains. He has collaborated with researchers in several countries but has had significant impact on development of efficient grain storage, handling and drying systems in Canada, China, India, Ukraine and USA.

    Jayas will be joined by the following members of the Executive Committee: President-Elect Chris Roney, FEC, P.Eng.(PEO); Past-President Dr. Paul Amyotte, FEC, P.Eng., (Engineers Nova Scotia); Darryl Ford, FEC, P.Eng., (APEGNB); Larry Staples, FEC, P.Eng., (APEGA); and Zaki Ghavitian, FIC, ing., (OIQ); and Engineers Canada’s Chief Executive Officer Kim Allen, FEC, P.Eng. They will be supported by the Engineers Canada staff in Ottawa.

    MAY 22, 2015

    Honouring Canada's Exceptional Engineers

    Canada’s engineering profession honoured the accomplishments of remarkable engineers during the Engineers Canada Awards Gala at the Hotel Arts on May 21, 2015. Sponsored by TD, Manulife, ENCON and the Great-West Life Assurance Company, the Awards highlight engineering excellence and contributions to the engineering profession, community, and the safety and well-being of Canadians.

    The Gold Medal Award is the profession’s highest honour, presented for achievement and distinction in engineering. This year’s recipient is Karel Velan, ing. One of the most ingenious and innovative leaders in the field of industrial valve design and manufacturing, Mr. Velan designed the first universal steam trap and has 12 patents in the area of industrial valves and traps. The Velan Inc. family business is a public company which now oversees 17 manufacturing plants globally with over 2,000 employees.

    “Karel Velan is an entrepreneur with a special talent for invention and promotion,” said Engineers Canada President Paul Amyotte. “A scientist with deeply held philanthropic values, Mr. Velan considers himself first and foremost an engineer. We are proud to honour Mr. Velan and all the 2015 award recipients who demonstrate leadership and ingenuity in their respective fields and in the profession.”

    The 2015 Engineers Canada Award recipients are:
    • Samantha Espley, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. (PEO) – Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession
    • Jonathan Kay – Award of Journalism Excellence in Engineering
    • Suresh Neethirajan, P.Eng. (PEO) – Young Engineer Achievement Award
    • Jonathan Rose, P.Eng. (PEO) – Medal for Distinction in Engineering Education
    • Mark Bellamy, FEC, P.Eng., (APEGA) – Meritorious Service Award for Community Service
    • Conrad LeLièvre, FEC, P.Eng. (Engineers Nova Scotia) – Meritorious Service Award for Professional Service
    • Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project Onshore Design Project. Principal Engineer: Chris Mealing, P.Eng. (APEGBC) – National Award for an Engineering Project or Achievement
    • Connor Scheu (APEGA student member) – Gold Medal Student Award
    • Karel Velan, ing. (OIQ) – Gold Medal Award

    MAY 06, 2015

    Engineers Canada Supports Council of Canadian Academies’ STEM Report

    On April 30, the Council of Canadian Academies published Some Assembly Required: STEM Skills and Canada’s Economic Productivity. The report represents the work of an 11-member Expert Panel on STEM Skills for the Future that assessed Canada’s preparedness in meeting future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skill requirements.

    “Engineers Canada supports the Council of Canadian Academies’ STEM report recommendations, including early childhood interventions to strengthen fundamental STEM skills,” said CEO Kim Allen, FEC, P.Eng. “The recommendations will maximize Canada’s potential for innovation.”

    Engineers Canada has been working on issues that relate to the STEM report’s key findings, including supporting under-represented groups in engineering to broaden the profession’s skill supply; balancing STEM with other skills such as leadership, communications and creativity to promote innovation and economic growth; and developing long term strategies for capacity building.

    “I congratulate the Expert Panel on their important work, and look forward to collaborating with the Council of Canadian Academies to achieve our common goal of a Canadian workforce that has balanced skills, the ability to take advantage of opportunities and the capacity to adapt to change,” said Allen.

    More information on the Council of Canadian Academies’ Some Assembly Required: STEM Skills and Canada’s Economic Productivity report can be found at www.scienceadvice.ca.

    APR 15, 2015

    Federal Government Releases Report on Employment Challenges of New Canadians

    The Honourable Pierre Poilievre, Minister of Employment and Social Development, released the Panel on Employment Challenges of New Canadians’ report on innovative approaches and challenges related to licensing, hiring and integration of immigrants. Engineers Canada’s Chief Executive Officer, Kim Allen, FEC, P.Eng. was a member of the panel that met with over 150 organizations involved in the issue of employment for new Canadians.

    The Panel’s report, “Survival to Success: Transforming Immigrant Outcomes,” makes six recommendations to better integrate immigrants into the Canadian labour market:
    1. Require each regulated occupation to develop a single national standard and point of contact and insist that skilled immigrants take the initiative to have their qualifications assessed prior to arriving in Canada.
    2. Develop a broader strategy for alternative careers with a more prominent role for regulators that will support newcomers as part of the licensing process.
    3. Foster leadership, support and a shared sense of responsibility among all stakeholders for helping immigrants find jobs that match their skills.
    4. Establish a “Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group for Better Immigrant Employment Outcomes.”
    5. Produce more coordinated labour market information targeted at newcomers.
    6. Educate communities on how to increase retention outside large metropolitan areas.
    “I am honoured to have been a member of the Panel on Employment Challenges of New Canadians,” said Kim Allen, FEC, P.Eng. “Working on the Panel was an excellent opportunity to speak with stakeholders and experts across the country to help address an issue of importance to the country and engineering profession.”

    Engineers Canada is excited to continue working with Employment and Social Development Canada to address some of the challenges faced by newcomers that are highlighted in the report.

    MAR 31, 2015

    Professional Engineer Hired As Winnipeg's New CAO

    City Councillors on Wednesday March 25, 2015, unanimously approved the choice of Doug McNeil, P.Eng., as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the City of Winnipeg, as recommended by the city's selection committee and executive policy committee.

    Doug McNeil, P.Eng., is a registered Professional Engineer who most recently served as the deputy minister in Manitoba's Infrastructure and Transportation department and who previously worked for the Manitoba Floodway Authority and the city's water and waste department. He will start his new job as CAO on April 7, 2015.

    MAR 27, 2015

    Manitoban Member Named Engineering Ambassador Award Recipient

    Association Past President and Incoming President of Engineers Canada, Dr. Digvir Jayas, P.Eng., FEC, has been named this year’s recipient of the Partners in Research (PIR) Engineering Ambassador Award.

    The PIR Engineering Ambassador Award recognizes a Canadian researcher, his or her outstanding body of work over a period of time which has contributed to the field of engineering, and corresponding promotion of this research to the Canadian public.

    The PIR National Awards presentation will be held at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre on Tuesday, May 26, 2015.

    MAR 19, 2015

    Young Engineer Hopefuls Use Their Noodles

    2015 proved to be another successful year for the Association's Spaghetti Bridge Truss Strength Competition, held this past weekend at Kildonan Place.

    "It's great to see students, teachers, and engineers come together to build strong entries in support of Winnipeg Harvest. Many bright, young minds applied a lot of engineering ingenuity with glue and spaghetti. This year's contest entries held up 14,602 lbs.!" said Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng. FEC, APEGM CEO & Registrar.

    APEGM donates $1/lb to Winnipeg Harvest, who turn it around 20x with their buying power. With matching food donations from partners Canada Safeway and Peak of the Market, Winnipeg Harvest will receive over 320,000 lbs of food from the 2015 Spaghetti Bridge Competition!

    “Building bridges is important in any community. The idea of using pasta, which happens to be one of our top ten most needed items, is a great way to inspire youngsters and our next group of engineers to build those bridges. By including such a generous donation to Winnipeg Harvest, it helps illustrate that building bridges to reduce the number of people relying on food banks is important for any professional moving forward”, says David Northcott, Executive Director of Winnipeg Harvest. “There are more bridges to build as we feed an average of 61,691 Manitobans monthly with nearly 45 per cent being children.”

    The Spaghetti Bridge Truss Strength Competition was part of a series of events to celebrate Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week (PEGW). The celebration is part of a National Engineering Month occurring across Canada throughout March 2015. PEGW also promotes careers in engineering and the geosciences to young people of all ages.

    DEC 01, 2014

    New Benefits For Members

    Engineers Canada has partnered with UPS to offer a broad range of services for the transportation of packages and freight for engineering professionals. Savings with the UPS Members Benefit Program include 30% off base price on domestic and export services, no weekly service charge and discounts starting at 70% for UPS Freight Standard LTL Services.

    OCT 15, 2014

    Elliot Lake Inquiry Final Report

    The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) have issued a news release regarding recommendations they put forward to strengthen regulation of the engineering profession in Ontario, that have been endorsed in the final report of the Commissioner of the Elliot Lake Inquiry.

    SEP 01, 2014

    ProDev Reporting Guide

    By now, all practicing members of the association should have received hard copies of the new APEGM ProDev Guide in the mail. This guide should make it easier to understand the parameters of the APEGM Professional Development Reporting Program.

    Note that the first member evaluation under this program will begin in the new year. Login today and make sure your ProDev Log is up-to-date!

    SEP 01, 2014

    Adoption of National Energy Code in Manitoba

    New regulations for energy efficiency in the construction of large buildings will come into effect on December 1, 2014 with the adoption of the National Energy Code for Buildings 2011 (NECB) as the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB).

    These new Energy Code requirements will be on all building permits applications - starting December 1, 2014. The City of Winnipeg has prepared an Information Bulletin for Industry that outlines the impact that these new requirements will have on permit applications.
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