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Exceptional Circumstances

Abatement of Reporting Targets

If you are unable to meet the reporting requirements of ProDev, you may be eligible for abatement of the program targets. There are published interpretations for some common situations.

If your work does not meet the legal definition of the practice of engineering, but you continue to influence the practice of engineering or geoscience in a broader sense, you may apply for abatement, but you are encouraged not to. Even if you apply for and are granted abatement, you may continue to submit continuing professional development hours should you choose to resume practice at a later date.

How to Apply

The application for abatement is submitted through your online profile. Please login to find the application form under the ProDev Reporting information.

How it Works

  • You describe your situation on the application form and submit
  • The CCC will review your circumstances and may request clarification
  • If granted abatement, your targets will be reduced
  • The CCC may restrict your right to practise
  • You may continue to practise and use your professional designation since you are still a member and remain bound by the Act, By-Laws and Code of Ethics
  • You may not act as a Responsible Member for a Certificate of Authorization

Abatement Duration

Each abatement is in respect to a specific period's evaluation targets. If your circumstances affect multiple evaluation periods, you may need to re-apply before each evaluation.

Reduced Targets/Exemption Options

In certain cases it may be appropriate to transition to a registration status that does not require the same level of reporting. Members who are On Leave are not subject to ProDev reporting, but will require a review by the CCC prior to resuming unrestricted practice. Senior Members have reduced reporting targets, and an option to be exempted under certain conditions.

Resuming Unrestricted Practice


  • You have been granted abatement and intend to resume unrestricted practice, OR
  • You are a Retired Member and intend to become a Practising Member

How to Apply


You may have to comply with conditions set by the CCC before resuming your practice. The CCC explains these conditions while considering your application.

There are no conditions if:

  • You have been exempted from the program for 2 years or less. However, you will be required to meet the minimum 240 hours in 3 years including the exempted period, unless the CCC advises you otherwise, OR
  • You have been registered in another jurisdiction with a mandatory continuing professional development program during the time when an exemption or abatement is in effect, regardless of how long you have been exempt.

My application is successful. Now what?

You must continue professional development activities the day you resume practice.

Dues Relief

If your membership dues have been reduced or waived, you still have to comply with ProDev. The option of applying for abatement still applies.

Reporting in Multiple Provinces

Exemption Eligibility

If you are registered in multiple provinces, you will be exempted from Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba's ProDev if:

  • You are currently registered in another province or territory with a mandatory continuing professional development program
  • You are fulfilling the requirements of that program, AND
  • You make a declaration stating that you will adhere to that program (Your declaration is effective for the calendar year in which you submit it. You may renew it annually)

The Canadian regulators with mandatory professional development reporting programs recognized in Manitoba include:

  • OIQ
  • APGO

How to Apply

This declaration is submitted through your online profile. Please login to find the Declaration of Compliance with Another Program form under the ProDev Reporting information.