The Association is run by committees consisting of professional volunteers like you. Committees are divided into four categories:
In addition to hearing appeals from the Experience Review Committee and the Academic Review Committee, the Registration Committee (RC) reviews new applications. These include:
- Pre-registration applicants
- Assessment applicants
- Reinstatement applicants
- Inter-association mobility applicants
- Temporary licensees
Detailed analyses of applicant files usually take place at the academic review or the experience review level (or both).
The Registration Committee is a committee of Council. As such, it must follow Council policy, through the Manual of Admissions. Council must approve all RC members. The Registration Committee consists of members from various disciplines and at least one appointed lay member.
The Investigation Committee (IC) receives and investigates complaints regarding the conduct of practitioners. The IC's goal is to determine whether or not they believe there is sufficient evidence of professional misconduct or unskilled practice to warrant laying a charge against a practitioner. If the IC determines that there is sufficient evidence, they will forward a charge to the Discipline Committee for consideration by that committee. The IC performs the first stage in the two-step disciplinary process.
The IC is a committee of Council. As such, it must follow policy as set by Council. Council must approve all IC members. The IC consists of registered professionals from varying engineering and geoscience disciplines, as well as at least one lay member. They typically meet on a monthly basis.
Once the Investigation Committee charges an engineer or geoscientist in Manitoba, the Discipline Committee holds a hearing in accordance with the procedures outlined in part 10 of the Act and part 14 of the By-laws. The Committee then decides whether or not the Association practitioner is guilty of professional misconduct or unskilled practice, and if appropriate, make orders regarding the practitioner's actions.
As a committee of Council, the Discipline Committee must follow Council policy. Council must approve all Discipline Committee members. The committee consists of at least 10 members, including:
- Three lay-members appointed by Council
- Six or more members of the Association
The Council acts in the name of, and on behalf of, Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba to exercise all of the powers, authority, and privileges conferred to the Association through The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act.
The Executive Committee deals with matters that arise between Council meetings, which are outside the scope of the Chief Executive Officer but require action before the next Council meeting. The Executive Committee liaises with the Finance Committee and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.
The Executive Committee is a committee of Council. As such, Council ratifies all actions made by the committee.
The By-law Review Committee
The Continuing Competency Committee (CCC) administers the ProDev program by:
- Reviewing applications for abatement
- Making recommendations regarding acceptability and classification of credit hours
- Reviewing applications for the resumption of unrestricted practice of retired and abated members
The CCC is a committee of Council. All CCC members must be approved by Council. The CCC consists of at least nine professional members - at least one will be a professional geoscientist and at least one is a member of Council.
The Experience Review Committee (ERC) verifies the progress of Association interns by reviewing progress reports completed by them and their supervisors.
The ERC is a committee of the Chief Executive Officer and implements policy as set by the Council, through the Manual of Admissions. The ERC consists of registered professionals from all engineering and geoscience disciplines.
The ERC meets monthly. After each meeting, interns, whose reports were reviewed, receive feedback on behalf of the ERC indicating the numbers of months of experience that were credited towards their pre-registration program requirements. After the ERC has completed their final review, all information is forwarded to the Registration Committee for final approval.
The Keystone Professional Committee is responsible for The Keystone Professional, a magazine intended for members, but which also discusses topics in the public interest. Among other tasks, the Committee solicits, writes, and reviews articles.
Practitioners are encouraged to submit articles and photos on topics that would be of interest to the membership. Send your memories, stories, photos, or tidbits to Info@EngGeoMB.ca.
The Heritage Committee aims to:
- Research, recover, preserve and protect the heritage of engineering and geoscience as it relates to Manitoba
- Present our heritage to Association practitioners and to the public of Manitoba
- Work with other groups and organizations that have common objectives
- Maintain the Heritage Wiki Site
Requests for Information
The Heritage Committee focuses on the people, work and events related to engineering and geoscience that have a connection with Manitoba. They identify the leaders, the experts, their projects (worldwide) and their legacies. To contribute, please contact: Heritage@EngGeoMB.ca
The committee operates within the framework identified below:
The Indigenous Professionals Initiative Committee (IPIC) suggests ways to improve opportunities for young indigenous Manitobans to become engineers or geoscientists. The committee develops promotional and educational materials that properly reflect Manitoba's population.
The Public Interest Review Committee (PIRC) decides whether an issue is relevant to the specialized knowledge and awareness inherent in the professions, and their application, and if such is their determination, whether there is a creditable indication of exposure to a material possibility of danger, loss, injury, or other adverse consequence to the public interest.
When appropriate, they advise the Association Council on advocating for the public in a timely manner, as required by section 3 (c) of The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act and in accordance with the terms of reference and policies established by Council.
Please forward concerns to PIRC@EngGeoMB.ca.
The Government Relations Advisory Committee (GRAC) is accountable to and takes direction from the Director of Government Relations for its processes and administration. It recommends to the Director of Government Relations the formation of task groups for the handling of specific assignments and is accountable for its activities and those of its reporting groups. The advising members are responsible for providing sound advice on the various items outlined in the Association Government Relations Strategic Plan to ensure that the strategy going forward fulfills the End E-4 set by the Association.
The Awards Committee receives recommendations and selects practitioners of the association to be recognized for their excellence by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Engineers Canada, and Geoscientists Canada.
Committee members help organize Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week, held annually as part of the larger National Engineering Month. During March, Canadian youth see what makes engineering or geoscience an exciting and fun career choice. The week is also a chance for them to match their skills and interests with one of the many engineering or geoscience disciplines.
Committee members help organize the Association's annual Ingenium conference, where great minds meet to form great ideas.
The Sports and Social Committee organizes and conducts sporting and social events to encourage practitioners to network. The Committee promotes a sense of community and pride in the profession. The annual Making Links Engineering Classic Golf Tournament is the largest event.
More Information
To contact a committee, please e-mail Info@EngGeoMB.ca.
If you would like to learn about serving on a committee please contact Volunteer@EngGeoMB.ca.