CofA Application

Please read about the qualifications for a Certificate of Authorization:

Use of Title in Company Name

As per section 58(2)(b) of the The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act any company wishing to register a business name in Manitoba with "engineering" in their business title, shall seek approval from Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.

Please submit in writing to the Certificate of Authorization Coordinator:

  • the full title of the company to be registered,
  • a brief description of the types of services the company will be providing, and
  • the name(s) of the professional member(s) or licensees who will be performing the services

Required Documents

Prepare the following to be submitted with the application:

  • A current certificate of professional liability insurance certifying that the company is covered by a contract that conforms to the prescribed terms and conditions
    • If deductible amount is not indicated on the certificate of insurance please indicate the amount in Section 8 on the application form.
  • Evidence of the legal status of the company
    • Evidence must match that on the application form.
      • If the partnership, corporation or entity is registered outside of Canada, please additionally provide proof of registration from the Manitoba Companies Office (204-945-2500).
      • If company has an operating name, evidence such as a business name or trade name approval is required.

Application Form

Complete the Application for Certificate of Authorization Form (PDF)

Application Fee

The application fee must be submitted with the application.

$238.10 + $11.90 (GST) = $250.00*

* All fees are in Canadian funds. You may pay by cheque written to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba or by filling out the credit card details on the application form. Note: American applicants, please pay by bank draft in Canadian funds or by credit card.

CofA License Fee

Once your application has been approved, the Authorized Designate will be contacted with a pro-rated notice for the amount due to activate your Certificate of Authorization. At that time the payment must be received in full for your Certificate of Authorization to be valid, and your certificate and stamp will then be mailed.

The annual fees are pro-rated to the month in which your application is reviewed. The certification period is from May 1st to April 30th.

Practicing Entity

$476.19 + $23.81 (GST) = $500.00

Sole Practitioner

$238.10 + $11.90 (GST) = $250.00


Submit your required documents, application form, and fee by e-mail to the Certificate of Authorization Coordinator, or by mail or in person to:

Certificate of Authorization Coordinator
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba
870 Pembina Highway
Winnipeg, MB Canada
R3M 2M7

Maintenance and Renewals

Following the review or your application, once all requirements are met, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will mail you a Certificate of Authorization. The Certificate is subject to annual renewal, and notifying the Association of any changes.