Council Proposals
All Council Proposed By-law Changes (in one document)- Proposal 'A': By-laws 7 & 9 that amends dues relief
- Proposal 'B': By-law 7 that adds a membership category for Members On Leave
- Proposal 'C': By-law 11 that incorporates Specified Scope of Practice Licensees into ProDev requirements
- Proposal 'D': By-laws 3 and 4 that recognize the Act change providing for an Intern Councillor
- Proposal 'E': By-laws that provides consistency with the terminology of the new Act and existing Code of Ethics
- Proposal 'F': By-laws that are to be repealed
- Proposal 'G': By-laws that recognize the Act change providing for Specified Scope of Practice Licensees
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.1.6 - Voting Procedures
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.1.7 - Counting of the votes
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.3.1 - Registrar
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.3.2 - Secretary
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.3.3 - Chief Executive Officer
- MODIFY BY-LAW - Vice-President Election
- CREATE BY-LAW 4.1.5 - Governance & Council Code of Conduct
- MODIFY BY-LAW 4.3.2 - President
- CREATE BY-LAW 4.5.5 - Audit Committee
- MODIFY BY-LAW 5.8 - Meeting of the Council
- MODIFY BY-LAW 17.5 - Voting Procedure
- MODIFY BY-LAW 17.6 - Counting of Votes
Proposals Submitted by Individuals
All Individual Proposed By-law Changes (in one document)See: Proposal Signature Forms
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.1.6 - Voting Procedure
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.1.7 - Counting of the votes
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.3.2 - Secretary
- MODIFY BY-LAW 3.3.3 - Chief Executive Officer
- MODIFY BY-LAW 4.2.2 - Vice President
- AMEND BY-LAW - Governance
- MODIFY BY-LAW 4.3.2 - President
- MODIFY BY-LAW 4.3.6 - Secretary
- CREATE BY-LAW 4.5.5 - Council Audit Committee
- MODIFY BY-LAW 5.8 - Meeting of the Council
- MODIFY BY-LAW 17.5 - Voting Procedure
- MODIFY BY-LAW 17.6 - Counting of Votes
See the Current By-laws