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India Members Chapter

The India Members Chapter of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is a non-profit organization, consisting of professionals and interns with Indian origin registered with the Association. Technologists/technicians and students in the engineering-related fields are also welcome to join the Chapter.

Visit our chapter website at egmindiachapter.ca or e-mail at egmindiachapter@gmail.com.

Chapter Membership

You are eligible to apply for membership if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Have Indian descent
  2. Have a spouse of Indian descent
  3. Have business, professional, or personal ties to India

The Chapter has two membership categories as listed below:

  1. Full Member

    A full member is any Indian member who is a registered member of the Association including Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.), Engineering Intern (EIT) or Geoscience Intern (GIT).

  2. Associate/lay or Student Member

    Associate/lay members are those persons who wish to be Chapter members but are not Professional Engineers or Geoscientists, registered or licensed with the Association or EITs/GITs enrolled with the Association. Associate members do not have voting privileges.

    A student member is a person who meets the eligibility criteria and is either pursuing or has completed a bachelor's degree in engineering or geoscience in Manitoba and is in the process of completing the requirements to become registered in Manitoba. Student members do not have voting privileges.

India Members Chapter - Membership Application (Google Docs)

Chapter Objectives

The objectives of the India Member Chapter are:

  1. To assist the Association in matters of engineering and geoscience as authorized by Council
  2. To promote, undertake or engage in programs or functions that will contribute to the professional growth and career development of its members.
  3. To establish a registry of Indian or Indo-Canadian professional engineering (P.Eng.), professional geoscientists (P.Geo.) and interns (EIT or GIT) within Manitoba.
  4. To support the educational aspirations of future members by granting academic scholarships to deserving India-educated engineering and/or geoscience professionals.
  5. To support community projects or collaborate with community service oriented groups in their projects, programs and activities.

Chapter History

Around mid-2015, several engineers and geoscientists of Indian origin held informal discussions to explore the benefits of forming an India Members Chapter of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. The main goal of the Chapter was foreseen as an organized effort to help new (including foreign trained immigrant) engineers and geoscientists navigate the path to become registered in Manitoba. These discussions led to the formation of a Steering Committee to work on preparing a proposal for the Association's approval. The Steering Committee consisted of Ganpat Lodha, Ramesh Gupta, Vaibhav Banthia, Jitendra Paliwal and Nishant Dhruve. In November 2015, the draft constitution was submitted to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba for review, and subsequently on February 16th 2016, the inaugural General Meeting of the India Chapter was held at the Association's office. At the meeting, the constitution was approved and eight executives were elected.

Formal approval of the India Members Chapter by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba was received on March 30th, 2016 thus creating a landmark for our members. Apart from helping new engineers and geoscientists, the Chapter routinely organizes professional development workshops, industry tours, and networking opportunity for its members. With the support and encouragement from existing and new members, India Chapter is continuously growing.

Chapter Volunteer Opportunities

If you feel you have the time, energy, and passion to be a part of this exciting professional group, you're at the right place! Please complete this volunteer application form (Google Docs) and we will be in touch with you shortly. Remember that all volunteering hours are eligible for the ProDev program with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us, at egmindiachapter@gmail.com.

Chapter Sponsorship Opportunities

India adds the highest number of educated immigrants with professional degrees to Manitoba every year. These professionals are making increasingly significant contribution to Manitoba's economy. By sponsoring our Chapter's events you can:

  1. Gain access to new clients and future employees.
  2. Put your business front and centre through our website.
  3. Get ahead of competition through our social media recognition and signage at events.

Chapter Events

Visit India Members Chapter Website to view upcoming and past events.

Also check the Association events calendar for India Members Chapter Events.

Contact Us

For further details regarding the India Members Chapter of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, please visit our website https://egmindiachapter.ca/, send an e-mail to egmindiachapter@gmail.com, or contact any of the committee members.