What is ProDev?
As a member of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, you keep on top of your profession by participating in professional development activities year round. ProDev is the formal documentation of your accomplishments over 3-year periods.
ProDev is consistent with the national guidelines for continuing professional development and continuing competence recommended by Engineers Canada.
Why ProDev?
The public is demanding greater accountability from professionals. It expects professionals to engage in lifelong learning to ensure the protection of public health, safety and welfare. ProDev helps the Association maintain public confidence and autonomy as a self-regulated profession. ProDev also benefits professionals:
- Provides you with a benchmark and assurance that you are maintaining competency
- Shows the public and employers that you are qualified and up-to-date
- Helps you visualize your future and plan steps toward your professional goals
- Enhances your ability to work across Canada
- Puts you in a strong position to mentor others
The Continuing Competency Committee (CCC) administers ProDev by:
- Reviewing applications for abatement
- Making recommendations regarding acceptability and classification of credit hours
- Reviewing applications for the resumption of unrestricted practice of retired and abated members
If you do not submit your continuing professional development activities to ProDev as required, the Continuing Competency Committee (CCC) may ask you to submit a detailed activity record of the previous 3 years. Failure to submit that record is professional misconduct and as such the Investigation Committee will review the matter in accordance with the by-laws under The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.
Similarly, failing to demonstrate to the CCC that you are complying with the ProDev requirements may be considered professional misconduct under the same by-laws, and the matter may be referred to the Investigation Committee.
There is now a policy on re-establishing compliance.
Reporting Process
Log your time as you get it through your online member profile.
There is no concept of 'submitting' your annual report to the Association as a single item. At the start of each year, a report is generated with all the details of each member up for evaluation. This report is used for any evaluation followup.